2019-2020 Kansas

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Congratulations on getting in!! Did they give you a certain amount of time to reply or anything? I’m worried I’ll miss the call or something. I have bad cell service where I work haha.
Thank you! She left a voicemail saying she would call again this afternoon and that it would be from a restricted number, so I was prepared to answer it the second time. They also gave me a "memorandum of agreement" form and a "technical standards and requirements" form to fill out by May 14th. Turning in the two forms within two weeks is considered as acceptance of the offer.

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Congrats to all of you!!! :) :)
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Anyone here a post bac candidate for this coming year?

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@ current KC students is it safe to study at the HEB at night? My apartment is walking distance but I’ll also likely get a parking pass. I’m a girl (with subpar biceps) so a little nervous about the area! Congrats to all the recent acceptances!
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@ current KC students is it safe to study at the HEB at night? My apartment is walking distance but I’ll also likely get a parking pass. I’m a girl (with subpar biceps) so a little nervous about the area! Congrats to all the recent acceptances!
Yes. Provided you go to your car, but you can always call campus police and they'll take you to your car or place.

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Yes. Provided you go to your car, but you can always call campus police and they'll take you to your car or place.

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Awesome thank you! Will definitely do that :)
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Does anyone know how the KC/Wichita program works in terms of matching? I'm looking at the 2020 match list now and was wondering how the students were classified in terms of their campus. Also wondering how it would affect research opportunities during years 3 +4, if at all.
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Does anyone know how the KC/Wichita program works in terms of matching? I'm looking at the 2020 match list now and was wondering how the students were classified in terms of their campus. Also wondering how it would affect research opportunities during years 3 +4, if at all.

That’s a great question. Also are the alternate spots a toss up on Wichita/kc or mostly going one or the other?
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Does anyone know how the KC/Wichita program works in terms of matching? I'm looking at the 2020 match list now and was wondering how the students were classified in terms of their campus. Also wondering how it would affect research opportunities during years 3 +4, if at all.
You're considered a Wichita student if you're 2+2.

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Does anyone know how the KC/Wichita program works in terms of matching? I'm looking at the 2020 match list now and was wondering how the students were classified in terms of their campus. Also wondering how it would affect research opportunities during years 3 +4, if at all.
Re: research opportunities, there are still plenty of opportunities if you are referring to clinical research. Basic science not so much unless you work with one of the nearby universities (WSU, newman, etc) Every fall there's a research night anyone can attend where attendings come and share what they're working on/ideas they have to recruit people, it is a really easy way to get involved. After they all pitch their ideas you get to walk around and talk to them about their stuff and trade contact info. Plus, free food. :) Also, one of the people in population health down here (Dr. Ablah) is a great liaison as she helps a lot of the M1's who do research via a summer elective class she teaches, so you can always contact her as a way to get connected if needed - many of the 2+2 students get involved that way too (we had one attend the last research night virtually that way even). I know a few current M3's who have asked her for help and gotten involved in research that way.

Re: alternate/waitlist spots and 2+2, people who are 2+2 and don't want to be generally get offered the chance to move first to their more preferred campus as the spot(s) open up so that's where the waitlist folks end up most of the time, yes, but not always. It really depends on where the people who are declining acceptances are (ex: someone in wichita declines an acceptance, a waitlist person might end up there as the 2+2 person may choose to stay 2+2 as some people want the 2 didactic years in KC over anything else). They maintain waitlists for each campus if you didnt end up where you wanted as first choice while the waitlist is active so they can shuffle you around etc. People do decline the offer to move though; i have current classmates here that have and also classmates that were from waitlist. I also know folks who chose 2+2 intentionally. Sounds like a lot of work on the part of admissions to me, kudos to them.
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Do they tell accepted alternates what campus they will be at when they call or do you have to wait to find out?
To my understanding all alternate list students are assigned first 2 years in KC and then last 2 in Wichita
To my understanding all alternate list students are assigned first 2 years in KC and then last 2 in Wichita
That’s what is anticipated because those are typically the spots that open up but I don’t think it’s automatic. I know people who got off the waitlist and ended up at Wichita all 4 years...unless things changed this year.
I was told my campus assignment during the call.

I was called off the alternate list and will be in Wichita all four years.

Thank you!! It’ll be nice to know we don’t have to wait even longer to find out. I’m waitlisted 30-40 so it’s finally getting close.
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Do they tell accepted alternates what campus they will be at when they call or do you have to wait to find out?
They asked me on the phone if I wanted Wichita all four years or KC/Wichita. I chose KC/Wichita because that was my original choice anyways.
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That’s what is anticipated because those are typically the spots that open up but I don’t think it’s automatic. I know people who got off the waitlist and ended up at Wichita all 4 years...unless things changed this year.
I was told my campus assignment during the call.

I was called off the alternate list and will be in Wichita all four years.
Oh wow that's awesome, I guess things were different when my sibling went through the process! :)
Do they tell accepted alternates what campus they will be at when they call or do you have to wait to find out?

