Awesome thank you! Do you mind sharing why you chose OU?
Real quick, I can get you a list of interest/student groups for the COM if it’s important. I need to write it down that you couldn’t find a list online and take that to Stuco/student affairs.
Well, to be completely transparent, I’m married and had a family. We lived 5 minutes away from the COM so initially that was the most important factor. But I also knew of a few people that were already student that spoke highly of the culture and program.
I can 100% say that they were correct. When I toured and interviewed, they culture and people stood out. Especially compared to others I went on. I 100% would’ve chosen OU over the other school I was accepted at even as an out of state student.
The admin has been so incredible flexible and thoughtful with regards to Covid. They’ve worked hard to give us the best and most normal experience in med school. For example, most school just went all online and did so for anatomy. They didn’t. Most school don’t offer tours now. OU still does. They are incredibly responsive to student feedback on courses and curriculum. Every year, courses change bc of student feedback. For the better.
The module system is great. OKC is a pretty cool area if you make an effort. The dedicated time for step 1 studying is awesome. They do a great job at selecting med students that fit the culture they are trying to create. My classmates are super friendly, caring, and helpful.
There’s not much bad that I have experienced yet. One thing that could be improved is the streamlining of research opportunities and information. But that is already being solved now. OU as a whole (all campuses) are becoming more research focused for the better. More dollars are being put into it. It’s also going to be more important with step 1 being pass or fail.
Happy to elaborate more if need be. I know it’s hard to believe an internet stranger but these are my genuine thoughts.