2021-2022 Minnesota, Duluth

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For what it’s worth, a friend and I were both WL on Nov 30, the same day they sent out some acceptances. At my October interview, They did say this would be the time period they would accept people but it appears they did WL that same day too.
I see, thank you for letting me know.

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Anyone want to share any insight on the interview and maybe what type of questions they were asked.
Anyone want to share any insight on the interview and maybe what type of questions they were asked.
Interviews are pretty chill. Standard interview questions generally with a heavy focus on rural med and primary care
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Does anyone know how the scholarships work and how long it takes to hear back if you got one?
anyone know how the scoring works in order to be accepted after interview?
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So should I assume that there will be more traction once interviews are over? They said they would let me know of their decision mid march.
They haven't even finished interviews? Jeez. My WL interview said those would be done early March.
Yea I am assuming they haven't finished since I have heard nothing since mine. I just want to hear back lol. Do you think they are ranking applicants into three groups like they did last year?
Yea I am assuming they haven't finished since I have heard nothing since mine. I just want to hear back lol. Do you think they are ranking applicants into three groups like they did last year?
I feel you there. I'm getting pretty impatient ha. This is my first year, but at my interview I remember them saying they will send out an email with your approximate WL spot. It was my understanding that would be done in March, but guess not lol. What I didn't remember to ask was if they did post interview rejections or just everyone is sent onto the WL.
I feel you there. I'm getting pretty impatient ha. This is my first year, but at my interview I remember them saying they will send out an email with your approximate WL spot. It was my understanding that would be done in March, but guess not lol. What I didn't remember to ask was if they did post interview rejections or just everyone is sent onto the WL.
Yea this whole process has been a roller coaster haha. I think they waitlist everyone.
Hey sorry for the late reply! And no I haven’t heard anything but Monday is the day for commmitting so we should see some movement!!
I havent heard anything yet.

Would anyone be willing on the WL be willing to pm me?
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anyone w low mcat been accepted? or know anyone who has been w a low mcat
Does anyone know if there has been any wait-list movement at all?