2021-2022 UC San Diego

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So do they screen of stats or does everyone get a secondary?

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IS secondary received.
I got an email yesterday saying they received my primary and that reviewing for possible secondaries is time-consuming and NOT everyone gets one.
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IS secondary received this morning. "Primary received" email yesterday.
LM 65 so I doubt I passed the auto stat screen but the turnaround seems too quick for a holistic review?
Verified 7/13, immediately got the application received email, and 5 minutes later got the secondary.

Must be an automated screen for in state?
Hey what time did you get the proccessed application and got application recieved I was verified 5:33
Hey yall I got the I have been proccessed email yesterday at 5pm and did not recieve an email yet stating my application has been recieved?
Hey yall I got the I have been proccessed email yesterday at 5pm and did not recieve an email yet stating my application has been recieved?
I was verified 7/4 (added UCSD on 7/6) and received the "application received" email on 7/12! I wouldn't worry!
For the additional experiences section, if I write down a name for a letter of recommendation writer, when would that letter need to be submitted?
Just finished this app. Was wondering what other applicants thought about me selecting that I am uninterested in their three programs, PRIME HEq, GHAC, and AIHAC. Would that look bad?
Just finished this app. Was wondering what other applicants thought about me selecting that I am uninterested in their three programs, PRIME HEq, GHAC, and AIHAC. Would that look bad?
For each one (well at least for GHAC), you would have to write an additional 5000 character essay plus possibly do extra interviews or be stuck in an extra M.S. program for PRIME HEq. I'm not sure it would be a good idea to feign interest unless you would actually want to do those things.
For each one (well at least for GHAC), you would have to write an additional 5000 character essay plus possibly do extra interviews or be stuck in an extra M.S. program for PRIME HEq. I'm not sure it would be a good idea to feign interest unless you would actually want to do those things.
yeah, I have no intention of pretending to be interested, I was just wondering if they would look down on applicants who select no for all those things. I did consider PRIME HEq, as it lines up with some of the things I have written about.
I applied to the MD/PhD program at UCSD. My app was verified on Tuesday. Still haven't received a secondary yet, does the MD/PhD program take longer to send secondaries?
I submitted on tuesday as well but for regular MD and have not heard back yet. They are maybe still proccessing applications and just havent gotten to ours yet.
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Hey yall is anyone applying to Prime Program and if so could you let me know. And also does Prime affect your chances of getting into UCSD
Hey yall is anyone applying to Prime Program and if so could you let me know. And also does Prime affect your chances of getting into UCSD

I am. As far as I know it doesn’t affect your chances. I believe they first see if you’re a good fit for the MD program itself and then look into if you would be a good fit for prime.
Has anyone passed the soft two week deadline already? I'm hoping since the actual due date is a month after receiving a secondary I'm not putting myself at a huge disadvantage.
Has anyone passed the soft two week deadline already? I'm hoping since the actual due date is a month after receiving a secondary I'm not putting myself at a huge disadvantage.
Two week thing is a myth, its still july dont worry about it
Has anyone passed the soft two week deadline already? I'm hoping since the actual due date is a month after receiving a secondary I'm not putting myself at a huge disadvantage.
I've definitely passed the two week deadline, so you're not alone! Totally understand the stress though 🙂
Hey yall are gpa seen different across different schools like comparing a 3.6 from a school like UCLA to a school like tennese state with a 3.8
Hey yall are gpa seen different across different schools like comparing a 3.6 from a school like UCLA to a school like tennese state with a 3.8
kinda, from what I've read. A low gpa is a low gpa regardless of where you got it but, for example, a 3.7 at a school like UCLA won't rule you out at any med school
Hey yall are gpa seen different across different schools like comparing a 3.6 from a school like UCLA to a school like tennese state with a 3.8
From my previous experience on the interview trail, T20’s had an abnormally large amount of interviewees from Ivys, MIT, Stanford etc, so I think it matters somewhat even if it’s just subliminal bias. But it’s hard to tell the cutoff of which undergraduate schools Adcoms see as elite (ex. Does HYPSM get a higher bump than Brown, Dartmouth, Penn, Columbia, Cornell?) or whether it’s a chicken egg problem (Do people who get higher SATs get higher MCATs?)
Hey yall is anyone applying to Prime Program and if so could you let me know. And also does Prime affect your chances of getting into UCSD
Hey. I applied for the GHAC program and for that, they only consider you for GHAC and look at your GHAC essay after you get accepted into the M.D. program, so it has zero effect on your MD application. I'm guessing it may be the same for Prime? You can definitely send UCSD an email about the Prime timeline.
My application was received 6/29 by UCSD SOM but I haven't gotten a secondary yet. In-state, LizzyM 78.

