2023-2024 Case Western Reserve

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Hi all - Right now, we're making acceptances at a one-to-one rate. Lose someone, replace with a new acceptance. It's quite unpredictable what each day will bring. We do try to call candidates that we are accepting.

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Does CTE vary by school? Maybe there is one last wave of WL acceptances when ppl finally commit
Does CTE vary by school? Maybe there is one last wave of WL acceptances when ppl finally commit
I would think probably not since they’ve said they were going one to one a couple of weeks ago and this CTE is earlier relative to other schools. That puts candidates who were PTE here in a position where they have less time to sit on waitlists and they essentially have to commit to Case. This is mostly speculation and we can’t really truly know.
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Just got accepted off the alternate list this afternoon. LM score was 74 and I interviewed in early February.
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OOS A off the alternate list! The admissions rep specifically mentioned that they appreciated that I kept in touch with two comprehensive update letters (early December and mid-May), so for folks reading this in future cycles, know that it can help you.
did you have any major updates in the letters you sent? do you think those specific updates are the reason you were able to get off?
did you have any major updates in the letters you sent? do you think those specific updates are the reason you were able to get off?
Yes, I sent a couple with 3-4 moderate/major updates each. I think they helped a lot because in addition to demonstrating sustained interest, they addressed weaknesses from my undergrad and previous application beyond the improvements I demonstrated in my AMCAS and secondary.

First update letter (early December 2023):
  • Thanked CWRU for the interview, mentioning interviewers by name (I also sent them thank-you letters through the portal)
  • Took on new responsibilities at a free clinic (patient intake)
  • Did very well (A+ final grade) in a postbac neuroscience course at a nearby state university and sent the transcript when that became available the following week - this was particularly helpful, as I didn't really know how to study for biology/biochemistry until after I finished my bachelor's and it kinda showed in my sGPA
  • Was selected for an oral presentation at a conference and was awarded a travel scholarship
  • Reiterated my interest in CWRU
Second update letter (mid-May 2024; two days before I got the call)
  • Reiterated my strong interest
  • Gained shadowing experience by attending Grand Rounds in two specialties at my institution (a premier research hospital, so lots of rare conditions and emphasis on research)
  • Presented another poster (my eighth)
  • Submitted two manuscripts for peer review and publication (1 first-author, 1 mid-author)
  • Thanked them for their continued interest in my application, said CWRU was my top choice (which is true), and discussed how I hope to contribute, including through research (mentioning a PI by name and why I am interested in working with him based on my existing research experience)
The big thing to remember with update letters is that it isn't enough to just say "I did all these cool things" - you also have to mention what you got out of it, how you contributed, and how it works toward your goal. For instance, with the free clinic work, I talked about how I learned more clinical skills and improved my Spanish while meeting a volunteer need for the clinic and developing my ability to work with diverse and underserved patient populations.
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Yes, I sent a couple with 3-4 moderate/major updates each. I think they helped a lot because in addition to demonstrating sustained interest, they addressed weaknesses from my undergrad and previous application beyond the improvements I demonstrated in my AMCAS and secondary.

First update letter (early December 2023):
  • Thanked CWRU for the interview, mentioning interviewers by name (I also sent them thank-you letters through the portal)
  • Took on new responsibilities at a free clinic (patient intake)
  • Did very well (A+ final grade) in a postbac neuroscience course at a nearby state university and sent the transcript when that became available the following week - this was particularly helpful, as I didn't really know how to study for biology/biochemistry until after I finished my bachelor's and it kinda showed in my sGPA
  • Was selected for an oral presentation at a conference and was awarded a travel scholarship
  • Reiterated my interest in CWRU
Second update letter (mid-May 2024; two days before I got the call)
  • Reiterated my strong interest
  • Gained shadowing experience by attending Grand Rounds in two specialties at my institution (a premier research hospital, so lots of rare conditions and emphasis on research)
  • Presented another poster (my fifth)
  • Submitted two manuscripts for peer review and publication (1 first-author, 1 mid-author)
  • Thanked them for their continued interest in my application, said CWRU was my top choice (which is true), and discussed how I hope to contribute, including through research (mentioning a PI by name and why I am interested in working with him based on my existing research experience)
The big thing to remember with update letters is that it isn't enough to just say "I did all these cool things" - you also have to mention what you got out of it, how you contributed, and how it works toward your goal. For instance, with the free clinic work, I talked about how I learned more clinical skills and improved my Spanish while meeting a volunteer need for the clinic and developing my ability to work with diverse and underserved patient populations.
thank you! CWRU is my dream school so I was really hoping to get in. It’s scary knowing that I’ll have to reapply and still might not get in. Your advice helps though, I appreciate it!
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congrats! how many update letters did you send?
I sent one right after my interview (mid-February) and one in mid-May. The first update letter expressed my interest in Case Western and a new activity I picked up. The second update letter included a poster presentation that I had recently. My updates were not anything special but I just wanted to express my interest in Case as it was and remained my top choice throughout the cycle. As far as getting into Case, update letters could have been a factor, but I felt that I interviewed well and my activities/interests aligned with Case's mission well.
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thank you! CWRU is my dream school so I was really hoping to get in. It’s scary knowing that I’ll have to reapply and still might not get in. Your advice helps though, I appreciate it!
Best of luck to you - it's mine too!

It's always a little scary to apply to medical school because nobody is ever really guaranteed to get in, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. Doing things that scare us a little bit and push us out of our comfort zones (within reason) is how we grow as people, so good on you for pushing through in pursuit of your goals.
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It’s likely the class is full, which is certainly disappointing for those of us on the alternate list whose top choice was Case, but I wish the best of luck to everyone who got into Case!! I’m sure you’ll have an amazing 4 years here :)