
  1. kaymellow

    Tips for learning more about healthcare for possible interview qs?

    Hey guys! Any tips for someone applying this cycle that wants to become more educated about politics? More specifically healthcare. Apps? Websites? -Trying to prepare for possible interview questions. -Watching CNN daily is NOT my thing.
  2. D

    How to withdraw from a school?

    Hey guys, I was accepted to one school a while ago, and was also officially accepted off the waitlist for another school today. Unfortunately the second school wants me to put down a deposit within 24 hours, otherwise I will lose my seat :( Does anyone know the process for this? Do I put down...
  3. D


    Hey everyone, I was accepted to KYCOM a few months ago. I also interviewed at LMU-DCOM and VCOM, and I was waitlisted at both. I was told by VCOM I'm in a good position on the waitlist. This morning I received a phone call telling me that I was accepted off the waitlist for LMU. I already...
  4. H

    Pre-Med, Senior Year, Low GPA, Hopeful

    Hey Everyone, Fairly new to the site, but I am in need of some guidance. I am currently an undergraduate student and I will be starting my senior year in the fall. I currently am working full-time in a Medical Records Department in a Children's Hospital. My undergrad Stats thus far: cGPA: 2.97...
  5. D

    Where to send an LOI to?

    Hi guys, I have an update letter/LOI to send to a school I was waitlisted at. I tried to get in touch with the director of admissions, who was the one that sent out the waitlist email and was in charge of the interview, but I haven't had any luck. Would it be reasonable to send it to her...
  6. D

    VCOM Waitlist

    Hey guys, I interviewed at VCOM this month. About 5 days later, I was waitlisted via email. They told me they were "extremely interested" in my app and that my app would be "evaluated regarding early admission for 2022." I don't know if that's the generic response they send to all of their...
  7. B

    How to address a poor MCAT score in an interview?

    Hi guys. My interview is coming up soon, and I was told to be prepared for the interviewers to ask about any weakness on my application. The only weakness is my MCAT. How did I address/explain this appropriately? The only section that brought my score down was my CARS score. Truthfully, I'm...
  8. L

    MD What are my chances?

    Hi guys! I'm pretty new to SDN but I've been browsing through a lot of WAMC threads to sort of get a feel for how my stats compare with other medical school applicants here. After reading a couple of these threads on this forum, as well as receiving advice from professors and advisors from local...
  9. B

    Physician signature sufficient?

    Hi, I had a school not accept my physician LOR today because it did not have his signature. I was just wondering, do most schools require a letterhead AND signature from a physician? Or is the signature sufficient? Thanks!
  10. B

    Panicking - Physician LOR fell through

    Hi, I made a separate post on this a little while back. Basically, I was concerned that one of the schools applied to (VCOM) wouldn't accept my physician letter of recommendation (which I am almost positive is great letter) from a doctor I did research with at a hospital. She is an MBBS. The...
  11. D

    Extracurriculars. I need help.

    Hi everyone, I recently talked to my pre-med advisor at school about my chances of getting into Med School. I showed her a list of my extracurriculars and she said I was missing a big chunk of activities that showed "Service Orientation". She told me that I should take a year or two off and do...
  12. B

    What do I do?

    Hi, I'm getting frustrated here. I sent in my last batch of secondaries a couple of weeks ago, and a lot of the schools haven't even downloaded my letters. Do I need to email each school individually and ask if they can do so? How would you go about this situation?
  13. B

    Slight confusion about secondary question

    Hi, I'm almost ready to submit this secondary I have been working on. However, one of the questions asks, "Have you participated in significant research projects that have led to publication?" The question then goes on to ask for the DOI number. I am unsure of what to do because I am the author...
  14. B

    Is my secondary okay?

    Hi, On one of the secondary applications I'm filling out, it's asking how we were introduced to osteopathic medicine and why it's a good fit for us. I talked about how my pre-health advisor encouraged me to look into osteopathic medicine based on my experiences prior to college (volunteering...
  15. B

    Feeling depressed, yet again...