Yep, they told me on the phone what campus I'd be at...Wichita all four years! Then they followed up with an acceptance email that had the campus assignment as well. Good luck! Rooting for you!
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Anyone get a call today? It looks like the waitlist is still at 28. Just getting anxious!
I’m definitely anxious too since there wasn’t any movement yesterday...hoping there will be a second wave of acceptances soon since they started the list so early. Has anyone called Blair yet and asked about anticipated waitlist movement?
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I’m definitely anxious too since there wasn’t any movement yesterday...hoping there will be a second wave of acceptances soon since they started the list so early. Has anyone called Blair yet and asked about anticipated waitlist movement?
No but that's a good idea. Let us know what she says!!!!
No but that's a good idea. Let us know what she says!!!!
I haven‘t committed to calling yet lol I don’t want to be annoying if they’re busy. Maybe I’ll wait another week and see how the list goes.
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34 is next! Did anyone on here get the call today?
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I got the call today, she actually called about 5 minutes after you posted this. It feels unbelievable, but comforting to not stress another two months. Excited to meet everyone in July.
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I got the call today, she actually called about 5 minutes after you posted this. It feels unbelievable, but comforting to not stress another two months. Excited to meet everyone in July.
Congrats!!! Were you 34? Hopefully that means more phone calls today and the portal just isn’t updated yet!
Oh man, now I gotta hang onto hope... I'm mid fifties.
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Looks like the next person is #38. It seems like they update it just on Monday’s, Wednesday’s, and Fridays?
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Last year, movement continued through June. I am not sure this year when commit to enroll is? We had to "commit" by July 1 or acceptances would be rescinded, so theoretically we could have had movement through then. One of my buddies believes he was one of the last on the waitlist to be accepted and had only a few weeks before orientation to find a place to live in Wichita. I think you may still have some time for movement yet, unless dates this year are drastically different.
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Has anyone received their financial aid award by chance?
Also, another question. Do you know what the chances are of having a remote first semester? I'm about to sign a lease and I got a little nervous haha
For any current med students,

How do you feel about KU’s administration? I’ve heard some horror stories about administrations (especially in how they are handling COVID) and was wondering if anyone has experienced any trouble, unprofessionalism, or just simply failing to help students out at KU? (Pre and post COVID)
Also, another question. Do you know what the chances are of having a remote first semester? I'm about to sign a lease and I got a little nervous haha

This is fluid. At our wrap up discussion, they indicated we may have some mix of online and in person for our first block. Note, our scheduling is not a semester by semester basis like you are used to in undergrad. I think they may have fiddled with the lengths a little bit but my first semester was Intro to doctoring (4 weeks) Molecular and cellular medicine (8 weeks + 1 week SER week) Infection Blood Immunity (8 weeks - thanksgiving is in here - + 1 SER week) and now you are at Christmas.

Post christmas - Respiration and Circulation (8 weeks + 1 SER week) - Spring break - Gastrointestial and Renal (8 weeks + 1 SER week)

They tried to prepare us for a scenario that begins with a mix of remote lecture stuff mixed with on campus clinical skills for our first block (muscles and movement, starting july 27th for 8 weeks). They're following Wynandotte County on how restrictive things are being since that's where main campus is and have indicated they have contingency plans for the phase I curriculum for each circumstance (super restrictive through let everyone come back) and will be providing us with PPE in all necessary circumstances.

For any current med students,

How do you feel about KU’s administration? I’ve heard some horror stories about administrations (especially in how they are handling COVID) and was wondering if anyone has experienced any trouble, unprofessionalism, or just simply failing to help students out at KU? (Pre and post COVID)

I personally have high praise for our administration. Over this past year I have found them very approachable and willing to listen to any student about any concern they have. Prior to COVID, we had monthly Dean's forums over lunch where any student submitted questions anonymously to a form and MSA reps would read them, get feedback, and discuss with the appropriate administrative members. Any dean on any campus is also directly approachable and willing to receive direct emails about issues. I like to go to these monthly meetings even when I haven't submitted anything just to chat with Dean Moser (one of the curriculum deans, on my campus) and Dean Minns (Wichita campus dean). They'll chitchat and joke with you but also listen to anything serious you've got to bring up. Whenever I've interacted with the deans on main campus about anything else, they've been very helpful and responsive too (ex. emailing Dean Fontes about curriculum delivery issues etc). I'm sure Dr. Kallial and Dr. Shaw (research) was wondering why our class couldn't grasp what our honors requirements were but they were very nice, sweet, and even hosted a lunch to try to explain to us again. Same goes for any department I needed to contact (financial aid, etc - I am KMSL and thus had extra questions and was extra annoying I am sure :) )

I don't know how common it is at other medical schools, but something that struck me was that our deans still teach, too. Minns teaches in years 3-4, Moser gave a lecture in respiration and circulation, the executive vice chancellor (Dr. Simari) came in and gave a lecture about heart attacks. I always thought that was pretty neat.

During COVID, there are weekly dean's forums for students with the same format, anonymous question submission where our MSA reps ask them and get feedback. These zoom calls are also recorded now in addition to notes available after. There are also town halls put out by EVC Simari that are recorded that you can watch for info, and the deans sometimes do their own town halls with their own submitted questions for their own personal campuses. In between, everyone is encouraged to reach out to MSA reps or deans directly with questions/concerns.

One huge kudos to them that doesn't apply to my class; the absolute disaster of prometric re: 2nd years attempting to take step 1; administration has been working their butts off trying to reschedule and accommodate everyone. Wichita is a test site so they've been coordinating trying to quickly open a spot then get that student in before it is snatched by anyone else. They've come up with all sorts of contingency plans and solutions for if a student can't get tested before 3rd year rotations start, taking leave of a clerkship, etc, but I think they got everyone scheduled from what it sounded like.

I don't know if my perspective is different from a KC student, but I feel very well taken care of. The only thing I thought kinda stunk was our virtual SER week over COVID but that was mostly cause I am sick of reading stuff (haha) and was pretty bummed about not getting to do SER week (totally out of their control).
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For any current med students,

How do you feel about KU’s administration? I’ve heard some horror stories about administrations (especially in how they are handling COVID) and was wondering if anyone has experienced any trouble, unprofessionalism, or just simply failing to help students out at KU? (Pre and post COVID)
That depends on what you mean. What specifically have you heard?

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