2023-2024 Wayne State

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Hi everyone, since Wayne State’s first day seems to be July 1, for applicants that are currently PTE at another school, have you given yourself a hard deadline on when you will move on if you don’t hear from Wayne?
I think like late May because my other school starts late July and at that point I’d risk losing housing options. Also would be hard to find housing in Wayne at that point, too.

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The other thing that’s hard is I really wish I could tour Wayne, but I don’t think they have any more accepted student tours. The school I’m PTE at is a school I got off the WL for so I didn’t have a chance to tour that school either. It’s hard to make a decision about a school without being able to go there but with everything being virtual until you get accepted there’s not really any choice.
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The other thing that’s hard is I really wish I could tour Wayne, but I don’t think they have any more accepted student tours. The school I’m PTE at is a school I got off the WL for so I didn’t have a chance to tour that school either. It’s hard to make a decision about a school without being able to go there but with everything being virtual until you get accepted there’s not really any choice.
Yeah, I’m in the same boat
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I think like late May because my other school starts late July and at that point I’d risk losing housing options. Also would be hard to find housing in Wayne at that point, too.
I’m in the same boat! I don’t want to let go, but am concerned about moving and finding housing in a timely manner :(
I'm grateful that I live in MI, but I understand what you mean about moving and finding a place. I attend WSU for undergrad and lived on campus. Getting on campus housing was tough enough bc we had to apply early on. One of the admitted WSUSOM student I know applied for housing back in January and they're on the waitlist for that. This whole process is so brutal
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I'm grateful that I live in MI, but I understand what you mean about moving and finding a place. I attend WSU for undergrad and lived on campus. Getting on campus housing was tough enough bc we had to apply early on. One of the admitted WSUSOM student I know applied for housing back in January and they're on the waitlist for that. This whole process is so brutal
Yeah, luckily I have a lot of family there and worst case scenario could stay with someone for a bit, but that wouldn’t be ideal. None of it is ideal though, and at the end of the day I’m just really glad I got off the WL at the other school (despite REALLY wanting Wayne) because at least I get to go to medical school and don’t have to apply again.

I really thought movement might happen today though.
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Yeah, luckily I have a lot of family there and worst case scenario could stay with someone for a bit, but that wouldn’t be ideal. None of it is ideal though, and at the end of the day I’m just really glad I got off the WL at the other school (despite REALLY wanting Wayne) because at least I get to go to medical school and don’t have to apply again.

I really thought movement might happen today though.
I was very optimistic movement would happen today!! At this point, I am almost convinced WSU started its waitlist movement and no one happens to be using this website. It is May 9 and zero movement? That doesn't make sense!!
I was very optimistic movement would happen today!! At this point, I am almost convinced WSU started its waitlist movement and no one happens to be using this website. It is May 9 and zero movement? That doesn't make sense!!
I'm on 2 WL and neither have had any movement :/
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I was very optimistic movement would happen today!! At this point, I am almost convinced WSU started its waitlist movement and no one happens to be using this website. It is May 9 and zero movement? That doesn't make sense!!
Same 😔😔
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has anyone tried calling? i know that they had a hard deadline yesterday at noon for people to withdraw acceptances so maybe they need a day or two to start the movement
has anyone tried calling? i know that they had a hard deadline yesterday at noon for people to withdraw acceptances so maybe they need a day or two to start the movement
I think someone in this thread called earlier and the respond they got was "we can get off the WL anytime during the cycle, up until orientation (or first day of class, cant remember)".
Yk what I would prefer? A ranked or tiered WL that way we know where we stand
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has anyone tried calling? i know that they had a hard deadline yesterday at noon for people to withdraw acceptances so maybe they need a day or two to start the movement
I tried calling this afternoon. The person I spoke to was nice but definitely vague/withholding. I confirmed that they have not pushed back their PTE deadline. But when I asked when we could expect to hear something, he said the only thing he could think of was around their CTE deadline (June 10th). It seems odd that they don’t plan to have ANY movement before then but who knows…
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I tried calling this afternoon. The person I spoke to was nice but definitely vague/withholding. I confirmed that they have not pushed back their PTE deadline. But when I asked when we could expect to hear something, he said the only thing he could think of was around their CTE deadline (June 10th). It seems odd that they don’t plan to have ANY movement before then but who knows…
that’s honestly ridiculous. insane that they plan to let us know weeks before school starts. as an OOS applicant, i would have to uproot my entire life in 2 weeks… this whole system needs a reboot tbh
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I think someone in this thread called earlier and the respond they got was "we can get off the WL anytime during the cycle, up until orientation (or first day of class, cant remember)".
Yk what I would prefer? A ranked or tiered WL that way we know where we stand
that was me lol
that’s honestly ridiculous. insane that they plan to let us know weeks before school starts. as an OOS applicant, i would have to uproot my entire life in 2 weeks… this whole system needs a reboot tbh
its so crazy, I sat at a seminar for another school earlier this week and they said the "best advice we can give to incoming students is to be prepared don't wait until orientation to familiarize yourself with where you'll be living and be ready to start" and then someone asked about the WL and they were like we hope we don't have to accept people the week of orientation but we cannot 100% say we will close the WL late June. like what
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that’s honestly ridiculous. insane that they plan to let us know weeks before school starts. as an OOS applicant, i would have to uproot my entire life in 2 weeks… this whole system needs a reboot tbh
Do we think they sent out like too many acceptances or something? I feel like the admissions tracker hasn’t seemed like a way higher number or anything since last year though
that’s honestly ridiculous. insane that they plan to let us know weeks before school starts. as an OOS applicant, i would have to uproot my entire life in 2 weeks… this whole system needs a reboot tbh
Agreed! I’d definitely encourage others to call about their questions because 1) it’s better than driving yourself crazy with speculation and 2) even if they don’t answer your questions specifically, I think it’s important to demand schools to be more transparent
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Their deadline to admitted students was yesterday at noon, so they only got an actual idea of what their current class size is like yesterday. Best case scenerio, the committee met today about what do to with the left over seats and will start handing them out soon. I work at a hospital/medical school and nothing ever moves that fast here though hahaha. Hopefully they meet soon. Having a hard deadline for admitted students this week means the gears have probably started to move again. Just gotta hang tight.
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We have to keep in mind that some of the admitted students might be WLed elsewhere too. So there's a possibility a few will drop their A
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its so crazy, I sat at a seminar for another school earlier this week and they said the "best advice we can give to incoming students is to be prepared don't wait until orientation to familiarize yourself with where you'll be living and be ready to start" and then someone asked about the WL and they were like we hope we don't have to accept people the week of orientation but we cannot 100% say we will close the WL late June. like what
Tbh, rolling admissions is a wack system. Just switch back to the undergrad model. Reserve a set number of months of accepting and reviewing apps, a set number of months to invite and interview students, and then one big final date to release decisions.
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Ngl, I have lost hope bc it seems like last year they had a decent amount of WL movement
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I called the office and they confirmed that there should be more movement after the CTE deadline (June 10th). I feel like I’m in purgatory
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the official group chat has 271 members (only admitted students can join). I am not sure how accurate this number is, but if it is, there is some hope y'all!
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Also keep in mind that a few of the students are current med students as well. People leave the chat quite often, so there’s definitely bound to be some more movement!
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So if the other school that I'm holding an acceptance at also has their CTE deadline for June 10th, Wayne is basically out of the picture then if they aren't going to have any WL movement before that?
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How do you withdraw an A? Can you let me the process?
This is what I did:
Accept the A from the school I want to attend, send an email to the other school’s admissions office letting them know I’m withdrawing my A, switch my PTE in the CYMS site to the new school.