Should I email the admissions office or just wait? I just want to make sure it's not a technical error or something.
Has anyone submitted their primary im lowkey scared because we will basically be the first one to get interview,rejections or post II hold
Anyone know if they read prime essays with the rest of the secondary or only if you are considered for the regular MD? Cuz my prime essay is actually good compared to my autobiography LOL
Can someone post the MSTP specific essays for this school. Thanks
Can someone post the MSTP specific essays for this school. Thanks

No additional prompt. But for the autobiography they mention this “Please note: if you are applying to the MD/PhD program, please include why you are specifically interested in seeking MD/PhD training at UCSD.”
No additional prompt. But for the autobiography they mention this “Please note: if you are applying to the MD/PhD program, please include why you are specifically interested in seeking MD/PhD training at UCSD.”
Is that the only secondary prompt? and what is the character count
This should be a true autobiographical statement. Topics to be included are family, childhood, primary and secondary school years, undergraduate years, and, if applicable, what you’ve done since completing your bachelor’s degree. You should also discuss the motivational factors which led you to a career in medicine, including any disadvantages or obstacles which might put your accomplishments into context. A repeat of your AMCAS statement will not be acceptable. (6000 characters)

Please note: if you are applying to the MD/PhD program, please include why you are specifically interested in seeking MD/PhD training at UCSD.

Do you consider yourself to be a member of a group that is marginalized in a way that systemically affects access to quality education or healthcare?

Please describe how educational disparity, health disparity and/or marginalization has impacted you and your community? (5800 characters) (I do not remember exact but someone correct me please)

Some medical school applicants are already focused on pursuing a particular career pathway in medicine. While many students will change from this pathway during medical school, knowing of your potential interests does help us to assign interviewers. Your choice below does not influence how the Admissions Committee selects students to interview.

Please select from one of career pathways listed below. In addition to this selection, please provide a brief description of your future career goals: (400 characters)

Academic Medicine (Working as a faculty member at a School of Medicine either as a clinician, a clinician-educator, or a clinician investigator. This could be in any field of medicine)
Primary Care and/or work in underserved communities (Working as a general internist, a pediatrician, or a family medicine physician and/or spending the majority of your time working in a community currently underserved by the medical profession)
Public Health, administrative leadership in medicine (Pursuing an MPH and/or working for a public health department or organization; working in health care policy; working as a hospital administrator)
Specialist in private practice (Working in a private practice or managed care setting as a subspecialist. Examples include cardiologist, infectious disease specialist, obstetrician, orthopedic surgeon, general surgeon, anaesthesiologist, radiologist)
Is the deadline a month later at 11:59pm or? A month later at 12:00am.

For example, if I received the secondary on June 8, will the deadline be July 8 12:00am or 11:59pm?
Hey yall for those who submitted the app its been 2 weeks and they havent said anything lol no interviews or nothing haha
lol same, although maybe it was based on time? i submitted 6/29 but wasn't complete until 7/17 due to a LOR
maybe? i was complete 7/7. maybe they changed their mind about their ability to finish reading apps and changed their email partway through 🤣
I truly think they have different email templates and they are sending random ones to each applicant LOL. I am IS and submitted first week of July and received the 1 w to 3-4 month email
I truly think they have different email templates and they are sending random ones to each applicant LOL. I am IS and submitted first week of July and received the 1 w to 3-4 month email
Definitely a case of an old template that found its way into the system somehow. I'm surprised they were ever planning on committing to 2-6 week review for everyone, that's ridiculous (but would be amazing!)
Im really hoping to get an interview. I heard from them they will start releasing interveiw invites the week of the 29th crazy!!!
That said to be expecting interview invites around that date!
Sent them a dm anymously through their instagram where u can ask questions.
Im really hoping to get an interview. I heard from them they will start releasing interveiw invites the week of the 29th crazy!!!
that's kind of a weird date, you mean Thursday July 29th?...normally people will say the week of [insert Monday/Sunday date]
Curious if any current students would be willing to reach out and answer some questions about the school?