2024-2025 Kansas College of Osteopathic Medicine (KHSC-COM)

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The Real PG
Staff member
10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator once the secondary prompt has been posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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Remember to schedule your Casper exam.
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  1. Compose an essay to share if and how you would tackle one of the following scenarios (not to exceed 1000 words) • A friend tells you they are afraid a peer is experiencing dating violence at the hands of another peer. • A peer starts appearing disheveled, losing weight, and isolating themselves.
  2. How do you maintain confidence and success while navigating medical school's academic rigor and demands? (not to exceed 1000 words)
  1. You are sitting in a room full of extremely high achievers at New Student Orientation; share the strategies you deploy to combat imposter syndrome (not to exceed 1000 words)
  1. Recall and discuss a time in your life when you had an epiphany event and how that changed your life and future. (1000 words)
I think you accidentally posted KCUCOM's secondaries
Received the secondary today.

Secondary prompts are (500 word count each):
1. What failures have you experienced that have shaped you as an individual and prepared you for the rigors of medical school?
2. What have you found as the most effective way to prioritize your time?
3. What individuals and experiences have led to your interest in Osteopathic Medicine and motivated you to apply to KHSC-KansasCOM?
Received the secondary today.

Secondary prompts are (500 word count each):
1. What failures have you experienced that have shaped you as an individual and prepared you for the rigors of medical school?
2. What have you found as the most effective way to prioritize your time?
3. What individuals and experiences have led to your interest in Osteopathic Medicine and motivated you to apply to KHSC-KansasCOM?
How long were most peoples secondaries? I see here HollerMed said the prompts have '500 word count each' but I don't see that anywhere in the secondary application.
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It's been a month since I submitted my primary, and I have yet to receive the secondary. Is anyone in the same boat?
Thank you for your response. Do they prescreen secondary?
I wish I knew. Honestly, I am not sure. My MCAT is a 499 they say they require a 500. So, if they are screening they overlooked my 499 MCAT
I wish I knew. Honestly, I am not sure. My MCAT is a 499 they say they require a 500. So, if they are screening they overlooked my 499 MCAT
So sorry for many questions, are you in state by any chance? I'm trying to email the admission office but the email seems to be not working.
So sorry for many questions, are you in state by any chance? I'm trying to email the admission office but the email seems to be not working.
I am from Texas, and your questions are not a bother at all.
Does anyone has a working admission email address? (Meaning received a reply with) The email address I receive from the chatbot in the official website was invalid.
does anyone have a working email from them? i keep getting apply emails and i’m sitting here like?? i did, where’s my secondary?? 😂
I submitted my primary the last week of July and have not received a secondary either :/
Don't worry you'll probably get something soon. I received a secondary just now and submitted primary July 17th
I just got my secondary invite a couple of days ago. For those of you who received interview invites, how long after secondary submission did you get the interview invite?
Hey all, I have an online interview with KansasCOM on October 4th. I have not received any Zoom link or the exact time of my interview. I tried calling them, and the admissions office didn’t answer. Anyone get their info?
Hey all, I have an online interview with KansasCOM on October 4th. I have not received any Zoom link or the exact time of my interview. I tried calling them, and the admissions office didn’t answer. Anyone get their info?
iirc the invite gets sent out two days before your interview