2012-2013 Temple University Application Thread

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Also keep in mind that if you get put on the waitlist your status online won't change. Last year the waitlist letters tended to be postmarked a whole month before you received them too for some reason so if you end up waitlisted it might be closer to 10 weeks from the time you interview until you get the letter. At this point I'm pretty much expecting one haha
Hey, I interviewed on the 16th too. Yea I was also told by the Dean emeritus that it'll be 4-6 weeks. He's also the one who told me that they had already sent out the number of acceptances that's available for the class.

Ya I'm dying over here. Interview on Jan. 16 and haven't heard a word. They didn't say anything on my interview day about time frame for a response, did they mention anything to anyone else?
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Hi all, just wanted to see how everyone is feeilng about the school and also get some opinions from the current students.

I interviewed yesterday and I personally feel that the school on paper/website that it promotes itself to be doesn't seem like the one I was presented to.

there are many odd things that I felt was a bit off yesterday during the interview. The first being that orientation felt like it was not very well planned. The dean didn't even give an introduction about temple (whereas other schools I was interviewed with atleast the dean or the associate dean came in and gave a talk) we had this one lady that was a sub-secretary that gave a talk and she was new so she didn't even know what she was really talking about.

on our scheduel it stated certain orientation activities that would happen, one of the important deciding factors for me personally is the financial aid and how much debt I would come out of medical school. The financial aid orientation was supposed to be at 11:30 after the 11:00 welcome orientation, that NEVER happened. the lady just breezed through it and told us to look at the financial aid worksheet that was given to us. when I asked about the debt she said she doesn't know and asked me if it was important to know about the debt...

other factors that I felt was off was during the student guide tours. Usually the students that are giving the tours aren't involved with the interview process for that day. HOWEVER, i believe one or two of the students that gave the tour later on were the student interviewers...so when they say "nothing you say here will affect your interview" before the tour began it was hard to believe.

The collaborative environment of student body felt like it was fake. I could definitely sense clichs forming or formed by looking at the student tour guides. They were so into themselves that it was hard to be included into their conversations ( most of the time they were chatting amongst themselves and making jokes amongst themselves)

The one thing that I was really interested in was the community service aspect of Temple. however upon going to the school and asking students about the community service, it seemed like they stress on community service during application/recruitment, but once you're in community service isn't all that important. this is one of those incidences where I felt like what temple says they are isn't what they say they are.

Overall I felt like we weren't treated very well or wanted during the interview and orientation. I didn't feel welcomed at all and everything was sloppy. a lot of details were missed, and overall just felt like they didn't care as much as other schools did.

I honestly really liked the environment and liked what the school presented about themselves ON THEIR WEBSITE. but in reality it felt really different that what was written on website/paper.

This is just my personal opinion please let me know if you feel otherwise.

I would also like to get opinions of current students would love to have some feed back. and students that interviewed there already.

Hi all, just wanted to see how everyone is feeilng about the school and also get some opinions from the current students.

I interviewed yesterday and I personally feel that the school on paper/website that it promotes itself to be doesn't seem like the one I was presented to.

there are many odd things that I felt was a bit off yesterday during the interview. The first being that orientation felt like it was not very well planned. The dean didn't even give an introduction about temple (whereas other schools I was interviewed with atleast the dean or the associate dean came in and gave a talk) we had this one lady that was a sub-secretary that gave a talk and she was new so she didn't even know what she was really talking about.

on our scheduel it stated certain orientation activities that would happen, one of the important deciding factors for me personally is the financial aid and how much debt I would come out of medical school. The financial aid orientation was supposed to be at 11:30 after the 11:00 welcome orientation, that NEVER happened. the lady just breezed through it and told us to look at the financial aid worksheet that was given to us. when I asked about the debt she said she doesn't know and asked me if it was important to know about the debt...

other factors that I felt was off was during the student guide tours. Usually the students that are giving the tours aren't involved with the interview process for that day. HOWEVER, i believe one or two of the students that gave the tour later on were the student interviewers...so when they say "nothing you say here will affect your interview" before the tour began it was hard to believe.

