WWhat a Normal, Boring, Everyday Vet Clinic - Game Thread

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Pippy's restriction went away but Lyra's didn't?

Contingency Lynch Lyra
It's possible that there's a "punishment giver" or there was an item someone got or something like that. Which explains why Lyra's been talking with flowers all game, and Pippy only talked like this on Day 2.

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I mean, I'm assuming my restriction went away -- it sounded like that from how I got notified about it. If not, I guess I'll just get struck down by mod-lighting in a few seconds.
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Welp, I hope all of you who voted for gwen feel good about that right now. I can tell you that tomorrow I'm going to be looking really closely at this bracket.

Gwen (8) - serher, hmoo, LIS, [AM, ny, Lyra,] 3m, LotF
Hey now, there isn't anything wrong about being wrong.

I supported that lynch. Sucks that she flipped villager, but i still don't feel bs about it. There were reasons people were suspicious.
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Welp, I hope all of you who voted for gwen feel good about that right now. I can tell you that tomorrow I'm going to be looking really closely at this bracket.

Gwen (8) - serher, hmoo, LIS, [AM, ny, Lyra,] 3m, LotF

I'm not saying you shouldn't be looking at that bracket because I have suspicions of some that voted gwen. But given the limited info we have, there was decent reason for gwen and gwen did absolutely nothing to attempt to save herself from lynch. It sucks when someone with a good role won't speak up and defend when they are on the chopping block like that. But you can't be blaming those who voted for her, there was reason to and she didn't do anything to stop it.

And actually your telling them you hope they are happy with themselves raises little red flags against you in my opinion.
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I mean, I'm assuming my restriction went away -- it sounded like that from how I got notified about it. If not, I guess I'll just get struck down by mod-lighting in a few seconds.
Dear kitten,

Haha nah I'm just kidding. You did a good job dealing with that restriction today!
Hey now, there isn't anything wrong about being wrong.

I supported that lynch. Sucks that she flipped villager, but i still don't feel bs about it. There were reasons people were suspicious.

I'm not saying you shouldn't be looking at that bracket because I have suspicions of some that voted gwen. But given the limited info we have, there was decent reason for gwen and gwen did absolutely nothing to attempt to save herself from lynch. It sucks when someone with a good role won't speak up and defend when they are on the chopping block like that. But you can't be blaming those who voted for her, there was reason to and she didn't do anything to stop it.

And actually your telling them you hope they are happy with themselves raises little red flags against you in my opinion.

Yeah yeah, ok. I take it back. (The snippy part, not the part about looking at those three). I am just so glad to be able to post normally again that I typed the first thing that came out of my mouth.

EDIT: somehow forgot to say the magic word. Sorry guys!
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It's possible that there's a "punishment giver" or there was an item someone got or something like that. Which explains why Lyra's been talking with flowers all game, and Pippy only talked like this on Day 2.

Lyra's is likely role related. Pippy's was likely a one time deal and we'll likely see a different player with that restriction tomorrow.

Is this a thing that's happened in games prior where role restrictions were with temporary ones? And I wonder what would happen if she got a restriction over her restriction.
I think there was discussion earlier in this day cycle about times when there have been posting restrictions that have bounced around.

FWIW, the fact that I got a temporary one is kind of a wash in how I'm considering Lyra -- on the one hand, it makes me skeptical that her "ability" is a post restriction (because that seems like a hardship, not a bonus), and on the other hand, having been given a post restriction, I can say conclusively that post restrictions exist in this game, and there may be more than just the one that affected me.
(so basically, I'm saying I could see scenarios where she did fabricate it --> wolf; where she didn't fabricate it --> village, or where she didn't fabricate it --> wolf. Third one being least likely, methinks).
I think there was discussion earlier in this day cycle about times when there have been posting restrictions that have bounced around.

FWIW, the fact that I got a temporary one is kind of a wash in how I'm considering Lyra -- on the one hand, it makes me skeptical that her "ability" is a post restriction (because that seems like a hardship, not a bonus), and on the other hand, having been given a post restriction, I can say conclusively that post restrictions exist in this game, and there may be more than just the one that affected me.
Really, really doubt someone would make up a posting restriction if they were wolf. They're annoying as hell to deal with and can make it difficult to defend yourself (see previous games where people could only post in memes, with pictures, etc).

They're not meant to be a bonus.
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Dear kitten,

Haha nah I'm just kidding. You did a good job dealing with that restriction today!

Thanks cdo!! I actually had a lot of fun and was giggling for most of yesterday...but then today I wanted to say a lot of real stuff and felt like there wasn't a great way to do that. Also I started to run out of material haha
(so basically, I'm saying I could see scenarios where she did fabricate it --> wolf; where she didn't fabricate it --> village, or where she didn't fabricate it --> wolf. Third one being least likely, methinks).

That third one. Being a wolf with a role restriction has happened before. I think a few times actually.

