2010-2011 West Virginia University Application Thread

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This email confused me. For one, has any actually been rejected from the school yet? And since they said they are knocking down the waitlist at the end of May, I assume no more acceptances will come out until then?

1) I don't think anyone who interviewed has been rejected yet.
2) Some people who were originally on the waitlist have already been accepted so it could happen anytime but it's certainly more likely to happen after May 15.

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withdrew acceptance, good luck guys, hope one of you get my spot. Great school, but my state school is cheaper.
So boys and girls, does anyone know the approximate wait list length this year or last year? Just guessing that such info might be released if enough of us bother them. The committee hasn't met yet to determine the order according to my phone call today.
So boys and girls, does anyone know the approximate wait list length this year or last year? Just guessing that such info might be released if enough of us bother them. The committee hasn't met yet to determine the order according to my phone call today.

On my interview day I asked the current student/tour guide this question...he informed me that as an OOS he didn't get off the waitlist until July :/...so it might be a while...but you can never be counted out ya know!? Best of luck!!
This information is correct. Most OOS people at WVU get accepted pretty late (some very late). So, take a deep breath, cross your fingers, and hope for the best.
However, if you really feel like you need to do something to increase your chances, send them a friendly letter of intent. In my opinion, it never hurts and sometimes helps.
Got accepted off the waitlist today! interviewed in January (i think). somewhat unexpected, as I'm OOS. i liked the school a lot, so there's a good chance i'll be attending in august. SOOooo, there's hope for anyone waitlisted.
Got accepted off the waitlist today! interviewed in January (i think). somewhat unexpected, as I'm OOS. i liked the school a lot, so there's a good chance i'll be attending in august. SOOooo, there's hope for anyone waitlisted.

Snail mail? What day did you interview?
got a voicemail after driving home from my yearly debut on the golf course, and had an email as well. i actually think i interviewed in february... maybe the 3rd or 4th.
Got accepted yesterday!!!! I can't believe it! OOS. I was at a restaurant with my family and my mom was reading something on her phone and looked up with tears in her eyes and in complete shock. I thought someone died and she goes "Just got an email from WVU...you're IN!!!!" I got up out of my seat, walked outside to the parking lot and jumped around like an idiot. :laugh:

It was so random it was around 9 o clock at night.

Interviewed back in January and was waitlisted so this was a complete shock.
Got accepted yesterday!!!! I can't believe it! OOS. I was at a restaurant with my family and my mom was reading something on her phone and looked up with tears in her eyes and in complete shock. I thought someone died and she goes "Just got an email from WVU...you're IN!!!!" I got up out of my seat, walked outside to the parking lot and jumped around like an idiot. :laugh:

It was so random it was around 9 o clock at night.

Interviewed back in January and was waitlisted so this was a complete shock.

Best acceptance story I've read/heard. Super congrats to you and your family!!
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Got accepted yesterday!!!! I can't believe it! OOS. I was at a restaurant with my family and my mom was reading something on her phone and looked up with tears in her eyes and in complete shock. I thought someone died and she goes "Just got an email from WVU...you're IN!!!!" I got up out of my seat, walked outside to the parking lot and jumped around like an idiot. :laugh:

It was so random it was around 9 o clock at night.

Interviewed back in January and was waitlisted so this was a complete shock.

nice. congrats.
Thanks everyone!

Good luck to those still waiting!
Congratulations Tapepsi! WVU SOM is an awesome school.
But right now I would advice you to forget about everything and enjoy your summer!!! In exactly one year you will be sweating over neuro anatomy and feel like the poorest soul in the world. :laugh:
Just withdrew my acceptance. Good luck to everybody! It's a great school!
Congratulations Tapepsi! WVU SOM is an awesome school.
But right now I would advice you to forget about everything and enjoy your summer!!! In exactly one year you will be sweating over neuro anatomy and feel like the poorest soul in the world. :laugh:

Thanks Fortress I am excited and yes I definitely plan on relaxing this summer!
Fantastic. Where did you decide on?

I'm going to Lewisburg. It was a hard decision because there are so many things I like about both schools. In the end WVSOM was just a better match for me personally.

Still, it was awful having to decline. Why did I have to get multiple acceptances?!
Hey I just had a quick question. I know they grade the first 2 years with Honors/Pass/Fail, but is it a bell curve? Meaning in terms of test scores they give the top 15% H, mid 75% P, and bottom 15% F. I thought the students said that but I could be thinking of another school.
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Just withdrew my acceptance. PM if anyone ever needs any advice, SDN has been a great resource for me and I'd love to help others out. Good luck to everyone on the waitlist!
Just withdrew my acceptance. PM if anyone ever needs any advice, SDN has been a great resource for me and I'd love to help others out. Good luck to everyone on the waitlist!

I am going to send you a personal thank you note if I get in.
Hey I just had a quick question. I know they grade the first 2 years with Honors/Pass/Fail, but is it a bell curve? Meaning in terms of test scores they give the top 15% H, mid 75% P, and bottom 15% F. I thought the students said that but I could be thinking of another school.

