2011-2012 George Washington University Application Thread

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Is the class full or something? There hasn't been much news of AL acceptances lately :(

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Is the class full or something? There hasn't been much news of AL acceptances lately :(

Say it aint so Joe! Hopefully there are people in the class getting into schools theyve been wait listed on as we speak (come on Cornell!!)
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Finally rejected pre-interview today! Not surprised in the least, but a little disappointed as this is a great school. Good luck to everyone!
Finally rejected pre-interview today! Not surprised in the least, but a little disappointed as this is a great school. Good luck to everyone!

lol May 18th rejection huh? I assume you've been on the edge of your seat.

PS- waitlisters lets hope this ^^ is what the adcom has been doing. or maybe they're taking a long weekend?? I know there's a big deposit due on the 22nd, I assumed theyd try to fill as many seats as possible by then.. come on phone
Finally rejected pre-interview today! Not surprised in the least, but a little disappointed as this is a great school. Good luck to everyone!

+1. Wow really GW? You send out pre-interview rejections on May 18th? I had no idea that I was not going to get an interview by now. Good luck to all of you Waitlisters though!
has anyone who received the "merit" email NOT gotten accepted yet?
Is the class full or something? There hasn't been much news of AL acceptances lately :(

I just called and they said the class is full. From last year's thread even after the class was full the WL kept moving...slowly

I really really like GW so Im just going to keep writing letters and keep my fingers crossed. Good luck guys:luck:
I just called and they said the class is full. From last year's thread even after the class was full the WL kept moving...slowly

I really really like GW so Im just going to keep writing letters and keep my fingers crossed. Good luck guys:luck:

bummer...also still tryin to keep some hope tho
Rising MSII here at GW

Just wanted to send some encouragement! I know being on the waitlist is rough, but our school has decent WL movement. Just continue writing sincere letters of interest and let us know how what GW means to you!

Feel free to ask any questions and I'll do my best to respond!
Rising MSII here at GW

Just wanted to send some encouragement! I know being on the waitlist is rough, but our school has decent WL movement. Just continue writing sincere letters of interest and let us know how what GW means to you!

Feel free to ask any questions and I'll do my best to respond!

good to hear firetop...thanks for the encouragement! still hoping for good news soon
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I just called and they said the class is full. From last year's thread even after the class was full the WL kept moving...slowly

I really really like GW so Im just going to keep writing letters and keep my fingers crossed. Good luck guys:luck:

Hey all, the class may be full but there might still be some wait list movement. Don't lose hope yet!

I was accepted off the wait-list at GW three weeks ago, then accepted off the wait-list to my state school a week ago. I visited both schools this weekend and decided that to attend my state school. It was an EXTREMELY hard decision but came down to my financial situation in the end. I withdrew my acceptance an hour ago. Makes it a little easier knowing that it will hopefully go to one of you all!!!
hey all, the class may be full but there might still be some wait list movement. Don't lose hope yet!

I was accepted off the wait-list at gw three weeks ago, then accepted off the wait-list to my state school a week ago. I visited both schools this weekend and decided that to attend my state school. It was an extremely hard decision but came down to my financial situation in the end. I withdrew my acceptance an hour ago. Makes it a little easier knowing that it will hopefully go to one of you all!!!

i love you!
This thread has been really dead lately. Has anyone heard anything? Its geting pretty late in the season and thinking that the class may really be full. Still wishfully thinking that there will be some movement.
This thread has been really dead lately. Has anyone heard anything? Its geting pretty late in the season and thinking that the class may really be full. Still wishfully thinking that there will be some movement.
:( coming to terms with this as well. What happens if we get accepted with <2 weeks before classes start as far as housing/etc? this would be a cross-country move for me.
Hi all. I just wanted to share, briefly, my true story. I am now a rising second year medical student at GWU (hard to believe that is true). I was accepted to GWU, off of the waitlist, on June 30th, 2011 (I repeat JUNE 30TH). It is June 9th. That means last year today, I was not in medical school yet and still had 21 grueling days before I got a phone call that changed my life.

I cannot guarantee there will be movement this year as well, but I would be shocked if there is not. I saw some people concerned about putting money down by a deadline and the prospect of moving across the country. I promise GWU will still be willing to take your money after the deadline, they took mine just fine. I moved from San Jose, CA...that is about as far as one can be from Washington, DC. I guarantee that moving across the country/finding an apartment in DC will NOT be the hardest part of the year to come. :)

Everyone take a deep breath. Relax. And, if you must do something will all that stress over waiting, I recommend expending it on writing a meaningful email to GWU Admissions telling them why you want to be here next year, not about what GWU will do for you, but about what you will do for GWU.

GWU is ALL about helping each other succeed and become good doctors, so please allow me to demonstrate that by offering my help. Feel free to private message me or to search my username in last year's threads. I was pretty detailed about what I did to get into GWU.

