2021-2022 Minnesota, Duluth

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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator when the secondary prompt is posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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Good morning all!

I'm a re-applicant that applied to UMN - Duluth last year. I interviewed at both Duluth (got WL) and the Twin Cities (post-II R) and I am going to copy/paste all of the insight posts here. Hopefully this answers some common questions and gives people some insight into the interview process.

Disclaimer: I cannot guarantee that all of this is 100% relevant. For example, I don't know if the VITA interview will be used this cycle. However, I did have a one-on-one feedback session with the Duluth admissions staff, and they confirmed that a lot of this stuff is still relevant or will be the same this coming year.

Secondaries (character count = 1000 for each):
-Note: I do not know of any rule that prohibits secondary prompts from being shared. If such a rule exists, please let me know and I will take these down.
-The primary purpose of the UMN Medical School, Duluth Campus is to educate physicians dedicated to serving rural Minnesota (emphasizing family medicine) or Native American communities. Please state which of these missions you are applying to the school for and explain how you do or will fulfill this mission(s). Please note, your application will be evaluated in the context of the mission(s) you select.
-1a: If you are applying under the Rural MN and Family Medicine mission, please describe your familiarity with life in a rural setting and describe your ties to the state of Minnesota.
-1b: If you are applying under the AI/AN Healthcare mission, please describe your familiarity with life in a Native American community and describe your ties to Native American communities.
-Consider your future career serving the Duluth campus mission(s); what are some of the professional and personal advantages and disadvantages of a medical practice that serves the Duluth campus mission(s)?
-How have you familiarized yourself with the field of medicine?
-Medical school can be stressful. What coping skills have you used in the past to deal with stressful situations? What recreational and leisure activities do you enjoy?
-Tell us about a time when you acted with implicit or explicit bias. How did you become aware of this and what did you do to address the situation or what will you do in the future? Through any situation we are interested in what you learned.
-Please tell us about your identity. How has your identity impacted the development of your values and attitudes toward others, particularly those with values different from your own? How will this impact the learning environment during your training and your future patients?
-Our country is reckoning with its history, racism, racial injustice, and especially anti-black racism. Please share your reflections on, experiences with, and greatest lessons learned about systemic racism.
- (Optional) The COVID-19 pandemic has created innumerable challenges and loss and uncharted territory in public health. Please describe what impact, if any, this has had on your path to medical school.
-(Optional) Since you have submitted your 2022 AMCAS application, please use this space to update or add any experiences that you feel our Admissions Committee should know about.

On VITA interviews:

-There is no VITA interview this cycle.

On live interviews:

Interview slots are 2.5 hours long, consisting of 2 different one-on-one 1-hour interviews. They've built in prep time before the 1st one and "debriefing" time after the 2nd one. All interviews done over Zoom.

They also mentioned that they will send info about a different session later where I will be able to talk to current students.

Just finished my interview.

For those that are interested in the details:

-First 15 minutes is just a general overview of curriculum and financial aid. Financial aid packages aren't sent out until July.
-Break you out into two 1-on-1 interviews that are about 50 minutes each (time for breaks after each one).
-Last 15 minutes is overview of the admissions process. Earliest that any acceptance notifications will go out is November 15th, by phone.
-Admissions are rolling (the earlier you interview, the better, but e.g. interviewing on Wednesday vs. Tuesday won't matter) and they said that they give out roughly 80% of their acceptances in the first go.
-If you get put on the wait list, it isn't finalized until after interview season, and at that point they'll tell you where you are on that list and what your odds of getting an acceptance are. They said that sometimes their wait list doesn't move at all, but it generally moves in the ballpark of 20-30 people.