The collaborative environment of student body felt like it was fake. I could definitely sense clichs forming or formed by looking at the student tour guides. They were so into themselves that it was hard to be included into their conversations ( most of the time they were chatting amongst themselves and making jokes amongst themselves)

The one thing that I was really interested in was the community service aspect of Temple. however upon going to the school and asking students about the community service, it seemed like they stress on community service during application/recruitment, but once you're in community service isn't all that important. this is one of those incidences where I felt like what temple says they are isn't what they say they are.

Overall I felt like we weren't treated very well or wanted during the interview and orientation. I didn't feel welcomed at all and everything was sloppy. a lot of details were missed, and overall just felt like they didn't care as much as other schools did.

I honestly really liked the environment and liked what the school presented about themselves ON THEIR WEBSITE. but in reality it felt really different that what was written on website/paper.

This is just my personal opinion please let me know if you feel otherwise.

I would also like to get opinions of current students would love to have some feed back. and students that interviewed there already.


Right on the money :thumbup: Although I don't doubt that Temple is a great school and produces great physicians, I just didn't feel like I would be happy there. With that said I was also really impressed with it while preparing, but it was just different in person. I was one of those people who had my tour guide as my interviewer, and it definitely threw me off for the first minute as we were walking to find a spot to interview :laugh: Basically it was a great school, and I'm grateful for having the opportunity to see it in person, but it just wasn't for me (or for you it looks like)
I liked the school. Tho I did feel that it was the worst presentation about the school of the interviews I had. I did really like my interviewers tho, my faculty seemed very interested in getting to know me.

Currently its my only acceptance but with high OOS tuition and COL I would probly attend somewhere if I had the choice.
thats' exactly how I feel as well. its a great school and all just has a weird vibe to it
Is Temple receptive to letters of interest and updates pre-interview?
If so, who should it be addressed to? Dead or admissions office?
Hi all, just wanted to see how everyone is feeilng about the school and also get some opinions from the current students.


I would also like to get opinions of current students would love to have some feed back. and students that interviewed there already.


I'm really sorry you had such a rough interview day! I interviewed in the fall, but my experience was very different. On my interview day the presentations were all good and the students and staff were all very upbeat and enthusiastic. The student tour guides we had were all very involved in community service and were excited to tell us about all of the opportunities there are to get involved. I didn't get the impression of cliques or fakeness. I did think the student guides being involved in interviews was awkward (and one of them was my interviewer), but in my case the outcome really wasn't affected. I thought the school had a very positive vibe.

That said, I interviewed at another school that I had a very positive impression of going in, and the whole day just felt so off to me. I knew the school was great, but I couldn't picture myself in that environment. Everyone is different, so maybe Temple just isn't right for you. If you are accepted, you can always use the second look day to see if your interview day was just a fluke, or if Temple really just isn't for you. Best of luck with the rest of your application cycle!
As someone who has been involved with one of their graduate programs and now has a lot of friends at Temple Med, I can say that the Temple Admissions office does not really reflect the school AT ALL. They are notoriously a mess, and they have a lot of older people with health problems in high positions, which means that they are often out and not participating in the orientation activities. If there are things you really like about the school and the disorganization of the interview day put you off, you really should take a second look, because I have heard from many people who felt the same way as you that once you are in medical school Temple is not like that.
As someone who has been involved with one of their graduate programs and now has a lot of friends at Temple Med, I can say that the Temple Admissions office does not really reflect the school AT ALL. They are notoriously a mess, and they have a lot of older people with health problems in high positions, which means that they are often out and not participating in the orientation activities. If there are things you really like about the school and the disorganization of the interview day put you off, you really should take a second look, because I have heard from many people who felt the same way as you that once you are in medical school Temple is not like that.

thanks a lot for the input really appreciate it.
I'm really sorry you had such a rough interview day! I interviewed in the fall, but my experience was very different. On my interview day the presentations were all good and the students and staff were all very upbeat and enthusiastic. The student tour guides we had were all very involved in community service and were excited to tell us about all of the opportunities there are to get involved. I didn't get the impression of cliques or fakeness. I did think the student guides being involved in interviews was awkward (and one of them was my interviewer), but in my case the outcome really wasn't affected. I thought the school had a very positive vibe.

