2021-2022 LSU Shreveport

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Jan 21, 2016
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Thank you to @Papathumb for sharing this year's questions!

2021-2022 LSU Shreveport Secondary Essay Prompts:
1. If you are not a Louisiana resident, please describe your connection, if any, to Louisiana (500 characters)

2. Briefly describe a time or situation where you have been unsuccessful. What did you learn from this experience and how can you use it to contribute to the LSU Health Shreveport community? (2000 characters)

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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Again GIF by memecandy
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Not me. Still waiting to be verified with a late May submission because AMCAS lost the first set of transcripts I sent over.
omg wtf....so sorry to hear that. in your boat tho, still waiting to be verified bc my paper transcript took over a month to reach AAMC.
Hey Guys, Its my first time applying. (Also my first time posting on this website). Anyone else verified and just waiting on secondaries?
Gotcha, Do you mind giving us a rundown of the curriculum?
August - November : basic sciences (biochem, cell bio)
November - December : Immunology
January : intro to micro
February - March : musculoskeletal (MSK)
March - April : head & neck
April - May : neuro med

Anatomy runs approximately August - October, then January - May

Weekly quiz questions are written by the professors, and exam questions are taken from the NBME Q-bank. I cannot stress enough how important it is that exams are NBME.

Courses are P/F, with >70% defined as passing. However, to pass, exam grade must be >70% or within 2 standard deviations of mean.

Edit: above is MS1 curriculum.
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Last year's thread detailed that the first secondary for early decision was sent out about July the 17th.
Correct. EDP last cycle - I received the initial secondary application email on July 17th and a follow-up email on July 20th that actually included a link to the secondary (first email referenced a portal but didn't include a link). Application went under review September 2nd and the interview invite came a week later.
Just got email for secondary.

If you are not a Louisiana resident, please describe your connection, if any, to Louisiana (500 characters)

Briefly describe a time or situation where you have been unsuccessful. What did you learn from this experience and how can you use it to contribute to the LSU Health Shreveport community? (2000 characters)
Anyone that is not going the early decision route, have you received a secondary yet?
So anyone feel really bad after leaving MCAT?? Did you happen to do better than yon expected?
Hey all, anyone know how to approach the re-applicant question? Is it a re-applicant for medical school or for LSU specifically?

Hey all, anyone know how to approach the re-applicant question? Is it a re-applicant for medical school or for LSU specifically?

i'm reapplicant to med school but not LSU. i answered the question because i felt i had something meaningful to add that wasn't addressed in other parts of my app.
Hey guys, when the photo description says it should reflect my judgement and seriousness of purpose, I have 2 photos: 1 with just a straight face (it does not look like I am happy or anything, just plain) and another where it is also straight, but it seems like I am actually happy, I guess you could say it is a more confident picture rather than a straight face like a passport photo or mugshot lol
Hey guys, when the photo description says it should reflect my judgement and seriousness of purpose, I have 2 photos: 1 with just a straight face (it does not look like I am happy or anything, just plain) and another where it is also straight, but it seems like I am actually happy, I guess you could say it is a more confident picture rather than a straight face like a passport photo or mugshot lol
Hey guys, when the photo description says it should reflect my judgement and seriousness of purpose, I have 2 photos: 1 with just a straight face (it does not look like I am happy or anything, just plain) and another where it is also straight, but it seems like I am actually happy, I guess you could say it is a more confident picture rather than a straight face like a passport photo or mugshot lol
I think just so it is a professional pic and not a pic taken with a random background. The background should be a solid color.
Hey guys, when the photo description says it should reflect my judgement and seriousness of purpose, I have 2 photos: 1 with just a straight face (it does not look like I am happy or anything, just plain) and another where it is also straight, but it seems like I am actually happy, I guess you could say it is a more confident picture rather than a straight face like a passport photo or mugshot lol
Use a photo in professional dress - coat and tie for men (and female equivalent).
1. If you are not a Louisiana resident, please describe your connection, if any, to Louisiana (500 characters)

If you truly do not have a connection to Louisiana, should you try and stretch one out? Or just leave this one blank? I am a TX resident
Just my opinion.. I wouldn't stretch that far. I'm a California resident with absolutely no connection to Louisiana, and I left that prompt blank. I would just feel dirty lying. If they bring it up during the interview, I would hate for my body language to give off the truth. If they dove into my response (ie asked more specific questions I couldn't answer) and put me on the spot, I can't predict if I would stiffen up or not.

Of course, we all talk ourselves up a little on these app haha, but there's a difference between stretching a truth to show reflection and straight-up lying. But hey, the decision is up to you friend. Sorry for the unsolicited opinion 😛. Good luck on your journey! Texas has some great state schools that really value personal connection to the state.
So are people doing the reapplicant essay even if we aren't a reapp to this school?