2023-2024 Weill Cornell

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I think it’s normal but if you want to cover your assets email them

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Does anyone know what the official process is for submitting interest letters? I assume we email them since there is no real portal to submit. Thank you!
Does anyone know what the official process is for submitting interest letters? I assume we email them since there is no real portal to submit. Thank you!
I just emailed one to the regular admissions email and they responded with this:

Please send any future updates to [email protected], attaching your update as a Word or PDF file with the file name in the following format: lastname_firstname_AAMCID_ date. You will receive a confirmation email. Please do not include other queries or information in the email; questions should be directed to our main email address.
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Just withdrew my A - good luck to all the WL peeps!!
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thank you!!! if you are willing to share, where did you decide on and why not wcmc?
Yeah, sure! I chose [a T5 school] because it was closer to my fam (at least over wcmc). There are other small reasons (e.g., didn't like the weekly testing schedule, etc.), but location was the largest factor for me

wcmc is a great school though!!!
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One of my other schools extended their PTE deadline to end of May bc of the FAFSA fiasco, and another sent an email stating that they were willing to be flexible on the deadline since they know a lot of schools are still rolling out aid packages.

Curious to hear from accepted students whether Cornell has issued any similar statements or extensions since that would likely affect WL movement. As a waitlister I am realllly hoping they are still operating according to schedule haha 🤞🏻
One of my other schools extended their PTE deadline to end of May bc of the FAFSA fiasco, and another sent an email stating that they were willing to be flexible on the deadline since they know a lot of schools are still rolling out aid packages.

Curious to hear from accepted students whether Cornell has issued any similar statements or extensions since that would likely affect WL movement. As a waitlister I am realllly hoping they are still operating according to schedule haha 🤞🏻
Hope not big bro
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One of my other schools extended their PTE deadline to end of May bc of the FAFSA fiasco, and another sent an email stating that they were willing to be flexible on the deadline since they know a lot of schools are still rolling out aid packages.

Curious to hear from accepted students whether Cornell has issued any similar statements or extensions since that would likely affect WL movement. As a waitlister I am realllly hoping they are still operating according to schedule haha 🤞🏻
No word about any extensions, PTE is still 4/30. Although I imagine they’re giving extensions on an individual basis to accepted students who are still missing FA packages from their schools but no idea
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any idea if there will be wl movement this year or when it would start?
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hopefully we hear back soon!! Anyone who has sent in updates to the email know if they email you back to confirm receipt?
hopefully we hear back soon!! Anyone who has sent in updates to the email know if they email you back to confirm receipt?
I got an automated one each time but one time they sent me like a message saying that they got it and added it to my file
Hey all, I’m an accepted applicant. I wanted to pitch my help to you guys. If you need anyone to look over your LOIs, I’m here. If you need anyone to talk to about Cornell, my experience at second look, and/or NYC, I’m here. I can also connect you with current students. I will most likely be committing to WCM, so I’d love to help my prospective classmates!!! <3
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Hey all, I’m an accepted applicant. I wanted to pitch my help to you guys. If you need anyone to look over your LOIs, I’m here. If you need anyone to talk to about Cornell, my experience at second look, and/or NYC, I’m here. I can also connect you with current students. I will most likely be committing to WCM, so I’d love to help my prospective classmates!!! QUOTE]

thank you! can you share if you know any information about if Cornell is still offering positions off the waitlist, and historically how many students are excepted from the waitlist? Additionally, can you share what you think significant updates would be?
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Hey, thanks for your questions! I asked the student reps and other current students your waitlist questions. While researching Cornell, I never asked about the waitlist. I’ll update you when I get a response. To be honest, it doesn’t seem like anyone new has been added to our accepted student Slack channel, so I don’t think they started offering a large number of waitlist acceptances yet.

As for the letter of update, here are some significant things you may include….
  1. New job positions
  2. New research publications (or starting new research projects)
  3. Any relevant personal updates (e.g, a medical school I applied to has a super active weightlifting team, so I talked about achieving my 225 squat PR LOL I also explicitly wrote about how I hope to contribute to the school’s team)
As per many current medical students, what matters more is how you relate your activities to the school and its mission. No matter what you include, make sure to show how the school would naturally be the next best step for you. Here’s an excerpt from my Cornell update letter if it gives you any insight:

“Nonclinical Updates:
  1. Funds for Global Health: Advocacy Fellowship (FFGH) Jan 2024-Present
    1. As an aspiring physician for the underserved, I aim to eventually work in a federal government role to shape policies that promote healthcare accessibility. Thus, I joined FFGH to gain experience with working at the intersection of clinical care, advocacy, and policy. My current focus is on the siloed delivery of the President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic in developing countries. To make PEPFAR more accessible to underserved patients around the world, I have proposed merging PEPFAR with global primary care programs, consolidating HIV/AIDS care with comprehensive primary care in frontline clinics. Having both services be delivered at one integrated clinic aims to mitigate geographic and financial barriers that patients may face when seeking care from multiple outpatient centers. My petition to my Senate representative can be seen here: Update Letter: Laser Talk: Integrating PEPFAR. At Cornell, I would continue my work in advocacy and equity by volunteering with Students for a National Health Program, serving at WCCHR, and attending Rogers Health Policy Colloquiums. Moreover, my global health work aligns with your emphasis on internationalism, which is one reason I know I’d fit right in at your school.”
Notice how I made sure to write about how “I’d fit right in.” Hope that helps!!
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Hey, thanks for your questions! I asked the student reps and other current students your waitlist questions. While researching Cornell, I never asked about the waitlist. I’ll update you when I get a response. To be honest, it doesn’t seem like anyone new has been added to our accepted student Slack channel, so I don’t think they started offering a large number of waitlist acceptances yet.