That said, I interviewed at another school that I had a very positive impression of going in, and the whole day just felt so off to me. I knew the school was great, but I couldn't picture myself in that environment. Everyone is different, so maybe Temple just isn't right for you. If you are accepted, you can always use the second look day to see if your interview day was just a fluke, or if Temple really just isn't for you. Best of luck with the rest of your application cycle!

Thanks a lot. I just feel like if the admins can't even keep everything together. how can the school. every details matters and if that's the way they treat prospective students near the end of the cycle it doesn't really show how far they would go to make their students be exceptional.
Thanks a lot. I just feel like if the admins can't even keep everything together. how can the school. every details matters and if that's the way they treat prospective students near the end of the cycle it doesn't really show how far they would go to make their students be exceptional.

I totally understand your reasoning, and I tend to follow my gut when making these kinds of decisions. If you are on the fence though, consider asking the admissions department for a student to contact who is in their 3rd or 4th year. They could tell you if the disorganization is limited to the admissions department, or if they've noticed it in other areas as well.
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Has anyone written a LOInterest post-interview? If so, who did u guys address it to and sent it to?

I interviewed here yesterday. To my surprise I have noticed a lot of good looking female students, I also thought that my tour guide was very cute. Definitely something to consider when making my final decision.:p
Hi all, just wanted to see how everyone is feeilng about the school and also get some opinions from the current students.

I interviewed yesterday and I personally feel that the school on paper/website that it promotes itself to be doesn't seem like the one I was presented to.

there are many odd things that I felt was a bit off yesterday during the interview. The first being that orientation felt like it was not very well planned. The dean didn't even give an introduction about temple (whereas other schools I was interviewed with atleast the dean or the associate dean came in and gave a talk) we had this one lady that was a sub-secretary that gave a talk and she was new so she didn't even know what she was really talking about.

on our scheduel it stated certain orientation activities that would happen, one of the important deciding factors for me personally is the financial aid and how much debt I would come out of medical school. The financial aid orientation was supposed to be at 11:30 after the 11:00 welcome orientation, that NEVER happened. the lady just breezed through it and told us to look at the financial aid worksheet that was given to us. when I asked about the debt she said she doesn't know and asked me if it was important to know about the debt...

other factors that I felt was off was during the student guide tours. Usually the students that are giving the tours aren't involved with the interview process for that day. HOWEVER, i believe one or two of the students that gave the tour later on were the student interviewers...so when they say "nothing you say here will affect your interview" before the tour began it was hard to believe.

The collaborative environment of student body felt like it was fake. I could definitely sense clichs forming or formed by looking at the student tour guides. They were so into themselves that it was hard to be included into their conversations ( most of the time they were chatting amongst themselves and making jokes amongst themselves)

The one thing that I was really interested in was the community service aspect of Temple. however upon going to the school and asking students about the community service, it seemed like they stress on community service during application/recruitment, but once you're in community service isn't all that important. this is one of those incidences where I felt like what temple says they are isn't what they say they are.

Overall I felt like we weren't treated very well or wanted during the interview and orientation. I didn't feel welcomed at all and everything was sloppy. a lot of details were missed, and overall just felt like they didn't care as much as other schools did.

I honestly really liked the environment and liked what the school presented about themselves ON THEIR WEBSITE. but in reality it felt really different that what was written on website/paper.

This is just my personal opinion please let me know if you feel otherwise.

I would also like to get opinions of current students would love to have some feed back. and students that interviewed there already.


Hmm...It sounds like you should just withdraw your application. I'd love to get accepted here.
Hi all, just wanted to see how everyone is feeilng about the school and also get some opinions from the current students.

