2009-2010 Northwestern University Application Thread

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any idea how many people get off that list? id imagine very few

hmm. i second that question.

to any current northwestern students willing to throw us a lifeline--is your class composed of a significant number of waitlistees?
Just got the waitlist email

They started sending out waitlist emails already ? o_O

I haven't received anything yet....

I had called the admissions 2 days ago, and they told me that all decisions will go out in email, and will also receive decisions in mail later.
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hmm. i second that question.

to any current northwestern students willing to throw us a lifeline--is your class composed of a significant number of waitlistees?

yeah i am wondering the same thing. how many students get off the waitlist and is there a significant number in the class?
Does anyone know a typical weekly schedule for Feinberg? I think they start at 8 am, but I do not know anything else aside from the "no more than 10 hours of lecture per week" blurb on the website.
Feinberg has a very high turnover rate so those who are on the waitlist (including me) still have a good chance in getting in. I'm not going here but just letting other people know.

For 2007

Total admissions data 7527 applied, 774 interviewed, 454 were accepted, 169 enrolled
I still haven't gotten an e-mail yet or a letter. I don't understand the delay as I interviewed in mid-February and it seems like a lot of people who interviewed around the same time period or later have already heard back. Furthermore, if all decisions have been made according to the admissions office, then why do some people find out earlier than others? I am assuming the waitlist e-mail and just want to get it over with it.
Applying for financial aid, is NW know for giving lots of grants? I've heard Midwest schools tend to.
Just got the waitlist email

+1.. deferred then waitlisted.

Not sure yet about whether or not I want to take a place on the alternate list. Chicago/Northwestern seems a little too expensive to me, although I did really like the school otherwise.
Applying for financial aid, is NW know for giving lots of grants? I've heard Midwest schools tend to.

I don't think NW is particularly known for its financial aid. They do give merit scholarships. Also, you can qualify for institutional need-based aid WITHOUT disclosing your parental info if you meet Northwestern's criteria for being an independent student (30 months of post-undergrad employment at a certain income level) - for those of us who are non-trad, this is a big plus and could mean lots more in institutional aid than we'd get if our need was based on our parents' income.
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Does anyone know a typical weekly schedule for Feinberg? I think they start at 8 am, but I do not know anything else aside from the "no more than 10 hours of lecture per week" blurb on the website.

M1 year
2 hours of lecture most days (sometimes 1 or rarely 3)
Depending on the time of year there are 3-4 days of 2-3 hour labs per week

Patient Physician and Society (a conglomeration of classes including ethics, physical exam skills, communication skills, seminars of your choice, etc.) Meets twice a week for ~2 hours.

Problem Based Learning: during some units, PBL groups meet for 2 two hour blocks per week

Confusing, I know
M1 year
2 hours of lecture most days (sometimes 1 or rarely 3)
Depending on the time of year there are 3-4 days of 2-3 hour labs per week

Patient Physician and Society (a conglomeration of classes including ethics, physical exam skills, communication skills, seminars of your choice, etc.) Meets twice a week for ~2 hours.

Problem Based Learning: during some units, PBL groups meet for 2 two hour blocks per week

Confusing, I know

Thanks a lot! It seems like it averages out to about 6 hours of contact time per day...
Thanks a lot! It seems like it averages out to about 6 hours of contact time per day...

um...i would put it at 4-5 hours of responsibilities per day with some days being as little as 2 hours and the worst being at about 6. Lecture time is almost always 1-2 hours though.

M2 year has a lot more lecture
um...i would put it at 4-5 hours of responsibilities per day with some days being as little as 2 hours and the worst being at about 6. Lecture time is almost always 1-2 hours though.