-both interviewers were family physicians involved with the school (one taught classes, the other was in an administrative role).
-Didn't receive a single question about my academic history (e.g. grades, scores, etc.) or my volunteer/employment history.
-Questions almost all focused on primary care medicine, particularly family medicine. Know why you want to be in medicine, why primary care, what primary care is, what a family physician does, struggles faced by rural patients/under-served communities, etc. Don't even mention any interest in any type of non-primary care specialty; it will only hurt you.
-Also had to answer a question about a time I failed and what that meant to me.
-Answered a few generic questions, e.g. "How did you end up deciding to apply to Duluth?" or "Do you still do hobby X?".
-Talked about random personal stuff for a bit (e.g. talked about how I met my wife).

They also mentioned that there will be an optional one hour meeting with current students over zoom about 10 days afterwards. This meeting takes place over the lunch hour and anything that you talk to the students about doesn't get back to the ADCOM (the students also have no say in your application). If you can't make the date set for you due to commitments, they said that you can attend a later one. They are also building a virtual tool to tour the campus.

Did they give you the names of your interviewers ahead of time?


For anyone who has already interviewed, how far in advance did they send out information about scheduling the session with current students? I'm interviewing on Friday and haven't heard anything yet.

It didn't come until after the interview.

Mine took almost a week.

On decision timelines:

They told us that the ADCOM meets once per week to consider post-interview applicants, but if both your interviewers aren't at that meeting that they postpone discussing your application for a week (and that this doesn't harm your application). That decision then goes to an executive ADCOM for both Twin Cities and Duluth campuses (your status applying to one has no effect on the other) which meets bi-weekly, and only after that approval do you get a decision. They said that the process can take up to 6 weeks depending on the timeline and that decisions are sent to the executive ADCOM in batches and, considering the delay to November (which is due to COVID-19), I would still guess that you'll be considered in that "first batch".

They also only do three interviews a day.

Duluth does a numerical score on their interviews. Starting around December, anyone who makes the cutoff for an automatic acceptance is put in the "High Priority" pool and waits until all interviews are done in the spring. After that, the remaining seats are filled with the highest scoring "High Priority" applicants and anyone in that pool that didn't get an A gets put at the top of the waitlist.

WL email says that rankings won't come out until the end of March. Doesn't offer any other information.

I've been talking to someone who got put on the WL at Duluth last year and they told me that the update email that we're waiting for tells us the following:

1) Which third of the waitlist you're on.
2) How likely you are to get an acceptance from that spot based on historical trends.

This may change since this was last year, but I thought I'd share it anyway just in case.

They only average 24 waitlist A's per year and the waitlist has 169 people on it [in 2020-2021], meaning that ~56 people are in the top third, i.e. an average of only half of the top third will even get an invite this year.

No updates/letters for either campus per the admissions website.

Post-Application feedback:
Just had an application review session with the admissions office. Got some interesting insight for those that are curious about both this cycle and next cycle.

