2023-2024 UT Tyler

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MSAR updated with 2023-2024 stats!

Avg GPA 3.84, Avg MCAT 505 with a 10th percentile of 494!

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Did anyone else get an email for a survey on why they chose not to attend this school? Made it seem like I would have been accepted if I ranked it higher
As a surprise to many including myself, I just sent in my acceptance decline email to UTT. I definitely cried doing it, but I hope my seat goes to one of y'all on SDN! Still, feel free to reach out if you have any Tyler related questions 🤍
Wow! where are you headed?
As a surprise to many including myself, I just sent in my acceptance decline email to UTT. I definitely cried doing it, but I hope my seat goes to one of y'all on SDN! Still, feel free to reach out if you have any Tyler related questions 🤍
Congrats on making your decision Cranberry, I know that was a difficult one for you. You've been a great resource for everyone in this thread!

Additionally, I also withdrew my acceptance to UTT a few weeks ago. Some spots up for grabs, so don't lose hope SDNers!
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I've never gotten the sense they were against non primary care fields. No reason to force people to drive to Dallas for a derm appointment if you can get one in east Texas.
The hospital doesnt currently have derm or is it that they will have an expanded team if they have a residency?
Genuinely curious, if my parents own a business in East Texas (I have for years been helping them run it and travel to east texas from where I live like once every other week) can I claim connection to east texas?

If so, which of these would be my status?

I have direct ties to the East Texas region (born, graduated high school, community college, undergraduate, etc.)
I have indirect ties to the East Texas Region (family members, in-laws, visited East Texas frequently, attended summer camp in East Texas, etc.)
I have ties to a rural region with similar characteristics to the East Texas region (size, demographics, health disparities, etc.)
Genuinely curious, if my parents own a business in East Texas (I have for years been helping them run it and travel to east texas from where I live like once every other week) can I claim connection to east texas?

If so, which of these would be my status?

I have direct ties to the East Texas region (born, graduated high school, community college, undergraduate, etc.)
I have indirect ties to the East Texas Region (family members, in-laws, visited East Texas frequently, attended summer camp in East Texas, etc.)
I have ties to a rural region with similar characteristics to the East Texas region (size, demographics, health disparities, etc.)
The second one unless you graduated from HS there
Will UT Tyler be accepting a small class size again this year? I really want to go to this school (its in my top 3 TX schools due to location and population) but I know that not being directly tied to the school isnt working in my favor.
Will UT Tyler be accepting a small class size again this year? I really want to go to this school (its in my top 3 TX schools due to location and population) but I know that not being directly tied to the school isnt working in my favor.
Yes, their class size will remain at 40 per year at least until they have reached the 4-year mark and graduated their first cohort of students.
After that their size will depend on how the school has been progressing towards full accreditation, and what number of students the professors and deans feel they can support and educate.
Yes, their class size will remain at 40 per year at least until they have reached the 4-year mark and graduated their first cohort of students.
After that their size will depend on how the school has been progressing towards full accreditation, and what number of students the professors and deans feel they can support and educate.
haha well that was a week wasted on writing secondaries for this school
haha well that was a week wasted on writing secondaries for this school

nah i got an II last year and i had indirect ties as i grew up for a few years in jefferson county. never a waste! tyler is also very primary-care-focused. always better to submit than to wish you had