M2 year has a lot more lecture

that...sounds totally awesome.
So i just got a rejection e-mail. I don't understand this at all. My interview went well and my answers were pretty good, and i got a 37 on the mcat plus graduated from northwestern university in 3 years with a 3.7 gpa. I don't think my application is that bad to warrant an outright rejection instead of a waitlist. The dean should not lie blatantly when he told everyone on interview day that those who arent accepted will be waitlisted. This is complete and utter bull****.
So i just got a rejection e-mail. I don't understand this at all. My interview went well and my answers were pretty good, and i got a 37 on the mcat plus graduated from northwestern university in 3 years with a 3.7 gpa. I don't think my application is that bad to warrant an outright rejection instead of a waitlist. The dean should not lie blatantly when he told everyone on interview day that those who arent accepted will be waitlisted. This is complete and utter bull****.

That sucks, hopefully you get in somewhere else.
which dean said this?
Dean Warren Wallace, who I never want to see again in my life. I mean, you would think someone who is a dean of a top 20 medical school would want to shave his Santa like beard, but I guess that's not the case. I have an acceptance at U of I in Chicago, so it's not the end of the world for me. I just feel like with my MCAT score I would have had a chance to go to a top 20 school, but I guess I just have to move on and do the best I can wherever I go.
Anyone have an idea of how much the Waitlist moves?
ahhh i didn't get in either =/ i got the rejection email this morning at 9am and interviewed 1/8. Oh well --- i'm in Vegas on spring break now so it hasn't really put a downer on my day ahahaha.

good luck everyone!!!
I just got an email rejection today morning. :(
Good luck to you all.
rejected today as well. Was put on the March "waitlist", interviewed in october. screw you, northwestern, i really wanted to come.
Rejected today. Interviewed in Nov, was put off till March, and here I am.

Good luck to the rest of you.
i'm shocked about these post interview rejections! i understand the outrage towards dean wallace. it's irresponsible to mislead candidates, especially those who make the trip out to chicago and expended resources, time, etc. i understand when adcom's are evasive or circumvent answers...but when the dean of admissions is straight up DISHONEST? well, that reflects poorly on them.
(not to mention their lapse in judgment accepting someone who's tacky enough to post unnecessary ''accepted b*tches" comment...this is all making me really question you, northwestern...)
On the day I interviewed, the dean didn't say everyone would be accepted or waitlisted post interview. He said most would be accepted or waitlisted, and some would be rejected. However, I'd also be pissed if I were the person who went to NW undergrad and didn't even get on the waitlist.
lol, more likely than not the dean didn't say that word for word, and he misheard him.

Why should NU waitlist all of the applicants from within the school? They already have 40+ hpme's coming in. There is nothing wrong with your own school rejecting you. It happens all the time
i'm shocked about these post interview rejections! i understand the outrage towards dean wallace. it's irresponsible to mislead candidates, especially those who make the trip out to chicago and expended resources, time, etc. i understand when adcom's are evasive or circumvent answers...but when the dean of admissions is straight up DISHONEST? well, that reflects poorly on them.
(not to mention their lapse in judgment accepting someone who's tacky enough to post unnecessary ''accepted b*tches" comment...this is all making me really question you, northwestern...)

he said it when i interviewed also. accept or waitlist.

not that waitlisting everyone is particularly ethical, but neither is lying...
Whoa, guys. I think it might be going overboard to be calling Dean Wallace dishonest. I do NOT remember him saying that everyone would be accepted or waitlisted - my takeaway message from his talk was that a relatively high proportion of interviewees (half or more) would end up with acceptances. But if he did straight-up say that everyone would be accepted or waitlisted, who's to say that he was dishonest and not just mistaken? Possibly the adcom changed its policies and opted to waitlist fewer people, which seems totally reasonable and even preferable for everyone involved if 1) there's not enough waitlist movement expected to warrant putting everyone on it and 2) interviewers (perhaps arbitrarily) had legitimate concerns about certain candidates' ability to do well in a PBL-centric curriculum.

Lots of schools seem arbitrary and opaque about their admissions policies, and I certainly don't see NW as being worse in this respect than most other schools I've dealt with.

