2023-2024 Duke

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2023-2024 Duke Secondary Prompts

1. Tell us Who You Are: Share with us your story. This is your opportunity to allow us to know how you wish to be addressed, recognized and treated. (500 words)

2. Working with Others: Trust and rapport are essential in your day-to-day interactions with people. How do you cultivate a relationship with a person who may be very different from you? (400 words)

3. Advocacy: Describe a situation in which you chose to advocate for someone who was different from you or for a cause or idea that was different from yours. Define your view of advocacy. What risks, if any, might be associated with your choice to be an advocate? (400 words)

4. Coping with Disappointment: Not achieving a goal or one’s desire can sometimes be disheartening. What have you discovered from your setbacks and disappointments and how does this translate to your current way of thinking? (400 words)

5. Leadership: What do you value most as a leader and as a contributor? What attributes do you possess as a leader and as a team member and how do you apply them on a daily basis? (400 words)

6. Critical Thinking: Critical thinking involves a number of characteristics. Research experience enhances critical analysis skills. Describe any research experience or similar experience in which you utilized critical thinking. How will critical thinking be important in your future career? (400 words)

7. Understanding the Need for Healthcare Changes: Potential sources of health inequities exist. Duke’s Moments to Movement (M2M) is a collective stand to address these issues. Discuss your experience with disparities in health, health care and society. (400 words)

8. COVID-19 Implications: How has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced your journey to medical school? Have these events changed your outlook on medicine’s role in society? (400 words)

9. Further Information: Please let us know of any additional information that you would like us to consider while reviewing your application

Good luck to everyone applying!

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from last year's prompts duke doesn't seem to have a "why us" essay. how can we incorporate "why us" into the other essays? is it necessary?
Could you post the prompts in the school specific thread?

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from last year's prompts duke doesn't seem to have a "why us" essay. how can we incorporate "why us" into the other essays? is it necessary?
Your question was moved to the Duke-specific thread for 2023-2024.

Essays that aren’t asked for will not really benefit you. Particularly a why us for a school that knows they have a strong national reputation.
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thoughts on using a diversity essay for the "tell us who you are" essay?
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If Duke changes their essays this year imma scream
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OOS secondary received 3:00 PM EST
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1. Tell us Who You Are: Share with us your story. This is your opportunity to allow us to know how you wish to be addressed, recognized and treated.
2. Working with Others: Trust and rapport are essential in your day-to-day interactions with people. How do you cultivate a relationship with a person who may be very different from you?
3. Advocacy: Describe a situation in which you chose to advocate for someone who was different from you or for a cause or idea that was different from yours. Define your view of advocacy. What risks, if any, might be associated with your choice to be an advocate?
4. Coping with Disappointment: Not achieving a goal or one’s desire can sometimes be disheartening. What have you discovered from your setbacks and disappointments and how does this translate to your current way of thinking?
5. Leadership: What do you value most as a leader and as a contributor? What attributes do you possess as a leader and as a team member and how do you apply them on a daily basis?
6. Critical Thinking: Critical thinking involves a number of characteristics. Research experience enhances critical analysis skills. Describe any research experience or similar experience in which you utilized critical thinking. How will critical thinking be important in your future career?
7. Understanding the Need for Healthcare Changes: Potential sources of health inequities exist. Duke’s Moments to Movement (M2M) is a collective stand to address these issues. Discuss your experience with disparities in health, health care and society.
8. COVID-19 Implications: How has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced your journey to medical school? Have these events changed your outlook on medicine’s role in society?

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1. Tell us Who You Are: Share with us your story. This is your opportunity to allow us to know how you wish to be addressed, recognized and treated.
2. Working with Others: Trust and rapport are essential in your day-to-day interactions with people. How do you cultivate a relationship with a person who may be very different from you?
3. Advocacy: Describe a situation in which you chose to advocate for someone who was different from you or for a cause or idea that was different from yours. Define your view of advocacy. What risks, if any, might be associated with your choice to be an advocate?
4. Coping with Disappointment: Not achieving a goal or one’s desire can sometimes be disheartening. What have you discovered from your setbacks and disappointments and how does this translate to your current way of thinking?
5. Leadership: What do you value most as a leader and as a contributor? What attributes do you possess as a leader and as a team member and how do you apply them on a daily basis?
6. Critical Thinking: Critical thinking involves a number of characteristics. Research experience enhances critical analysis skills. Describe any research experience or similar experience in which you utilized critical thinking. How will critical thinking be important in your future career?
7. Understanding the Need for Healthcare Changes: Potential sources of health inequities exist. Duke’s Moments to Movement (M2M) is a collective stand to address these issues. Discuss your experience with disparities in health, health care and society.
8. COVID-19 Implications: How has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced your journey to medical school? Have these events changed your outlook on medicine’s role in society?

