I'm in a pickle about which school to go with: Rush or Case Western (University track). I'm from Chicago, my family and boyfriend are here, and when I started this process I honestly thought I wouldn't end up with many options and was really just hoping for something IS. I liked both schools on interview day, although i did enjoy my Rush interview more and they kind of have a special place in my heart for being the first one's to extend an interview and acceptance. Here's my pros and cons list:
Who do you think I should go with, who would you choose, or has anyone been in a similar pickle?
- Location: I'm anxious about moving to another city, starting over...I love Chicago, it's home and everything I could want and need is right here, plus I've done that whole business before with undergrad (went to a school in the Northeast), and I don't really care to right now. But, I am open to moving for residency, as along as it's a geographical location I appreciate (which Cleveland is not) and is better than Chicago (like San Fran ). I know maybe choosing Rush would help my chances of a residency in Chicago, but I'm not completely committed to staying here for residency too as my parents are going to move to a different country by the end of med school so I won't have many ties to the city anymore, and that's further down the road, who know where i am then personally...
- Stroger (Cook County Hospital)- growing up poor and in Chicago my family could only get care at Cook County, so I've always dreamed of working there and at Rush I can do half my rotations there and they've got a great reputation! But Case also has a county hospital you can rotate at, and I'm sure I could do an away rotation at Stroger...
- Don't really have the reputation/ranking that Case does...
- They've got four medical systems , including the renowned Cleveland Clinic that students can rotate at and shadow physicians and as the only major medical school, students aren't jockeying for opportunities or research positions....
- research- i love it and want to do it in school, and within my career, so i love their emphasis on it. I don't think I would be less advantaged at Rush for opportunities, that would be on me anyway at both schools to really commit to and build up.
- Reputation- they've got a better reputation/ranking (25 in the country) so it seems stupid to turn them down but...
- Location: If Case was in Chicago I would be set and probably go with them over Rush...
Who do you think I should go with, who would you choose, or has anyone been in a similar pickle?