It does suck to get rejected by your home institution, I agree. But this happens to lots of people - I've even been told that certain schools have a bias against their own undergrads when selecting the class, for whatever reason - and I think I'll be right there with you when my alma mater releases post-interview decisions in 1-3 weeks.
I guess what I don't understand is what the problem is here. Would you rather be on the bottom part of the waitlist with no chance of acceptance but be led on for months or be outright rejected now?

Even if he said they would waitlist everyone, isn't this way better?
I remember Wallace clearly telling our interview group that there would be only acceptances and waitlists and no rejections. As to tactiturn girl's claim that he could be mistaken, how can the dean of admissions not know clearly the policies of his own admission committee. But the real reason for my anger isn't only the Wallace situation. It is also the following factors: Last year, I applied and got an interview for NUPSP, which is an early admission program to Feinberg for Northwestern undergraduates. My roommate also got an interview, and last March I went to check the mail and both of us had letters, except his was a little bigger. I had to watch him open his acceptance letter in front of me while I got rejected. This cycle, my extremely close family friend interviewed at Feinberg a few days after me and got in while I got rejected for a second time. I am going to U of I next year, and I guess I should be happy about that, but I feel like I could have gone to a much easier undergraduate school, had more fun, gotten better grades, and done just as well on the MCAT (37) and had a better shot at getting into a top med school. Instead, I had to spend 3 grueling years at Northwestern and this is what I get for it.
I remember Wallace clearly telling our interview group that there would be only acceptances and waitlists and no rejections. As to tactiturn girl's claim that he could be mistaken, how can the dean of admissions not know clearly the policies of his own admission committee. But the real reason for my anger isn't only the Wallace situation. It is also the following factors: Last year, I applied and got an interview for NUPSP, which is an early admission program to Feinberg for Northwestern undergraduates. My roommate also got an interview, and last March I went to check the mail and both of us had letters, except his was a little bigger. I had to watch him open his acceptance letter in front of me while I got rejected. This cycle, my extremely close family friend interviewed at Feinberg a few days after me and got in while I got rejected for a second time. I am going to U of I next year, and I guess I should be happy about that, but I feel like I could have gone to a much easier undergraduate school, had more fun, gotten better grades, and done just as well on the MCAT (37) and had a better shot at getting into a top med school. Instead, I had to spend 3 grueling years at Northwestern and this is what I get for it.

No offense, but it sounds more like your interview skills are off. NU is pretty interested in the whole group dynamic during the panel. Many people struggle with this, I think. Well, unless your GPA is truly in the tank (sub 3.2), I doubt you would have gotten rejected outright without a poor interview performance. Perhaps you could ask for feedback from the admissions office?
OasisFTW, I'm just saying that there ARE alternative explanations besides "Dean Wallace is a liar." Just trying to defuse what may be sour grapes comments from a number of other people too. I can understand your disappointment over Northwestern - rejection x 2 is hard to swallow - but UIC is an excellent option to have. Also, as ApoK said, this may be a good motivator for you to hone your interview skills so that you can bring it during residency interviews :thumbup:
I called the admissions office a few days ago and was told that there are 200 people on the wait list. Depending on the year, anywhere from 10-30 students can get in from it. Hope that helps some of you plan.
10-30 out of 200? the odds are not what i was hoping they would be. poo.
Ya my gpa is a 3.7, but I felt both times my answers to the interview questions were thoughtful and confident. Perhaps the content wasn't what they wanted to here, as both times I stressed my economics background in order to stand out which might have made the committee question my commitment to being a physician. Regardless, I am setting up a meeting to meet with a faculty member for feedback in May which will hopefully give me some closure.
10-30 out of 200? the odds are not what i was hoping they would be. poo.
Probably meant 10-30 get in and go to NU. Not 10-30 get offers. 200 waitlisters would be way too many for that.
Ya my gpa is a 3.7, but I felt both times my answers to the interview questions were thoughtful and confident. Perhaps the content wasn't what they wanted to here, as both times I stressed my economics background in order to stand out which might have made the committee question my commitment to being a physician. Regardless, I am setting up a meeting to meet with a faculty member for feedback in May which will hopefully give me some closure.