I interviewed yesterday and I personally feel that the school on paper/website that it promotes itself to be doesn't seem like the one I was presented to.

there are many odd things that I felt was a bit off yesterday during the interview. The first being that orientation felt like it was not very well planned. The dean didn't even give an introduction about temple (whereas other schools I was interviewed with atleast the dean or the associate dean came in and gave a talk) we had this one lady that was a sub-secretary that gave a talk and she was new so she didn't even know what she was really talking about.

on our scheduel it stated certain orientation activities that would happen, one of the important deciding factors for me personally is the financial aid and how much debt I would come out of medical school. The financial aid orientation was supposed to be at 11:30 after the 11:00 welcome orientation, that NEVER happened. the lady just breezed through it and told us to look at the financial aid worksheet that was given to us. when I asked about the debt she said she doesn't know and asked me if it was important to know about the debt...

other factors that I felt was off was during the student guide tours. Usually the students that are giving the tours aren't involved with the interview process for that day. HOWEVER, i believe one or two of the students that gave the tour later on were the student interviewers...so when they say "nothing you say here will affect your interview" before the tour began it was hard to believe.

The collaborative environment of student body felt like it was fake. I could definitely sense clichs forming or formed by looking at the student tour guides. They were so into themselves that it was hard to be included into their conversations ( most of the time they were chatting amongst themselves and making jokes amongst themselves)

The one thing that I was really interested in was the community service aspect of Temple. however upon going to the school and asking students about the community service, it seemed like they stress on community service during application/recruitment, but once you're in community service isn't all that important. this is one of those incidences where I felt like what temple says they are isn't what they say they are.

Overall I felt like we weren't treated very well or wanted during the interview and orientation. I didn't feel welcomed at all and everything was sloppy. a lot of details were missed, and overall just felt like they didn't care as much as other schools did.

I honestly really liked the environment and liked what the school presented about themselves ON THEIR WEBSITE. but in reality it felt really different that what was written on website/paper.

This is just my personal opinion please let me know if you feel otherwise.

I would also like to get opinions of current students would love to have some feed back. and students that interviewed there already.


Hi there.

I can see how you felt that the students were clique-y as I kind of got that sense as well but then again, it could just be that group of students that does tours together on a weekly basis - after a while of course they will get a little clique-y.

I do have to disagree with your comment about the service. I think that is one of the main things Temple has to offer. They do seem very invested in the opportunities throughout the city, esp in the nearby low-income area(s) and there are tons of ways to take advantage of the programs here. Sorry you didn't get to hear more about it.

Another pro is that the building is undeniably beautiful. This school hands down has the NICEST facilities I have ever seen. Definitely a good $200 mil well spent. :)

I think a slight con is the 20 minute commute through traffic and/or not being able to own a car if living in the city... I didn't realize how expensive parking in front of your own apartment could cost!

Also... I stayed with someone that seemed reallllly stressed and tense.. but the tour guides seemed the opposite, so I mean, it's just hard to judge based off interactions with n=4-5 students.
I had the opposite experience when talking with the students. I think I talked to maybe, 10 of them total- including the 2 I stayed with, and they all seem chill and relaxed. The two I stayed with even admitted to going partying and clubbing often.

My tour guides did give a sense of complacency (for lack of a better word). They seemed happy with failing quizzes and tests and weren't ambitious and didn't seem like the type to go above and beyond with their schoolwork.
I had the opposite experience when talking with the students. I think I talked to maybe, 10 of them total- including the 2 I stayed with, and they all seem chill and relaxed. The two I stayed with even admitted to going partying and clubbing often.

My tour guides did give a sense of complacency (for lack of a better word). They seemed happy with failing quizzes and tests and weren't ambitious and didn't seem like the type to go above and beyond with their schoolwork.

LOL. I'm sure there are a range of students here... a student I stayed with NEVER partied/clubbed/went out... she didn't even watch tv or movies. She said she got like 3 hours of sleep per night because of having to study so much... everyone is different I guess :confused:
I am getting super-worried.. this thread has been so quite in terms of acceptances/waitlists/rejections... has anyone even been hearing back?
I am getting super-worried.. this thread has been so quite in terms of acceptances/waitlists/rejections... has anyone even been hearing back?

just thinking the same.. this is so weird...and it's a tuesday so some of us are supposed to hear back today???!!!!!
I am getting super-worried.. this thread has been so quite in terms of acceptances/waitlists/rejections... has anyone even been hearing back?

