Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) Discussion Thread 2016-2017

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Just out of curiosity since I already accepted another school's offer, does anyone mind sharing their stats or insight on what it takes to get LECOM's attention? I applied very early, I have an MS (biology), a GPA of around 3.6 for cumulative and science, and years of clinical experience. This is my second year applying and just for the heck of it I checked my status and it still says under review. I just find it a bit odd that I wasn't invited to interview or even rejected if I wasn't up to their standards.
Just out of curiosity since I already accepted another school's offer, does anyone mind sharing their stats or insight on what it takes to get LECOM's attention? I applied very early, I have an MS (biology), a GPA of around 3.6 for cumulative and science, and years of clinical experience. This is my second year applying and just for the heck of it I checked my status and it still says under review. I just find it a bit odd that I wasn't invited to interview or even rejected if I wasn't up to their standards.
Guess I should have included my MCAT which is 506.
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Hey, a friend of mine apparently got off the waitlist. I'll let you know which campus once she responds back
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Wish they just got rid of the "under review" part already and just give me the news. It's annoying.
can someone who is accepted add me to the Class of 2021 Facebook page? I was accepted like 12 hours ago
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Got an e-mail about a survey before orientation, did they just send on accident? Ive been waitlisted since January

I got 4 of the same exact orientation emails today. I was waitlisted 2 cycles ago and submitted my secondary this cycle a few weeks ago. I'm assuming it's an error...?
I got 4 of the same exact orientation emails today. I was waitlisted 2 cycles ago and submitted my secondary this cycle a few weeks ago. I'm assuming it's an error...?
Yeah I got 2 emails for the same thing and I only applied to their post bac so I'm pretty sure it was an error
I just called and they confirmed it was an IT error. What a joke smh...
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Hey, a friend of mine apparently got off the waitlist. I'll let you know which campus once she responds back
It was Erie main campus and she said she got a top alt email.
Just out of curiosity, did anyone from the april 28th interview get accepted?
Anyone know if any hotels near the school and the airport in Erie? Interviewing soon :)
Anyone know if any hotels near the school and the airport in Erie? Interviewing soon :)

There is an airport. It was quite expensive to fly into. I know some people who flew to larger airports that were 1.5 to 2 hours away then rented a car and drove and it was quite a bit cheaper.

I don't remember the hotel I stayed at but there was a shuttle that took me (and picked up interviewees from other hotels) and took us to the school. The shuttle also picked me up from the airport so I didn't spend any money for transportation once I was there.

The school should have given you a list of hotels with 'discounts' for you. I chose the cheapest of those I could find.

I ended up going to a different school but thought I would chime in.
Sorry I'm late to the game- just checking in! Congrats to everyone who got accepted!

How long did it take you to hear about IIs after submitting the secondary? I applied to the Bradenton campus.
I have an interview at SH next week, any good hotels recommended in the area for 2 days? Whats a good value? These schools tend to recommend hotels that tend to be more expensive.
I stayed at the Holiday Inn Express in Greensburg when I interviewed and when I came back to look for a place to live. Wasn't the absolute cheapest by any means, but I was happy there.
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For my status, after submitting my secondary 2 weeks ago it says, " Your application is under review." on both portals. How long did it take for you to receive an interview after submitting your secondary? I was just curious for who you received an interview. Was it like up to 6 weeks?