Does anyone know how good VCU's IM program is? It's a "lower-tier" program compared to a few others that I've interviewed, but to be honest, I was really blown away by the presentation and the emphasis on resident education. I really got a good feeling from it that I didn't get from other places. However, it's "rank" (whatever that subjectively means) and the amount of DO and IMG residents makes me question ranking it high.
I've tried to stay away from the generalization that programs with a lot of IMGs are "undesirable" for US MDs, but most of the other places with this issue were community programs with terrible matches and lots of scutwork, so it didn't cause any dissonance. VCU on the other hand seems to be in a good city, a strong university program with lots of research. For reference, my comparison is places like Montefiore, Wake Forest, Tufts, etc. All of which have better fellowships and reputation (subjectively, again), but were not clearly more impressive than VCU during the interview day presentation.