2021-2022 Colorado

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Jan 21, 2016
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Thank you to @mayorb23 for sharing this year's questions!

2021-2022 Colorado Secondary Essay Prompts:

MD Program, (All applicants write this one)
1. The pillars of our curriculum are Leadership, Curiosity, and Commitment. Tell us about how you have embodied one or more of these attributes in your path to medicine thus far. In which of these areas do you see the most opportunity for personal growth and why? Limit this response to 1000 words.

Fort Collins program:

*Please note: MSTP applicants CANNOT apply to these programs.
1. Please tell us why you are interested in being a part of the 4-year CUSOM at CSU (Fort Collins Branch campus)? With the background that FCB’s smaller class sizes and unique structure lead to a highly interactive curriculum, please tell us how this campus matches your learning style and personal philosophy. Limit your statement to 1500 characters, including spaces (approximately 300 words).

Rural program:
*Please note: MSTP applicants CANNOT apply to these programs.
1. Describe your personal and professional goals in becoming a rural physician. In particular, describe your interest and ability to spend your clinical year in a rural community. You may also include how past experiences living and/or working in a rural area and your ties to or interest in rural Colorado communities aligns with your goals. Limit your statement to 1500 characters, including spaces (approximately 300 words).

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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Does anyone know what screening the school does to send out secondary's?
Is colorado requiring casper, snapshot, and duet?
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Anyone received a secondary here yet? I'm OOS but am for sure interested in this school.
Does anyone body know if we can receive a secondary without having snapshot or duet sent in yet?
So from this link University of Colorado School of Medicine Admissions Requirements it looks like you need Altus suite (assuming it means the others too) and your secondary to be considered complete and eligible for interview. I think they include it in this list because you might be able to check that your score is received on the secondary site?

So I think this means you can get a secondary before those, which makes sense with other schools' practices.
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Does anybody have clarity on when they might start sending secondaries? I would assume by end of July, right?
Does anybody have clarity on when they might start sending secondaries? I would assume by end of July, right?
I just took a look at last cycle's thread, and it looks like they started getting theres around July 13th. Let's hope next week!
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I’m interested in applying but heard it’s not OOS friendly. Is that still the case?
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I got a secondary an hour or two ago! OOS.
This one is for everyone, the other two are only if interested in another program
The pillars of our curriculum are Leadership, Curiosity, and Commitment. Tell us about how you have embodied one or more of these attributes in your path to medicine thus far. In which of these areas do you see the most opportunity for personal growth and why? Limit this response to 1000 words.

Fort Collins program:

*Please note: MSTP applicants CANNOT apply to these programs.

Please tell us why you are interested in being a part of the 4-year CUSOM at CSU (Fort Collins Branch campus)? With the background that FCB’s smaller class sizes and unique structure lead to a highly interactive curriculum, please tell us how this campus matches your learning style and personal philosophy. Limit your statement to 1500 characters, including spaces (approximately 300 words).

Rural program:

*Please note: MSTP applicants CANNOT apply to these programs.
Describe your personal and professional goals in becoming a rural physician. In particular, describe your interest and ability to spend your clinical year in a rural community. You may also include how past experiences living and/or working in a rural area and your ties to or interest in rural Colorado communities aligns with your goals. Limit your statement to 1500 characters, including spaces (approximately 300 words).

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Any other OOS without a secondary? Hoping they're sending in waves? I was verified last week.
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International secondary received: verified first day.
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Does anyone know the 2022 MCAT cutoff for University of Colorado to receive secondaries?
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Can anyone else not find the CASPER distribution for UC? I've searched through the allopathic and osteopathic sections (just in case) but can't find any mention of Colorado anywhere. Is it under a different name?
Can anyone else not find the CASPER distribution for UC? I've searched through the allopathic and osteopathic sections (just in case) but can't find any mention of Colorado anywhere. Is it under a different name?
It is listed as UC Denver Medicine
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The secondary essay says to limit up to 1000 words. Are you guys actually going to write a 4 page essay - or more write 500-700 words and try to get your message across that way?
The secondary essay says to limit up to 1000 words. Are you guys actually going to write a 4 page essay - or more write 500-700 words and try to get your message across that way?
Mine is around 650 and I'm getting close to being done. Say what you need to say and don't add unnecessary information just for the word count.
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The secondary essay says to limit up to 1000 words. Are you guys actually going to write a 4 page essay - or more write 500-700 words and try to get your message across that way?
My answer was just under 500 words, and I left it at that. Take the space if you need it, but if it takes fewer words to say what you need to say, then don't stress!
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Got my OOS secondary today! I saw some comments about the length of the answer and I agree with what was said above. But my thoughts are also: they gave us 1000 words for a reason so if you have something to say that is not repetitive or wordy go for it. I’m currently at 900 words, haven’t submitted yet but my final count will probably be similar or slightly higher.
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@elusive_pepperjack @bobthebuilder13

I have to assume they are reviewing applications in the order they were received and sending out secondaries accordingly. I was also verified last week and have yet to receive a secondary. OOS (Close ties to state), MD/PhD applicant, LizzyM ~75