    Hi, I really need to know if there's the slightest bit of hope for me. I'm feeling extremely depressed at the moment, and I'm really embarrassed to share this, but I need to do know what to do from here and if I have even the slightest chance. I took the MCAT last month, and got back my scores...
  16. B

    Entering coursework from community college?

    Hi, I attended a university for 4 years, but took 2 courses at a community college during 2 summer breaks. I eventually transferred these credits to my university. Do I have to enter the coursework on my application with the course codes and titles the community college had, or can I use the...
  17. B

    Grouping random volunteering?

    Hi, I did some non-clinical volunteering mainly through a club at my school, but then I also did a couple of volunteer projects on the side (helping out at a soup kitchen a few times, helping out for a walk in my community) but I am unsure on how to list those on my application. Should I group...
  18. B

    How to list shadowing on application?

    Hi, I have shadowed a few doctors. Can I group my shadowing hours under 1 experience? And how do you pick a start and end date for shadowing different doctors? Also, if I have my name on an abstract for research that I did, do I list that under "description" for that experience? Thank you!
  19. B

    Building school list?

    Hi, I'm trying to build a school list, but I'd like to know realistically where I would have the best chance. cGPA: 3.71 sGPA: 3.61 (no grade replacement) MCAT: 502 NY resident. 500 hours of clinical research 300 hours of non-clinical research, name on abstract. > 200 hours of scribing 100...
  20. lilgreenolive

    Exam score

    I don't know about anybody else but I just got my MCAT score and I'm not very pleased with myself. I know standardized test scores aren't an accurate representation of an individual as a whole but it really makes me question my intellectual ability among other things...
  21. B

    Why was my CARS score so low?

    Hi, I was reviewing my AAMC scored practice full length from a couple months ago, and it gave me a 121...but what I don't understand is that I answered almost 50% of the questions correctly...shouldn't this be closer to a 123? I'm really confused. I've improved since then, it's just...
  22. AJthefuturedoc34

    Pre-Med Youtube Channels to checkout

    I am planning to apply to med school in the fall of 2018- 2019 school year, so I am getting really excited for what is in store for the future. Lately, I have been looking at a lot videos of premed and medical students sharing their experiences on YouTube. I recently came across this one dude’s...
  23. B

    CARS is ruining me?

    Hi, I'm extremely frustrated right now, almost to the point of tears. CARS has always been my weakest area. I took the MCAT last year and scored an abysmal 122 on that section. I've been working really hard, and thought I saw great improvement until I took the Next Step exams...I can NEVER...
  24. B

    Do I need to post pone to next year?

    Hi, I'm scheduled for the MCAT September 9th, and I'm applying to DO schools this cycle. I'm really scared for the MCAT. I just took Next Step 3: 505. Surprisingly enough, I took Kaplan full length 3 and got a 505. Took the AAMC scored exam before that, and I got a 505 as well. I'm worried...
  25. B

    Should I be worried about my Kaplan Full Length 3 score?

    Hey guys, Taking the exam on September 9th. The goal is a 506+. I took Kaplan full length 3, and scored a 505: 125/127/127/126. I usually do well on the B/B section and the P/S section (130 on AAMC scored)...but Kaplan's P/S section was so weird! I usually get a 126 on C/P (got a 126 on the...
  26. B

    Letter of recommendation from an MBBS?

    Hi, I tried searching on this thread several times, but it seems that no one has asked this question. I realize a lot of schools require a physician letter. However, I just realized, will schools automatically count me out if my physician letter of recommendation comes from an MBBS? It's not...
  27. B

    Am I ruining my chances for this cycle?

    Hi, I'm scheduled to take the MCAT August 25th. However, I do not feel I'd be ready by this time. I wanted to take the September 1st exam. The only issue is that, I work nights as an ER scribe, and I'm working the third last and second last night before the exam...I feel this would truly mess...
  28. B

    Last date acceptable MCAT date?