Interested in hearing the answer to this question...
Even if the bell curve is true then I think even more highly of the students there as they stressed how cooperative everyone is with one another and how there is little/no competition.
Tapepsi, this is not quite true. We do have Honors/Pass/Fail, but the distribution is different.
10% - Honors
90% - Pass/Fail.
It means that no one is made by the school to fail. Theoretically, we can all pass; however, it does not happen very often. The cutoff for passing is 75%. It means that you don't have to pass every single test, but your final grade has to be at least 75%.
What happens if you fail a course? It depends on which course, how miserably you failed it and so on. But the general rule says: failed 1 course - repeat it during the summer; failed 2 courses - repeat the whole year.
Don't hesitate to ask me any other questions. It doesn't mean that I have all the answers for you, but I'll try.
To Hamels and all others still waiting: BEST OF LUCK TO YOU GUYS!!! I know what it's like to be on the WL with no acceptances and a horrible feeling down your stomach. I was on the WL at this school for 8 months.
Tapepsi, this is not quite true. We do have Honors/Pass/Fail, but the distribution is different.
10% - Honors
90% - Pass/Fail.
It means that no one is made by the school to fail. Theoretically, we can all pass; however, it does not happen very often. The cutoff for passing is 75%. It means that you don't have to pass every single test, but your final grade has to be at least 75%.
What happens if you fail a course? It depends on which course, how miserably you failed it and so on. But the general rule says: failed 1 course - repeat it during the summer; failed 2 courses - repeat the whole year.
Don't hesitate to ask me any other questions. It doesn't mean that I have all the answers for you, but I'll try.
To Hamels and all others still waiting: BEST OF LUCK TO YOU GUYS!!! I know what it's like to be on the WL with no acceptances and a horrible feeling down your stomach. I was on the WL at this school for 8 months.

Thanks for clarifying Fortress that makes more sense. :thumbup:
Tapepsi, this is not quite true. We do have Honors/Pass/Fail, but the distribution is different.
10% - Honors
90% - Pass/Fail.
It means that no one is made by the school to fail. Theoretically, we can all pass; however, it does not happen very often. The cutoff for passing is 75%. It means that you don't have to pass every single test, but your final grade has to be at least 75%.
What happens if you fail a course? It depends on which course, how miserably you failed it and so on. But the general rule says: failed 1 course - repeat it during the summer; failed 2 courses - repeat the whole year.
Don't hesitate to ask me any other questions. It doesn't mean that I have all the answers for you, but I'll try.
To Hamels and all others still waiting: BEST OF LUCK TO YOU GUYS!!! I know what it's like to be on the WL with no acceptances and a horrible feeling down your stomach. I was on the WL at this school for 8 months.

Hi Fortress,

Can you comment on what the first year classes are like?
Has anyone heard anything about the campus switch list yet? I was told that they would begin around the beginning of May.
Where should I send a letter of interest for WVU? Is there an email address?
Hello Hemichordate! Sorry for making you wait for so long. Today we had an ultra brutal 4-hour neuro exam, after a very "relaxing" weekend :D

So, this is how MS1 schedule at our school looks like.

Fall semester (August - December):
Human function (Physiology and BioChem) - 3 hours/day
Public Health (aka Epidemiology) - 3 hours/week
Problem Based Learning - 1 hour/week
Physical Diagnosis and Clinical Integration - 2 hours/ever other week
Clinical Learning Group - 2 hours/every other week

Spring semester (January - April):
Human structure (Gross anatomy and Histology) - 2-3 hours/day
Gross Lab - 9 hours/week
Histo Lab - 4 hours/week
PBL - 1 hour/week
PDCI - 2 hours/every other week
CLG - 2 hours/every other week

Spring semester cont. (April - June):
Neuro anatomy - 2-3 hours/day
Neuro lab - 2 hours/day
PDCI - 2 hours/every other week

Winter break - 3 weeks
Spring break - 1 week

Definitely can't speak for all people in my class, but I personally like the way our curriculum is structured. Gross anatomy, in my opinion, is a pretty tough course, and I wouldn't like to have it the first day of med school. It is not as well structured as Human Function, and it usually takes students about 2 weeks just to figure out how to study.

And a little side note. Even though 3 hours of lecture per day may not seem like a lot, in reality it is more than enough to keep MS1's off the streets.
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aerosmith23, I am not the most authoritative source on this; however, I would recommend you just calling the school. As far as I know, switching campuses is not a big deal before the school starts (however, it becomes such once it starts).
bbydan, last year I sent my letters to Beth Ann McCormick. If I wanted her to forward them to my interviewers, I wrote it right on the envelope (under the adress). I am sure that you can find her information online. If you don't, PM me.
However, I am still not sure about the best way to send a letter of interest: snail mail or Email. A regular letter will make you look like a more serious applicant, since you have made more effort. But Email is much easier to be shared with other people - admissions committee (as far as I know, that is what she usually does).
So, it is your call. But either way it is better than nothing. Letters of interest never hurt.
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Hello Hemichordate! Sorry for making you wait for so long. Today we had an ultra brutal 4-hour neuro exam, after a very "relaxing" weekend :D

So, this is how MS1 schedule at our school looks like.