-Applying this cycle [2020-2021] was significantly more competitive than other cycles. Waiving the MCAT made it much more competitive due to considering a significantly higher number of students (they didn't look at the MCAT at all when sending out II's). This also meant that they interviewed significantly more people overall. They will be going back to requiring the MCAT next cycle [2021-2022], and I was told that this immediately improves the chances of anyone who has a strong MCAT score.
-76% of the entering class is classified as "non-traditional".
-Interviews next year [2021-2022] will still be virtual and still use the same format.
-The timeline for processing applications and sending out invites [in 2021-2022] will revert back to the timeline prior to COVID-19 - secondaries at the end of July, II's at the end of August, interviews start at the beginning of September, first round of A's sent out Oct 15th.
-The actual process for looking at and grading applications/interviews may change and is up in the air. Apparently there is a lot of vague, high-level talk between the deans of the Twin Cities and Duluth campuses about their processes.
-Having research experience looks nice for them but it's a minor benefit. They don't care too much if you don't have research experience. Implied that this is similar at other schools that are not heavily research-focused.
-The one thing that makes or breaks a Duluth application is having experiences on your application that specifically reference primary care (and especially family medicine) experience. I was explicitly told that my application was "great" but that the only thing holding me back (and probably the only thing that stopped me from getting an A) was the lack of family medicine experience (I have copious amounts of medical experience but most of it is related to emergency medicine). This was, for me, literally the only point of criticism on my entire application (she brushed over my academics, numbers, volunteering, medical experience in maybe two minutes, basically saying it was all fine). Even just shadowing a family physician with no other primary care experience significantly boosts your application. They really want to see some family medicine/primary care experience. She suggested that I use all 15 of the "experience" entries on the application to extrapolate specific experiences from my work/military experience that are related to medical care, particularly primary care.
-Duluth (and it was hinted that the Twin Cities is like this as well) isn't a "check-the-box" style admissions office. If you don't have any shadowing experience but describe meaningfully similar experiences in paid positions or something else, then they are fine with that. If you don't have a recent letter of recommendation from a science professor but have recent academic experiences that show that you can succeed, they're fine with that. They're also fine with letters from non-medical personnel, midlevel providers, etc. that still speak to your experience and ability from a supervisory or leadership standpoint.
-Confirmed that 1) applying early is better (when they start reviewing applications in the summer, they start with the first applications submitted) and 2) they don't start looking at anything at all until the end of July. Implied that this is similar at most schools in the region.
-The ADCOM does not see prior applications for re-applicants, i.e. you can re-use your primary statement and other things and the ADCOM will not know that it was re-used. They do not compare applications side-by-side. The only thing that the ADCOM will see is that you are a re-applicant. They can also look back at their notes from last year concerning why you didn't get in.
-I don't recall their class size, exactly, but it is somewhere in the range of 40-50.
-They have a very very strong preference for Minnesota residents.
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I just received the email from the University of Minnesota asking me to specify which campuses I'm applying to.

Duluth's response email after I selected their campus said that their secondary application screening process takes "up to two weeks", for anyone that is curious.
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Secondary received this morning. Here's the email's wording:

Thank you for your application to the University of Minnesota Medical School, Duluth Campus. We received initial data from the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS), and we invite you to complete the supplemental application process. We appreciate your interest in our regional campus mission of training family medicine physicians who will practice in rural Minnesota and physicians who will practice in American Indian communities.

Because we are a state-funded school and because of our campus mission, we have a strong preference for Minnesota residents.


Because we have a rolling admissions process, it will be to your advantage to submit a complete supplemental application within two weeks. A complete supplemental application consists of submission of the Supplemental Application Form, $100 application fee, and letters of recommendation. The deadline for receipt of all application materials is November 15, 2021.

MCAT SCORES: For the 2022 Admissions Cycle, we are requiring a minimum score of 495. If your AMCAS application indicates that you will be taking the MCAT again this year, we will withhold your application from review until we receive your most current MCAT scores. Scores will be considered holistically in the context of all other aspects of your application....

Edit: Submitted my secondary this morning (14th of July). Text of the automated email response:

As file reviews are completed, the Office of Admissions staff will begin arranging interviews with qualified applicants. Although we interview most weekdays, we interview only a few candidates each day. You might not hear of a decision on whether you have received an interview for several weeks.

When you log into their secondary portal, it says that reviewing applications for II's at the Duluth campus takes "4 to 16 weeks", with "most applications taking 8 to 12 weeks".
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Secondary received this morning. Here's the email's wording:

Edit: Submitted my secondary this morning (14th of July). Text of the automated email response:

When you log into their secondary portal, it says that reviewing applications for II's at the Duluth campus takes "4 to 16 weeks", with "most applications taking 8 to 12 weeks".
Hey! Great information man! Are the secondary questions the same as last year?
Mostly, but not quite. I updated my big post at the beginning of the thread with the questions. They also changed the character limit on a lot of the questions.
Looks like they changed it more than I thought they would then. At least some of the questions are the same as the Twin Cities...but less character count.
II just now.

Interview dates that were available: Oct 11th, 12th, and 15th.

Interview is stated as 0930-1330, though the email says that the interview ends at 1245.

Interview is opening session (talking about curriculum, financial aid, etc.), two one-on-one interviews, and then a virtual lunch with current students.
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I interviewed on Wednesday and I felt it went pretty well. They said they won't send out acceptances until late November. So hopefully I don't hear back from them until then. Unfortunately, I got a pre-II rejection from the Twin Cities so I'm hoping Duluth pulls through for me.
Interviewed here this week.