I noticed that as well. I have quite a few threads that I am subscribed to and they are all very quiet. Definitely worrisome.
So, they said that we would get an email about our status but I never got one. I got my letter of rejection at my permanent address dated Feb 14th. Guess they didn't want to be my valentine.

So bummed. I wouldn't have mind going here.
So, they said that we would get an email about our status but I never got one. I got my letter of rejection at my permanent address dated Feb 14th. Guess they didn't want to be my valentine.

So bummed. I wouldn't have mind going here.

that's a bummer. sorry to hear that and keep your chin up.
So, they said that we would get an email about our status but I never got one. I got my letter of rejection at my permanent address dated Feb 14th. Guess they didn't want to be my valentine.

So bummed. I wouldn't have mind going here.

Sorry to hear :( Did your status online change or is it still Interview attended?
So, they said that we would get an email about our status but I never got one. I got my letter of rejection at my permanent address dated Feb 14th. Guess they didn't want to be my valentine.

So bummed. I wouldn't have mind going here.

Keep your head up man. I interviewed at 4 schools with 2 rejections and 2 wait list. I definitely feel your pain.
I don't know. I forgot my username and password a long time ago.

Sorry to hear :( Did your status online change or is it still Interview attended?

Thanks. I still have 5 more schools that I'm either waitlisted at/waiting to hear from. Hopefully one of them accepts me.

Keep your head up man. I interviewed at 4 schools with 2 rejections and 2 wait list. I definitely feel your pain.
So, they said that we would get an email about our status but I never got one. I got my letter of rejection at my permanent address dated Feb 14th. Guess they didn't want to be my valentine.

So bummed. I wouldn't have mind going here.

I am sorry to hear that... I haven't heard back from anywhere yet either. :(.. but hopefully everything works out in the end... do you mind telling me when u interviewed?
Just got my "continuing candidates" letter in the mail after interviewing last week of January :(

Sorry if this has been asked, but is this essentially the same as the waitlist? They mention in the letter that a few candidates will be pulled off before May 15th, but most will have to wait till then to hear back. Is this the WL letter everyone gets?

(also for those curious, my status is still "Interview Complete" online)
Just got my "continuing candidates" letter in the mail after interviewing last week of January :(

Sorry if this has been asked, but is this essentially the same as the waitlist? They mention in the letter that a few candidates will be pulled off before May 15th, but most will have to wait till then to hear back. Is this the WL letter everyone gets?

(also for those curious, my status is still "Interview Complete" online)

yes it's the WL. I don't think WL is a bad place to be.. I mean at this point they have likely maxed out all their spots that are open... I think it's a potentially good thing. Plus not everyone on the WL will continue to go for this school (e.g. getting in other places). We know they reject people too so it's not like we are in the no chance pool right!
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So...according to MSAR the cost of attendance for this school is $84,000 for OOS students. That's $336000 total to go there. Are we expecting to have to take loans to cover most of that?

For that price that could get four 2013 audi a7s (my favorite premed dream car) will all options.

Maybe that little tidbit will help with waitlist movement for y'all :smuggrin:
So...according to MSAR the cost of attendance for this school is $84,000 for OOS students. That's $336000 total to go there. Are we expecting to have to take loans to cover most of that?

For that price that could get four 2013 audi a7s (my favorite premed dream car) will all options.

Maybe that little tidbit will help with waitlist movement for y'all :smuggrin:

or a very nice house in many parts of the U.S.

lets think about this... would you say 600? they interview 900, outright accept 200, reject about 100?

Impossible to tell. They interview about 1000, accept half of those. Some of those are from the WL, most are outright. You can't really make any other inferences from them. Anyone who's invited gets a 50/50 shot of getting accepted.
So...according to MSAR the cost of attendance for this school is $84,000 for OOS students. That's $336000 total to go there. Are we expecting to have to take loans to cover most of that?

For that price that could get four 2013 audi a7s (my favorite premed dream car) will all options.

