2012-2013 New York Medical College Application Thread

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Has anyone received an email or snail mail about housing or anything else aside from the deposit?

Nope. It should be coming out soon though

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Just withdrew my acceptance. Good luck to everyone on the waitlist!
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Anyone ever get a response from them after emailing them a question?

I have gotten prompt responses to all of my questions. However, I imagine they're getting a very high volume of questions this time of year.
can we have a separate thread for all those on the waitlist? It'd be nice right? also wondering those on the waitlist, have you started your AMCAS application for 2014 just in case?
Hey guys, I just rescinded my spot on the wait list today. I got accepted into another school that I was waiting for. Good luck to those still waiting to hear! I got my fingers crossed for you all!
a lot of people have been withdrawing from here but there's been almost no WL movement. are they done with movement? are my chances of being accepted this cycle pretty much over?
a lot of people have been withdrawing from here but there's been almost no WL movement. are they done with movement? are my chances of being accepted this cycle pretty much over?

Seriously...what gives??
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Just called and they said the class is currently full but that they accept throughout the summer 🙁
How are we hearing this from two of the waitlist heavy schools...????? :cry:
The class may currently be "full" but that doesn't mean there won't be many more students withdrawing their spots from the class. Saying it is "full" simply means that they have accounted for all of the seats in the class up until now. As waitlist movement continues at other schools, I'm sure that more people will drop their seats at NYMC. Still plenty of time, so keep waiting and remain hopeful! 🙂
this isnt an exact science but the NYMC 2017 fb group has 124 members..so you can assume at least 124 people are most likely going to be attending (are prob not going to be withdrawing)

obv that logic is flawed...but if that is correct I believe total class size is near 180? so another 50-60 seats left? (not accounting for people who did not join/use facebook)
this isnt an exact science but the NYMC 2017 fb group has 124 members..so you can assume at least 124 people are most likely going to be attending (are prob not going to be withdrawing)

obv that logic is flawed...but if that is correct I believe total class size is near 180? so another 50-60 seats left? (not accounting for people who did not join/use facebook)

I am on the facebook group, was accepted, but withdrew (still on the facebook group)
Also there are some upper classmates in the FB group- so it's hard to know how many spots are left based on that :/
The lectures here are audio recorded but not video recorded, correct? Just wondering! Thanks!
The lectures here are audio recorded but not video recorded, correct? Just wondering! Thanks!

Lecture audio is captured, I think video may be in some rooms. The campus uses scribes, word for word transcriptions of the lectures which are extremely useful. I have found it much easier to read these lectures than to listen, and much faster as well.

The campus also uses what they call the DCDB or digital curriculum database, here all the lecture files, powerpoints, grades, etc., are stored. The faculty give you a lot of resources and if you need more they are willing to oblige, though I wouldn't say it was necessary at all during my masters here.
any news here recently? it seems they haven't given out any acceptances in a couple weeks.
For all MS1/MS2:

Do you guys recommend living in the dorms the first year? Thanks
How are we hearing this from two of the waitlist heavy schools...????? :cry:

First of all, yes this is a very "waitlist heavy" school, so try to stay positive. You still have a shot. A good number of the first year class this year (less than half, though), were accepted off the waitlist in June and July of last year. In fact there were a few people that got in during our orientation week! It is possible.

As far as the reason why there is not much waitlist movement at schools, the fact is that last year and the year before were very similar in this regard (nationally). It just seems that every year the applicant pool gets a little bigger and a little more competitive at every school. Unfortunately, that's just the way it goes. Schools are interviewing more students every year, and they continue to have about the same number of spots (BTW, your class will be about 200 students next year, not 180). I think NYMC planned on interviewing something like 1200 students this year for those 200 spots, so it's obviously competitive. In addition, many of these student are coming from outside New York. I think that only about 30-40% of our class is actually from NY. You have all these state schools becoming more competitive as well, and in some cases there may only be one state school for a student, and now they are looking at NYMC for a legitimate spot (whereas in past years it may have been more of a backup school). Students from CA, MA, MI, MN, and NJ, in particular, tend to have a tougher time because there are so many qualified applicants in those states for so few spots.

So, essentially what is happening is that all of these OOS applicants are getting into one or two of these historically "waitlist heavy schools," and they're not getting off of their in-state waitlist, so they end up coming to NYMC for real. This was the case for me. By the way, I personally am very pleased with the way things turned out. NYMC is a great school.

Anyway, try to stay positive for now. There will likely be more spots opening up soon due to the trickle-down effect of medical school admissions, but just keep in mind that waitlist movement is unfortunately more difficult today than it was even two or three years ago.
just got verified for reapplication...can't believe not one SDNer has reported being accepted off the WL since 5/17...........worst wait list year ever.
Hey Good People,
Rising 3rd yr here. Congrats to those who have been accepted, and welcome to the NYMC family! FYI, I am selling books and furniture for Ms1 and MS2; if interested PM me. I will send you PDF document of items for sale, pics, and set up pick up times. Also, now that I am done with boards (where is that dancing banana?!) I can help answer any questions you may have about the transition to med school. If you are shy, also feel free to PM me. Best of luck all!
I haven't heard back either. Any luck from any other source?
my heart jumped this morning when I saw an e-mail from NYMC...then i realized it was just next years secondary 🙁 sigh
for any of the upperclassman, do you guys use the gym at school (does it have a squat rack?) or is there a cheap one near by with more equipment?
Just an update for anyone still waiting on NYMC, I just got rejected off the wait-list. No worries, I have other options, but for anyone still waiting I hope you fare better.
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