2023-2024 Weill Cornell

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Sorry to give anyone a heart attack. For those accepted off the waitlist, what is your date to decide by? Trying to gauge movement.
I was talking to someone who got off the waitlist, and she said she had until the end of this week.

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are ppl who got off the WL def CTE? trying to gauge whether there will be more sent out
had to cte to another school today and cornell auto withdrew me tbh saddest email ever :''''(

best of luck to everyone else I hope someone from this thread gets in !! : D
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Does anyone know when there may be additional WL movement?

The school I have PTE'd in has an opportunity that would require me to CTE in order to participate in said opportunity. Not sure if I should reject the opportunity to continue holding onto hope at Cornell... Would love other people's thoughts as to how likely it is to get off the WL here and whether or not most of the WL movement has already occurred. :)
Does anyone know when there may be additional WL movement?

The school I have PTE'd in has an opportunity that would require me to CTE in order to participate in said opportunity. Not sure if I should reject the opportunity to continue holding onto hope at Cornell... Would love other people's thoughts as to how likely it is to get off the WL here and whether or not most of the WL movement has already occurred. :)
I don't have specific insights into the timing or likelihood of waitlist movements at Cornell. However, I'd emphasize focusing on the opportunities currently available to you. It might be beneficial to play with the cards on the table rather than holding out for uncertain outcomes. If the opportunity at the school where you've PTE'd aligns with your goals and offers valuable experiences, it might be worth considering accepting it.
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ik this question is always asked haha, but do we know if we're expecting any more WL movement for cornell?
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^if any lurkers who got an offer after May 17 would like to let us know and put me out of my misery, please.
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can someone call and ask if their class is filled? in past years it looks like they’ve been able to confirm that it’s full
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can someone call and ask if their class is filled? in past years it looks like they’ve been able to confirm that it’s full
I can call tomorrow, but also seems like they have said that and people have still gotten off WL after? Also gotta wonder whether some people got extensions?
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I called a few times today and nobody answered lol, pls have better luck than me
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ik this question is always asked haha, but do we know if we're expecting any more WL movement for cornell?
I think it’s realistic to expect movement because not everyone who was initially accepted is CTE. I personally know some students who are PTE. They may choose another school by the CTE deadline, so I’d expect some movement then, too.
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I think it’s realistic to expect movement because not everyone who was initially accepted is CTE. I personally know some students who are PTE. They may choose another school by the CTE deadline, so I’d expect some movement then, too.
Do you happen to know when the CTE deadline is?
For accepted students who have received their fin aid packages, do you think your parent's income dramatically impact how much aid you got through their debt free initiative? Because FAFSA considered us independent this year, however i think CSS profile (which cornell asked for) still makes you put in your parent's income and tax stuff. I'm just not fully sure how Cornell calculates their EFC which they use to determine our aid.
For accepted students who have received their fin aid packages, do you think your parent's income dramatically impact how much aid you got through their debt free initiative? Because FAFSA considered us independent this year, however i think CSS profile (which cornell asked for) still makes you put in your parent's income and tax stuff. I'm just not fully sure how Cornell calculates their EFC which they use to determine our aid.
They base it off of family wealth, yep. I'm in the same boat. I'm independent due to age but they still applied a not insignificant EFC to my aid package. Still beats most other schools though so I can't complain.
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yall i think waitlist movement is done :cryi: two friday's and nothing...has anyone gotten to them on phone?
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a few people have joined the slack over the past few days - movement might still happen!
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Just for the record for future applicants - I was accepted May 20th after being waitlisted in February. I do believe my research updates helped! Don't give up!