    Hi, I'm applying to osteopathic schools this cycle, and would like to push my exam back to September 1st. I read somewhere that the September MCAT exams are not accepted...is this true? Or is there anyway I could find this out for certain? Also, would this kill my application? I don't know if...
  29. B

    Do I need to take another year off to stand a chance?

    Hi, I'm extremely anxious about getting a good MCAT score for osteopathic schools and I was wondering if anyone could offer some advice. I have a cGPA of 3.7, a sGPA of 3.6 (no retakes). I have clinical research experience, non-clinical research experience, scribing experience, shadowing...
  30. B

    Do schools reject you before your second MCAT score comes in?

    Hi, I'll be retaking the MCAT soon. I'm just wondering - if I submit my primary and secondary with my old MCAT score, but indicate the specific date I'm retaking the exam, will they reject me automatically because of my old score? I have a 3.7 cGPA and 3.6 sGPA with no retakes, but my first...
  31. B

    New Plan of Attack for CARS? CARS course isn't working

    Hi, Does anyone have any strategies for CARS that have worked for them? (like how to easily find the main idea, timing, etc). I recently took a CARS course, and this really helped for doing the questions from the AAMC question packs. However, I took the scored practice exam from the AAMC and...
  32. B

    August MCAT too late? Or not?

    Applying to osteopathic schools with a cGPA 3.71 and sGPA of 3.6 (no retakes). Scored AAMC exam: 126/122/128/130...so I obviously don't feel ready at all. Was going to take the 8/5/16 exam, but now I'm thinking about the 8/19/16 exam. How late would this make me in the application cycle? Would...
  33. B

    Terrible Practice Exam CARS score?

    Hi, My MCAT is scheduled for the 22nd. Last week I took the official practice exam #1 by the AAMC, and received a 126/122/128/130. I was truly disappointed and frustrated with my CARS score. I was doing SO well on the questions packs from the AAMC, but the CARS section on this exam was SO HARD...
  34. B

    Postpone MCAT, or bad idea? Help!

    Hi. I'm supposed to take the exam July 22nd. I'm mostly applying to DO schools (maybe a couple of MD) because realistically that's where I think I have the best chance. I took the AAMC scored exam today and received a 126/123/128/130. I'm really worried about my CARS score. I was doing really...
  35. B

    Feeling extremely stressed out, any advice?

    Hi, My MCAT is scheduled for July 22...but I don't feel ready at all. At the beginning of my studying, I was doing practice problems and content, but doing practice problems at the same time caused me slow my pace in terms of reviewing content. So I switched to content review, and here I am a...
  36. B

    Any chances for osteopathic schools?

    Here it goes: cGPA: 3.71 sGPA: 3.6 (I don't know if it matters, but I never used the grade-replacement system). MCAT - taking soon 500 hours of volunteering as a research assistant at a children's hospital 300 hours of research in a nutrition laboratory. I don't know if this matters either...
  37. B

    Question about the Princeton Self-Paced Course?

    Hi, I just have a quick question for anyone that has enrolled in this course. The course description says that the course gives you thousands of practice questions. Are these practice questions discrete or passage-based? And are these questions organized by topic? Thank you.
  38. B

    Grade replacement question?

    Hi, I'll be applying to DO schools with a 3.72 GPA this cycle. From my understanding, if a student receives a poor grade in a class (maybe something along the lines of a C), retakes the class and then receives an A, DO schools will count the A instead of the C. I'm a little concerned that other...
  39. Melbel505

    Typical Nontraditional question

    Hello everyone, Yes, this is another nursing to medical school question. Thanks for reading, and hopefully responding. This is my second year in nursing, but I feel like it is not as challenging as I want it to be. I have a 3.98 in all my classes. I have taken General Chemistry I & II and Bio...
  40. B

    What is the most efficient way or studying? (MCAT)

    Hi, I'm retaking the MCAT this July. Last time I studied, I just studied directly from the books I had and tried to do the associated practice problems. This wasn't helping me retain the information for long periods of time. I find that making outlines/taking notes of each chapter of my MCAT...