The interviews were really straightforward. Two 50 minute interviews with a break in between. One interviewer focused pretty heavily on questions and topics surrounding my desire for medicine and what I wanted to do with my career. The other interviewer focused almost exclusively on diversity/equity/inclusion topics, particularly around Native American populations.

Other than that, had a brief primer on the curriculum beforehand and a Zoom lunch with a couple students afterwards (totally freeform, nothing gets back to ADCOM).

They said that review takes 6-8 weeks but that they changed their format this year. You could get a waitlist email (they don't send out straight R's) at any time after you've been reviewed, but A's are only coming out at three times and in batches, regardless of when you are interviewed: end of November, end of January, and end of March. They also said that it is possible that if you interview in e.g. September and don't hear anything back at the end of November, your file is still being held and will be re-reviewed and you may receive an A in January. The admissions folk said that if you don't hear back in the nearest batch of A's, "No news is good news" because if you got put on the WL you'll hear back as soon as that decision is made, but that no news also isn't a guarantee of an A later.
Got my II yesterday! In state applicant and my secondary was complete 7/26. Fingers crossed for everyone!
Does anyone know if they'll send out acceptances around November 15th, like they did last year? Or are they sending them out later in November?
Does anyone know if they'll send out acceptances around November 15th, like they did last year? Or are they sending them out later in November?
No they won't.

They specifically said in the interview that they have three batches they're sending out: "End of November", "End of January", and "End of March".

Whether that means a single date or if it'll be over something like the last week is anyone's guess, but I highly doubt that it would include November 15th.
No they won't.

They specifically said in the interview that they have three batches they're sending out: "End of November", "End of January", and "End of March".

Whether that means a single date or if it'll be over something like the last week is anyone's guess, but I highly doubt that it would include November 15th.
Ah, that makes sense. The waiting is killing me.
Anyone heard anything yet? Or do you think they'll wait till after the holiday?
Do you think they will call everyone today and let them know of a decision? Whether that be accepted or waitlisted?
Do you think they will call everyone today and let them know of a decision? Whether that be accepted or waitlisted?
Hard to say what they'll do. If I remember correctly, this is the first year they released acceptances in batches rather than rolling admissions.
Would anyone be willing to talk with me about UMD. I am from MN but went to undergrad at UND.
I completed my application in late July/Early August, and it's been silent ever since. Just wondering at this point if there is any hope for an interview?
This thread has been really silent compared to last year and even the year before. Does anyone think its because there are less applicants?
This thread has been really silent compared to last year and even the year before. Does anyone think its because there are less applicants?
I think it's because Duluth switched to batch acceptances this year instead of rolling admissions. Hard to have movement or updates when the acceptances are announced in November, January (approximately), and then April. I'm not sure about the interviews though!
Accepted this morning!! My dream school!! Interviewed mid-December, IS. Good luck to you all my friends, no matter the outcome of your application cycle, remember how incredible and resilient you are 🙂
Any other A’s yesterday? If we didn’t get a call should we assume we won’t get one? It seemed like all the November acceptances were right after each other. I interviewed early November.
Any other A’s yesterday? If we didn’t get a call should we assume we won’t get one? It seemed like all the November acceptances were right after each other. I interviewed early November.
They told me I wouldn't hear back until the last week of January, so I was not expecting to hear yesterday. I'm positive they are still making calls through the end of the month!
Just received an email saying “file review process for interviews has come to an end.” Congrats and best of luck to those that received interviews and got accepted, hope to join you all next year. For us that didn’t, good luck in your next cycle as well as the preparation for it.
Will the admissions committee let you know right away if you have been waitlisted? Getting anxious
For what it’s worth, a friend and I were both WL on Nov 30, the same day they sent out some acceptances. At my October interview, They did say this would be the time period they would accept people but it appears they did WL that same day too.