2023-2024 Tulane

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2023-2024 Tulane Secondary Essay Prompts

1. Tulane University School of Medicine’s mission statement states: We improve human health and foster healthy communities through discovery and translation of the best science into clinical practice and education; to deliver the highest quality patient care and prepare the next generation of distinguished clinical and scientific leaders. Briefly describe the reasons for your interest in Tulane University School of Medicine. (150 words)

2. What disparities in health do you believe are pertinent to the New Orleans patient population? How would you attempt to address them as a medical student at Tulane? You may support your answer by using past involvement working in a similar patient population to compare and/or describe your interest in any student activities offered at Tulane or in New Orleans. (150 words)

3. Who knows you best and how would they describe you? (150 words)

4. Please list any leadership positions (clubs, organizations, paid work) you may have held. (100 words)

5. Please list your hobbies and major non-academic interests. (150 words)

OPTIONAL: The following questions are optional. Declining to answer a question will not negatively impact your application in any way.

6. Tulane University School of Medicine values the diversity of its patients, faculty, staff, and students. Do you identify with a particular group that you believe is underrepresented among medical professionals? These include groups oriented around, but not limited to: ethnicity, race, sexuality, religion, disability, and economic background. (60 words)

7. In what ways did the COVID-19 pandemic alter/interrupt your medical school application?
(no limit)

More Questions under the "Personal Information" Tab:

1. Were you previously interviewed at Tulane University School of Medicine?
2. Please list the undergraduate university you are attending or have graduated from:
3. Have you graduated? (y/n) What have you been pursuing since you graduated? (no limit shown)
4. Are you currently working or have you worked for one of the following organizations - Americorps, Peace Corps, Teach for America? (100 words?)
5. Are you participating or have you participated in a study abroad program at your university? (y/n) Please give a short description. (100 words)
6. Are you currently volunteering abroad or have you volunteered abroad? (y/n) Please give a short description. (100 words)
7. Please list any leadership positions (clubs, organizations, paid work) you may have held. (100 words)
8. Are you currently serving or have you served in the United States Military? (y/n)
9. Are you an Eagle Scout or Received the Gold Award from the Girl Scouts? (y/n)
10. Are you fluent in a second language? (y/n) What language?
11. Are you a first generation college student? (y/n)

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview Feedback:
Tulane University School of Medicine Interview Feedback

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Secondary received. Same prompts as last year's.
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Secondary received. OOS, Tulane alum, wait listed last year
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OOS Sec received @wysdoc
1. Tulane University School of Medicine’s mission statement states: We improve human health and foster healthy communities through discovery and translation of the best science into clinical practice and education; to deliver the highest quality patient care and prepare the next generation of distinguished clinical and scientific leaders. Briefly describe the reasons for your interest in Tulane University School of Medicine. 150 words limit
2. What disparities in health do you believe are pertinent to the New Orleans patient population? How would you attempt to address them as a medical student at Tulane? You may support your answer by using past involvement working in a similar patient population to compare and/or describe your interest in any student activities offered at Tulane or in New Orleans.150 words limit
3. Who knows you best and how would they describe you? 150 words limit
4. Please list any leadership positions (clubs, organizations, paid work) you may have held. 100 words limit
5. Please list your hobbies and major non-academic interests 150 word limit
OPTIONAL: The following questions are optional. Declining to answer a question will not negatively impact your application in any way.
6. Tulane University School of Medicine values the diversity of its patients, faculty, staff, and students. Do you identify with a particular group that you believe is underrepresented among medical professionals? These include groups oriented around, but not limited to: ethnicity, race, sexuality, religion, disability, and economic background. 60 words
7. In what ways did the COVID-19 pandemic alter/interrupt your medical school application? no limit
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when it says to list paid/leadership positions and hobbies, should we actually list them or write small paragraph with short descriptions?
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Has anyone not received an OOS RD secondary yet?
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I would also note that there are questions asking 1) if you worked for Americorps, Peace Corps or Teach for America and 2) if you studied abroad. If you answer yes to either of these, a prompt shows up to give a short description (100 words).
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Is it true you should try to get the Tulane secondary submitted within like a day or you’re screwed?
Is it true you should try to get the Tulane secondary submitted within like a day or you’re screwed?
Go work on it and turn it in when you are ready.
Then wait for months to hear about interviews because that's how they roll. Don't take the wait personally.
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Is it true you should try to get the Tulane secondary submitted within like a day or you’re screwed?
No. Tulane is probably the program that most heavily favors early applicants. They go through the applications by submission date and often fill their interview slots by the Fall. Getting your secondary in quickly is important and should be prioritized, but it is not essential to turn it in the same day. You just go further down the queue.
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Anyone else OOS not receive one yet? Maybe because of my lower MCAT??
for the hobbies, are y'all planning on just doing a list or writing a story?
for the hobbies, are y'all planning on just doing a list or writing a story?

I just listed them and next to them added a little description. Didn’t put any stories because of the word constraint.
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MCAT 515 international received four days ago, give it some time i think they send out in batches
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OOS secondary received (finally)
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ED applicant, received my secondary invite on 07/03. In state.
Radio silence for me
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Hate to be that person but is anyone under review yet.............
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Anyone else still waiting for the secondary?
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