Whether or not it is GWU, I sincerely hope you all end up at the perfect school for you. Best of luck, and I'll see some of you next year.
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Hi all. I just wanted to share, briefly, my true story. I am now a rising second year medical student at GWU (hard to believe that is true). I was accepted to GWU, off of the waitlist, on June 30th, 2011 (I repeat JUNE 30TH). It is June 9th. That means last year today, I was not in medical school yet and still had 21 grueling days before I got a phone call that changed my life.

I cannot guarantee there will be movement this year as well, but I would be shocked if there is not. I saw some people concerned about putting money down by a deadline and the prospect of moving across the country. I promise GWU will still be willing to take your money after the deadline, they took mine just fine. I moved from San Jose, CA...that is about as far as one can be from Washington, DC. I guarantee that moving across the country/finding an apartment in DC will NOT be the hardest part of the year to come. :)

Everyone take a deep breath. Relax. And, if you must do something will all that stress over waiting, I recommend expending it on writing a meaningful email to GWU Admissions telling them why you want to be here next year, not about what GWU will do for you, but about what you will do for GWU.

GWU is ALL about helping each other succeed and become good doctors, so please allow me to demonstrate that by offering my help. Feel free to private message me or to search my username in last year's threads. I was pretty detailed about what I did to get into GWU.

Whether or not it is GWU, I sincerely hope you all end up at the perfect school for you. Best of luck, and I'll see some of you next year.
Thank you :)
I'm going to withdraw my acceptance soon. One more open spot for one of you waiting out there! Good luck!!
OMG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THANK YOU! haha as I say this the adcom is probably looking up the phone number of a different wait lister. awesome.
Hey guys,
Anyone heard anything from the WL? anyone accepted? anyone planning to withdraw? i'm in a dilemma with housing for next year in my current city, but I suppose at this point it's probably wise to just sign a lease here and deal with the consequences if I would get in. ahh wait lists, just too much fun!
I think they are still accepting students off the waitlist, i just looked at the fb group and saw that a few new students were added today. stay positive!
Can someone who has access the George Washington Facebook group (for 2012) tell me if anyone who recently joined the group mentioned that they received an acceptance off the waitlist during the month of June? I just find it really odd that there has been absolutely no movement all month, according to the SDN page. Especially since last year so many people seemed to get in off the waitlist in June.

Furthermore, does anyone know someone who was accepted off the waitlist in the last month? Also, has anyone called the admissions office about waitlist movement and received any type of hopeful response?

Thanks in advance!
Can someone who has access the George Washington Facebook group (for 2012) tell me if anyone who recently joined the group mentioned that they received an acceptance off the waitlist during the month of June? I just find it really odd that there has been absolutely no movement all month, according to the SDN page. Especially since last year so many people seemed to get in off the waitlist in June.

Furthermore, does anyone know someone who was accepted off the waitlist in the last month? Also, has anyone called the admissions office about waitlist movement and received any type of hopeful response?

Thanks in advance!
I gave up calling their office a while ago, someone can try but I always got very short (read: annoyed) responses when I inquired about the wait list :/
Can someone who has access the George Washington Facebook group (for 2012) tell me if anyone who recently joined the group mentioned that they received an acceptance off the waitlist during the month of June? I just find it really odd that there has been absolutely no movement all month, according to the SDN page. Especially since last year so many people seemed to get in off the waitlist in June.

Furthermore, does anyone know someone who was accepted off the waitlist in the last month? Also, has anyone called the admissions office about waitlist movement and received any type of hopeful response?

Thanks in advance!

I called yesterday and they basically told me that the class is full and that there hasn't really been much WL movement at all recently. It did not sound too promising, sadly. I'm forcing myself to somewhat mentally give up at this point.
I know someone who was accepted off the waitlist yesterday
I called yesterday and they basically told me that the class is full and that there hasn't really been much WL movement at all recently. It did not sound too promising, sadly. I'm forcing myself to somewhat mentally give up at this point.
yeah did this as well a few weeks ago :/
I got an email from GW saying that they are officially closing the alternate list for this year and that there will be no potential movement. I'm so crushed. I was hoping for last minute acceptance. Did anyone else on the Alternate List get this email?
I got an email from GW saying that they are officially closing the alternate list for this year and that there will be no potential movement. I'm so crushed. I was hoping for last minute acceptance. Did anyone else on the Alternate List get this email?

Sorry man. It really sucks that you didn't get in, I know how terrible it is to sit on a waitlist. This year was really bad for people sitting on waitlists. Good luck next year!
yep got it too. honestly at this point I thought it was over anyway, at least they were courteous enough to let us know
Thanks for all the responses....
yep i guess it's officially over.................... sigh : (
guess i have to prepare for round 2!
good luck everyone!!!
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