I'm not lynching lyra for her restriction. I'm lynching because if we think there are groups...I'm thinking toxins and if ethylene glycol didn't win for wolf. I'm thinking lily toxicity is wolfy.
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I did a physical exam of @NSFW
Initial diagnosis: suuuuper fine. :naughty:

Geriatric Chihuahua

Wt: 2.9kg
BCS: 7/9
Temp: 102.0
Pulse: 150 (this is fast)
Resp: 40 (this is also fast)
Hydration: Euhydrated
Attitude: QAR
Mucous membranes: Pink <2
Pain score: 0/4

EENT/Oral: Clear sclera/cornea. No ocular or nasal discharge. Several retained deciduous teeth, generalized severe dental tartar and associated gingivitis, no oral masses or lesions present.
CV/RESP: No murmurs or arrhythmias auscultated, femoral pulses strong and synchronous, normal bronchovesicular lung sounds, no crackles or wheezes.
GI/GU: Abdomen palpates tense. No palpable organomegaly, masses or fluid wave.
Lymph: All peripheral lymph nodes palpate soft, smooth, and symmetrical
MS: Ambulatory x4, no pain on palpation of long bones/joints
INTEG: Normal healthy haircoat with no signs of ectoparasites,
NEURO: BAR, appropriate mentation, CNs WNL, CPs normal

So in summary, NSFW (needs a dental) has teeth problems and a tense abdomen. No other issues that I see.
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Ah ok, I was just thinking it might be something more likely to be fabricated because 1) her restriction isn't that "restrictive, and 2) could possibly use that to sort of cover for another, real wolfy ability while helping to solidify villager feels, since it's a very public thing. If it's not usually a villager thing, though, then I'll take your word for it.
That third one. Being a wolf with a role restriction has happened before. I think a few times actually.

I'm not lynching lyra for her restriction. I'm lynching because if we think there are groups...I'm thinking toxins and if ethylene glycol didn't win for wolf. I'm thinking lily toxicity is wolfy.
All of this post. Especially that the third option is actually the most likely IMHO (but I am biased and think she is a wolf and pretty sure that she wouldn't make up the restriction)
I did a physical exam of @NSFW
Initial diagnosis: suuuuper fine. :naughty:

I don't know the species, so it's hard to know if it's a really excited dog or a relaxed cat.

Wt: 2.9kg
BCS: 7/9
Temp: 102.0
Pulse: 150
Resp: 40
Hydration: Euhydrated
Attitude: QAR
Mucous membranes: Pink <2
Pain score: 0/4

EENT/Oral: Clear sclera/cornea. No ocular or nasal discharge. Several retained deciduous teeth, generalized severe dental tartar and associated gingivitis, no oral masses or lesions present.
CV/RESP: No murmurs or arrhythmias auscultated, femoral pulses strong and synchronous, normal bronchovesicular lung sounds, no crackles or wheezes.
GI/GU: Abdomen palpates tense. No palpable organomegaly, masses or fluid wave.
Lymph: All peripheral lymph nodes palpate soft, smooth, and symmetrical
MS: Ambulatory x4, no pain on palpation of long bones/joints
INTEG: Normal healthy haircoat with no signs of ectoparasites,
NEURO: BAR, appropriate mentation, CNs WNL, CPs normal

So in summary, NSFW (needs a dental) has teeth problems and a tense abdomen. No other issues that I see.
My interpretation: they are telling you a younger dog is likelier. I am thinking congenital dog.
Bark Bark, **** where are my dentures?
Welp, I hope all of you who voted for gwen feel good about that right now. I can tell you that tomorrow I'm going to be looking really closely at this bracket.

Gwen (8) - serher, hmoo, LIS, [AM, ny, Lyra,] 3m, LotF

We are going to lynch villagers in this game, don't be an idiot about it.
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All that does is scare people away from voting without some BS seer info and it turns into a stupid game of follow the seer.
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I also kind of doubt that both PSS and MVD would be in the game, though I guess it's possible. It's hard to distinguish between those things without portal scint or a CT angio. Sometimes if you're lucky you can see the shunt vessel on ultrasound but I wouldn't hang a hat on that as a diagnostic if we only get to choose one.
The worst congenital diseases I can personally think of are mostly lysosomal storage diseases or like, lissencephaly or something really nasty but that just shows my neuro bias, haha.
Or an overweight toy breed dog with PSS :p. Or an overweight young cat?

(I want PSS to be a wolf, and I really think NSFW is a congenital wolf)
PSS would make sense, especially since it's a chihuahua (Just saw the article from Purina about it here ). But do you think that PSS would be wolfy?
PSS would make sense, especially since it's a chihuahua (Just saw the article from Purina about it here ). But do you think that PSS would be wolfy?
In a young dog, yes. I know there are lots of different types of PSS, but my personal experience with it has been filled with a lot of unfortunate results.
There's a chance Gwen decided to play the "Pre-vet players are too nice to lynch someone who isn't around" card and is hoping people will change their vote with the usual "wanted to hear a defense" argument.
Give me some credit, I know a little better than that. :p

Go village!