Fall semester (August - December):
Human function (Physiology and BioChem) - 3 hours/day
Public Health (aka Epidemiology) - 3 hours/week
Problem Based Learning - 1 hour/week
Physical Diagnosis and Clinical Integration - 2 hours/ever other week
Clinical Learning Group - 2 hours/every other week

Spring semester (January - April):
Human structure (Gross anatomy and Histology) - 2-3 hours/day
Gross Lab - 9 hours/week
Histo Lab - 4 hours/week
PBL - 1 hour/week
PDCI - 2 hours/every other week
CLG - 2 hours/every other week

Spring semester cont. (April - June):
Neuro anatomy - 2-3 hours/day
Neuro lab - 2 hours/day
PDCI - 2 hours/every other week

Winter break - 3 weeks
Spring break - 1 week

Definitely can't speak for all people in my class, but I personally like the way our curriculum is structured. Gross anatomy, in my opinion, is a pretty tough course, and I wouldn't like to have it the first day of med school. It is not as well structured as Human Function, at it usually takes students about 2 weeks just to figure out how to study.

And a little side note. Even though 3 hours of lecture per day may not seem like a lot, in reality it is more than enough to keep MS1's off the streets.

Thanks for the schedule breakdown Fortress. What kinds of topics do you learn in the Public Health course? And is that more lecture-based or problem solving-based?
THANKS Fortress! After reading what you've shared, I think I'm going to send my letter via email.
Public Health is a relatively broad course. It covers such diverse subjects as critical evaluation of medical literature, vaccinations, current US health care system and so on. It is mostly lecture based.
If you are thinking about subjects to review before the school starts, then I would certainly recommend spending some time reviewing/studying Gross (rather than messing with PH).
You are very welcome, bbydan. Now lets hope that the letter will lead to the desired outcome!

Hey, I came across a bunch of old exams from the Human Function course. (i.e. 2000-2001)

I think they are pretty available to those seeking backexams, so assuming you have seen them, are they still relevant to the course today (~10 years later)?
I didn't look at old exams for Human Function, but I did for other classes. My conclusion is the following: they became available to us exactly for the reason you have mentioned - they are no longer very relevant.
However don't get dissapointed. You can do well in HF by studying (almost exclusively) lecture material. Some people in my class liked to supplement lectures with other resources like books, old exams, study guides from other students or professors, etc. However, I believe that studying lectures is the most effective way to succeed in this class. If you know lectures, you will be able to answer practically all HF questions on the test.
I didn't look at old exams for Human Function, but I did for other classes. My conclusion is the following: they became available to us exactly for the reason you have mentioned - they are no longer very relevant.
However don't get dissapointed. You can do well in HF by studying (almost exclusively) lecture material. Some people in my class liked to supplement lectures with other resources like books, old exams, study guides from other students or professors, etc. However, I believe that studying lectures is the most effective way to succeed in this class. If you know lectures, you will be able to answer practically all HF questions on the test.

That's good to know. Making the logical (tangential) movement from the above -- is lecture attendance mandatory or optional?

Thanks for the info.
Lecture attendance is optional. The school provides us with an opportunity to watch them online.
So I was expecting a flood of posts (hopefully one from me) Mon and Tues regarding WL'ers getting invites... No bites?
Anyone still holding out hope for WVU, I am OOS and have average stats (~3.6, 30) and was called today and offered a spot.

I declined due to the OOS tuition being too much compared to the school I am already in at, but there is at least some sort of movement for those interested so don't give up hope yet!
Anyone still holding out hope for WVU, I am OOS and have average stats (~3.6, 30) and was called today and offered a spot.

I declined due to the OOS tuition being too much compared to the school I am already in at, but there is at least some sort of movement for those interested so don't give up hope yet!

You're the first to mention being offered an acceptance since the May 15 deadline. Hopefully they'll make a few more calls today.
Anyone still holding out hope for WVU, I am OOS and have average stats (~3.6, 30) and was called today and offered a spot.

I declined due to the OOS tuition being too much compared to the school I am already in at, but there is at least some sort of movement for those interested so don't give up hope yet!


When did you interview
I'm sincerely hoping that there's a phone call coming down to AL for biggie's spot today. My nerves could really use it! And I think my roommate is willing to bribe them into taking me at this point. He's pretty sick of the pacing that is currently eating through the carpet...
I'm sincerely hoping that there's a phone call coming down to AL for biggie's spot today. My nerves could really use it! And I think my roommate is willing to bribe them into taking me at this point. He's pretty sick of the pacing that is currently eating through the carpet...

The way the trend is going, the calls come on Thursdays. So i assume adcom meets Wednesday and then calls the next day.
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