As for the letter of update, here are some significant things you may include….
  1. New job positions
  2. New research publications (or starting new research projects)
  3. Any relevant personal updates (e.g, a medical school I applied to has a super active weightlifting team, so I talked about achieving my 225 squat PR LOL I also explicitly wrote about how I hope to contribute to the school’s team)
As per many current medical students, what matters more is how you relate your activities to the school and its mission. No matter what you include, make sure to show how the school would naturally be the next best step for you. Here’s an excerpt from my Cornell update letter if it gives you any insight:

“Nonclinical Updates:
  1. Funds for Global Health: Advocacy Fellowship (FFGH) Jan 2024-Present
    1. As an aspiring physician for the underserved, I aim to eventually work in a federal government role to shape policies that promote healthcare accessibility. Thus, I joined FFGH to gain experience with working at the intersection of clinical care, advocacy, and policy. My current focus is on the siloed delivery of the President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic in developing countries. To make PEPFAR more accessible to underserved patients around the world, I have proposed merging PEPFAR with global primary care programs, consolidating HIV/AIDS care with comprehensive primary care in frontline clinics. Having both services be delivered at one integrated clinic aims to mitigate geographic and financial barriers that patients may face when seeking care from multiple outpatient centers. My petition to my Senate representative can be seen here: Update Letter: Laser Talk: Integrating PEPFAR. At Cornell, I would continue my work in advocacy and equity by volunteering with Students for a National Health Program, serving at WCCHR, and attending Rogers Health Policy Colloquiums. Moreover, my global health work aligns with your emphasis on internationalism, which is one reason I know I’d fit right in at your school.”
Notice how I made sure to write about how “I’d fit right in.” Hope that helps!!

queen this is so so impressive i’m in awe. you’re going to be such a great physician
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queen this is so so impressive i’m in awe. you’re going to be such a great physician
THANK YOU 🥹 You too ♥️♥️

Okay, so a student got back to me regarding the waitlist. No one knows the exact numbers of waitlist acceptance offers because it all depends on the number of students who don’t commit by July 1st. Since Cornell historically has around a 45% accepted student yield, a large number of students come from the waitlist.

Here’s some more information on the waitlist: They don’t rank their waitlist applicants, so they reevaluate all applicants once positions open up. Also, acceptances are not sent all at once. If someone posts their A here and you didn’t get an A yet, don’t fret too much. You might get the A later. I’m rooting for you all!! Please DM me if you get in. I’d love to catch you up or give you a tour of NYC if you’re down.
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Just got in off the WL! Email at 9AM CST
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Stats in signature, and no I did not send an update
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Sherlock Holmes got him :rofl:
  • Haha
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btw @Carti congrats on the acceptance big bro
How long do you have to decide? Prob will be when the next wave is
May 17, and this is in a reply form we need to submit, so I think everyone who gets the A before then has to submit by then. Next big wave is prob after the 17
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May 17, and this is in a reply form we need to submit, so I think everyone who gets the A before then has to submit by then. Next big wave is prob after the 17
Rip my CTE is May 15

Good luck everyone 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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Rip my CTE is May 15

Good luck everyone 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Is it possible to ask for a CTE extension :(
I'll be praying you hear back before May 15!! I've seen how active you are on this thread, and the school would be lucky to have someone who is as eager to join as you.
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Is it possible to ask for a CTE extension :(
I'll be praying you hear back before May 15!! I've seen how active you are on this thread, and the school would be lucky to have someone who is as eager to join as you.
Thank you :’) Would absolutely love to attend but unfortunately the school said it is not possible- if I were to get off a Texas waitlist before May 15, I could stay on the waitlist here but I think that’s the only case sadly
Could accepted students pls keep us updated on movement on your group chat?👉👈

My obsession is reaching worrying levels rn
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Any lurkers out there get accepted off the WL today? Seems crazy that there was only one.
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Any lurkers out there get accepted off the WL today? Seems crazy that there was only one.
It probably was more than 1, it's just that not that many use SDN tbh. We prob won't hear back till the next wave.
My friend got off the waitlist today!
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Im still WL
yesterday I emailed them my first update/ LOI
Do you think I nuked my chances by not sending anything before that
Im still WL
yesterday I emailed them my first update/ LOI
Do you think I nuked my chances by not sending anything before that
It’s never over until it’s over. And honestly, for some schools, when you submit the LOI doesn’t matter because they don’t consider it when accepting you. I don’t know how Cornell works, but I’m just saying that instead of resenting the late submission, you should be happy you at least tried your best in the end!

As for the Slack, I’ll try my best, but to be honest, it’s really hard to track movement on Slack because we don’t get a notification of who comes and goes like in GroupMe chats. There are loads of people who did not PTE and are still on the Slack. So ya hard to tell…but will try my best. If I recall correctly, the Slack was at 284 last week. Now it’s at 240.
Sorry to give anyone a heart attack. For those accepted off the waitlist, what is your date to decide by? Trying to gauge movement.