If applying MSTP only then you only have to answer questions 1 and 2.
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They got rid of references to race in question #1 and #7. Are they trying to avoid references to race to reflect the new SCOTUS AA ruling?
They got rid of references to race in question #1 and #7. Are they trying to avoid references to race to reflect the new SCOTUS AA ruling?
Probably. You can still def used prewrites if they spoke about race but I think this also allows you to speak about more topics so I am personally in favor of the newer prompts
what is better to write about in the optional essay? A "why us? or a diversity essay? (or neither)
Are applicants to the PCLT program considered for the regular MD pool if they don't get an offer to PCLT? Like a dual consideration process? Or is it choose one or the other?
500 words for the Tell Us Who you are
400 words for the rest.
There is also a section at the end called Further Information with the prompt:
Please let us know of any additional information that you would like us to consider while reviewing your application:
It doesn't indicate a maximum amount of words.
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Did anyone get a confirmation email after submitting? I didn't, and at the top of the supplement it says my supplements still needs attention and they're waiting on letters of rec from AMCAS even though everything's finished on my end.
OOS secondary submitted. (I pre-wrote every prompt but one)
For Question 9, "Further Information: Please let us know of any additional information that you would like us to consider while reviewing your application", does anyone have any insight on whether this essay is a soft requirement? I'm torn between adding more writing for them to review across the already numerous essays, or leaving it blank and risking getting soft-screened out.
For Question 9, "Further Information: Please let us know of any additional information that you would like us to consider while reviewing your application", does anyone have any insight on whether this essay is a soft requirement? I'm torn between adding more writing for them to review across the already numerous essays, or leaving it blank and risking getting soft-screened out.
I left it blank. They have enough to read imo
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Did anyone get a confirmation email after submitting? I didn't, and at the top of the supplement it says my supplements still needs attention and they're waiting on letters of rec from AMCAS even though everything's finished on my end.
No confirmation email for me either
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Did anyone get a confirmation email after submitting? I didn't, and at the top of the supplement it says my supplements still needs attention and they're waiting on letters of rec from AMCAS even though everything's finished on my end.
I did not get a confirmation email either. The top of my supplement says "Your supplemental application has been completed. Your application is now being reviewed by a set of independent screeners on our admissions committee."
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For the critical thinking / research question, would it be best to be explicit and state exactly where critical thinking was used in prior research and why it's important in future research? It feels awkward to include and I feel like it's been mostly implied in other essays that talk about research. But I want to make sure I answer their prompt in the way they're looking for!
What do you value most as a leader and as a contributor?
Is it asking what I value as a leader separately from what I value as a contributor OR is it just asking altogether as a leader/contributor what I value most?
Anyone else not received a secondary yet? OOS
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Does anybody have any advice on the "Share with us your story" prompt? How are people approaching this?
Does anybody have any advice on the "Share with us your story" prompt? How are people approaching this?
I kind of approached it like a little autobiography, focusing on my upbringing and life experiences and then discussing how that has shaped my motivations for medicine and passions for my future career. I didn't directly address the second part of the prompt as I feel I addressed it in the rest of my writing with how I want to be addressed and treated. It may help to read the full version of the prompt from a couple years ago to give you some areas to discuss
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Are there pros/cons to filling out the academic courses section? I'm wondering why they made it optional.
Did anyone else receive a second email from Duke inviting you to complete their secondary? I received my first email last Friday and another one today. This second one seems to have removed the part about holistic admissions
  • Hmm
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Did anyone else receive a second email from Duke inviting you to complete their secondary? I received my first email last Friday and another one today. This second one seems to have removed the part about holistic admissions
Only received one
Are applicants to the PCLT program considered for the regular MD pool if they don't get an offer to PCLT? Like a dual consideration process? Or is it choose one or the other?
Does anyone know this?
does anyone have the link for their application management? I cant get back to my application because the link in the email they sent does not work at all