2023-2024 George Washington

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Folks who got the A at GW, did you all send post-II update letters? & if so, do you mind sharing how many weeks after your interview?
Folks who got the A at GW, did you all send post-II update letters? & if so, do you mind sharing how many weeks after your interview?
Yes, I sent a few days after. You want to make sure you don't miss the admission's committee meeting.
What is the overall vibe of interview day? Just a faculty interview or other stuff too? I couldn't find much info on the website.
What is the overall vibe of interview day? Just a faculty interview or other stuff too? I couldn't find much info on the website.
Just one interview, they have tours + interviewee website for info
anyone accepted to the regional campus at sinai? does anyone have information on how residency programs will view it?
If you can I’d try to go on one of the tours. I applied regional preferred because I live like 10 mins from Sinai but after the tour I wish I had just stuck with main campus. If you are interesting in any competitive specialty I’d recommend looking up the residents and attending at Sinai because I’m not convinced they have much “clout” (ie letters might not be great if they’re written by Sinai attendings). My gf also works there as a nurse and she has had a questionable experience so far. Full disclosure I’m currently on the WL and if I get the A to regional I’ll be withdrawing
Can we not switch if accepted?
If you can I’d try to go on one of the tours. I applied regional preferred because I live like 10 mins from Sinai but after the tour I wish I had just stuck with main campus. If you are interesting in any competitive specialty I’d recommend looking up the residents and attending at Sinai because I’m not convinced they have much “clout” (ie letters might not be great if they’re written by Sinai attendings). My gf also works there as a nurse and she has had a questionable experience so far. Full disclosure I’m currently on the WL and if I get the A to regional I’ll be withdrawing
I believe that we will be the first class (or one of the first classes) going there. Which makes it even worse because there is going to be no precedent and every program will be new.
side note idk if anyone has mentioned this already but for anyone invited to the webinars about the scholarly concentrations, i went to the one last night, i’m not sure about the format for all of them but im assuming it’ll be the same situation, you don’t have to have your camera on, in fact it won’t even let you use your camera or mic at all bc of the zoom settings. they just had attendees type their questions for the students. the webinars are all being recorded and uploaded to the interview portal if you can’t go but still want the info!
They already have students there (who led the tour), so the issue isn’t necessarily being the first (because we won’t be) but committing before we see how those people matched. If the facilities were super nice and I had a great feeling about it I wouldn’t be too worried, but I left the tour feeling very apprehensive about committing to the regional campus. Again, this is just my opinion, but I regret applying regional preferred
Oh no. Me too
I believe that we will be the first class (or one of the first classes) going there. Which makes it even worse because there is going to be no precedent and every program will be new.
This year's class will be the first, yes.
All of you will be in Washington DC for the preclinical years, and then those assigned to the regional campus will move there.
I doubt it unless you have a really compelling reason
if you're interested in switching to main campus, I would reach out ASAP to see if thats a possibility.

I'm main campus but I'll likely be withdrawing my spot. So as positions open up, they'll be able to readjust but only for a time being.
if you're interested in switching to main campus, I would reach out ASAP to see if thats a possibility.

I'm main campus but I'll likely be withdrawing my spot. So as positions open up, they'll be able to readjust but only for a time being.
same here, will be withdrawing my spot <3 hope it helps one of you alternate list people or people looking to switch campuses (if that is even possible)
does anyone happen to know if the portal status updates a few days prior before the news comes out, and if so, what's the time difference? i interviewed and checking for any status changes on the portal
does anyone happen to know if the portal status updates a few days prior before the news comes out, and if so, what's the time difference? i interviewed and checking for any status changes on the portal
it def doesn’t update until the day of/within hours of receiving an email update. when i was put on the alternate list it didn’t update until the day i received the email notification
anyone accepted to the regional campus at sinai? does anyone have information on how residency programs will view it?
i was accepted to it. i had a good experience on the tour and can’t really afford to live in DC all four years anyway (i have a family) but after seeing some of these comments on it i’m a bit apprehensive 👀