I mean to say that there is a good chance students off waitlists with no prior admission can get into better schools after May 15th.
So, that's unfair to the students with one A at a lower-ranked school that they lose WL status after the 15th.
I've thought about this too. I think you're right in saying that a student with less stellar stats could get in bc another student already got an A and they're 'locked in' after May 15th. But that's also assuming these stats make one student "more qualified" than another, which I think is an inaccurate assumption, it may be true in some cases and not true in other cases. I'd say most of us have something valuable to contribute and I don't think these students are any different.
As wysdoc said, the schools have to prepare and onboard students at some point, and that gets increasingly more difficult the sooner to the start the cutoff is. I think 2.5 months is a reasonable time frame.
Without this system I think it would be a bit unfair to school X to have one of their students skip off to another school shortly before classes start and force school X to scramble to fill that spot, potentially starting another spot-filling-cascade at another school (etc. etc.). Which could very well lead to unfilled spots at the schools at the bottom, which also doesn't seem fair to those schools or their (potential) students.
The other option would be no waitlists after some sort of national deadline but again, spots would go unfilled.
Ultimately, there's few if any bad medical schools in TX. If you miss out on going to your dream school because you've already been accepted somewhere else and this deadline hits, I can commiserate, that does suck.
But tbh I'd probably first commiserate with all of the qualified and hopeful candidates who didn't get any acceptances.
Idk lmk what you think.