Maybe that little tidbit will help with waitlist movement for y'all :smuggrin:

thats actually my biggest consideration. Sucks I didnt get into any of my state schools this cycle.

I got decisions to make.
I got an email acceptance last Friday. I paid the $100 deposit and got the email confirmation, but on TMO, there is no indication that I paid the deposit, and there is still the option to pay the deposit. Is this what everyone experienced too? Thanks
I got an email acceptance last Friday. I paid the $100 deposit and got the email confirmation, but on TMO, there is no indication that I paid the deposit, and there is still the option to pay the deposit. Is this what everyone experienced too? Thanks

I'm not sure if that's what everyone experienced. My advice would be to email the admissions office to double check they received your deposit though, no point in taking any chances there. When did you interview?
Impossible to tell. They interview about 1000, accept half of those. Some of those are from the WL, most are outright. You can't really make any other inferences from them. Anyone who's invited gets a 50/50 shot of getting accepted.

Not impossible to tell...with enough information it's pretty easy to do. They likely WL around the same # of people each year. I'll take a gander that they WL 500 people, outright accept 250, reject 100. That WL probably dwindles down to 400 after people withdraw. So they could take like 250 out of 400 off that WL (--> 500 acceptances total)

So chances of getting off WL are a little better than 50%? Like 62.5%?
Not impossible to tell...with enough information it's pretty easy to do. They likely WL around the same # of people each year. I'll take a gander that they WL 500 people, outright accept 250, reject 100. That WL probably dwindles down to 400 after people withdraw. So they could take like 250 out of 400 off that WL (--> 500 acceptances total)

So chances of getting off WL are a little better than 50%? Like 62.5%?

It is a common practice of most medical school to accept more than total spot available. The ratio might up to 2.5: 1 or 3:1. With that in mind, the school might already accept 200-300 students. I am still waiting for ii but I don't think I will be invited since my app was complete really, really late (middle of Nov). I hope I might be wrong.
It is a common practice of most medical school to accept more than total spot available. The ratio might up to 2.5: 1 or 3:1. With that in mind, the school might already accept 200-300 students. I am still waiting for ii but I don't think I will be invited since my app was complete really, really late (middle of Nov). I hope I might be wrong.

Ughhhh okay so chances of getting off waitlist are more like 40-44% then. :thumbdown:
Not impossible to tell...with enough information it's pretty easy to do. They likely WL around the same # of people each year. I'll take a gander that they WL 500 people, outright accept 250, reject 100. That WL probably dwindles down to 400 after people withdraw. So they could take like 250 out of 400 off that WL (--> 500 acceptances total)

So chances of getting off WL are a little better than 50%? Like 62.5%?

I think you're being pretty liberal with your numbers. I've called and asked, and basically they accept different amounts every year. They could take 30 people off the waitlist, or none, I've even heard 1/3 of the class is accepted off the waitlist. It's impossible to tell. I don't know where you're getting those numbers.
I think you're being pretty liberal with your numbers. I've called and asked, and basically they accept different amounts every year. They could take 30 people off the waitlist, or none, I've even heard 1/3 of the class is accepted off the waitlist. It's impossible to tell. I don't know where you're getting those numbers.

you have to account for the fact that they accept about 450-500 based off their estimate that 1/2 of people who interview get accepted.. A TON of these people presumably come off the WL as they aren't going to outright accept 500 people. so that is what i'm using as a guideline. in any case, wl is a crappy place to be and i'm just trying to make it a bit more hopeful. i guess the wlisters are all doomed if 0-30 out of potentially 500 wlisters get accepted. i can't imagine they post-interview reject a lot.
Got my WL letter today. Interviewed Jan 11th. Kinda sucks as its my first response from a school.
Got my WL letter today. Interviewed Jan 11th. Kinda sucks as its my first response from a school.

Mind telling me your stats? (you can pm me if you want)..

I would really really appreciate it :)
I'm not sure if that's what everyone experienced. My advice would be to email the admissions office to double check they received your deposit though, no point in taking any chances there. When did you interview?

I got the confirmation saying they got the deposit, but it just took a few days. I interviewed January 8th
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