Really, really ridiculously unlikely. I have a finance degree and was accepted by Feinberg in early November. Honestly, I'd try a mock interview and see what your answers to questions really look like...

FYI, the panel isn't only about your answers exclusively. Basically, the whole time you're talking or other people are talking, they pay attention to how you listen or contributed to the group problem.

Also, a 3.7 is a solid GPA and is not the reason why you weren't accepted. I know someone who got in with a 36 and 3.5 last year. I think you must have said something that really rubbed the ADCOM the wrong way.
If i did, I have no idea what it was. Hopefully I will find this out when I meet with them in May. Another potential weakness in my application was my lack of outstanding extracurriculars. I pretty much did only a summer of research and was only part of one club on campus and did not do that much volunteering outside of a free health clinic. I think I relied too much on the fact that both of my parents are physicians and therefore I assumed that the committee would understand that I have had enough exposure to clinical experiences, which I guess was a mistake. Obviously in med school I am going to have to do more outside of the classroom.
If i did, I have no idea what it was. Hopefully I will find this out when I meet with them in May. Another potential weakness in my application was my lack of outstanding extracurriculars. I pretty much did only a summer of research and was only part of one club on campus and did not do that much volunteering outside of a free health clinic. I think I relied too much on the fact that both of my parents are physicians and therefore I assumed that the committee would understand that I have had enough exposure to clinical experiences, which I guess was a mistake. Obviously in med school I am going to have to do more outside of the classroom.

Wow, you just uttered the death of your application right there. Adcoms go out of their way to make sure you actually want to be a doctor. It's not very convincing to say you want to and know it because your parents are docs (and you've seen them). A successful application to a top school means actively exploring medicine and finding out why you love it and want to be a part of it.

I hope this helps. I really think this was it then. Your interview skills are probably fine, and it really was the content.
Anyone who get the waitlist email get that letter in the mail? I got the email on Friday and havent gotten anything yet.
I got my letter in the mail yesterday. But I live in Chicago so I would expect a few more days for people further away.
If i did, I have no idea what it was. Hopefully I will find this out when I meet with them in May. Another potential weakness in my application was my lack of outstanding extracurriculars. I pretty much did only a summer of research and was only part of one club on campus and did not do that much volunteering outside of a free health clinic. I think I relied too much on the fact that both of my parents are physicians and therefore I assumed that the committee would understand that I have had enough exposure to clinical experiences, which I guess was a mistake. Obviously in med school I am going to have to do more outside of the classroom.

ive found that at some schools, the interviews dont matter as much. just a formality, and to see if you're human. then it goes to ur application, etc. for final review. and they reallly are looking for a committment to medicine, no matter how high your scores are, or how many awesome EC's you have. it's really down to committment to medicine and your application...
Does anybody have any idea how many people are on the waitlist, and how much does the waitlist move? or the earliest we could hear from the waitlist?
Got my waitlist letter. Why are there two forms?
I got two also. I thought maybe they made a mistake on just mine, but who knows. Maybe it's so you can practice your "reason to stay on the waitlist" essay.
Hi All!

Congrats to those of you accepted to the class of 2014.

I'm wandering over to these forums from the DPT forums. I will be starting the physical therapy program at Northwestern this August.

I'm in the process of figuring out housing, and was curious if anyone would be interested in looking for a 2 bedroom nearby campus. I don't really want to spend more than $900/month, and figured it'd be easier to find a 2 bedroom at the rate than a studio/1 bed.

I'm female, single, clean/organized (but not OCD about it), not a huge party person, but I do like going out on a weekend, or spending a night making margaritas and watching movies. I'm hoping to find another PT or MD student who will be experiencing a similar lifestyle (lots of studying) to be a roommate, instead of searching Craigslist and getting some random person with a 9-5 job who likes to get drunk every night after work, cuz that won't really work for me. haha.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in possibly looking for a place/potentially being roommates, send me a PM.
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