2023-2024 Weill Cornell

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I think there are problems with payment for med schools that use this specific platform for secondarraies. USF also uses this site and payment is not working.

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Got an email from Cornell confirming there is an issue with payment; they'll send out an email when it's fixed. Getting this email was a jump-scare though because I'm still on the waitlist from last cycle 😳
For the adversity essay, I wanted to talk about my eating disorder in High School ~freshman/sophomore year of high school. I have worked a lot towards resolving it, as well as working as the president of a club that specifically tackles mental health. I also talked about how my cultural experience (as an Asian Male) affected the way I tackled my eating disorder. I'm wondering if this topic would bring up any red flags. I know talking about something like this is often frowned upon, but I feel that I am far enough removed from that experience to talk about it, and I feel that my experience is somewhat unique.
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Is anyone else having trouble submitting the prereqs? I already submitted my secondary, but there's no submit button on the prereq page. I left half the sections blank because I was on the quarter system if that has anything to do with it?
Is anyone else having trouble submitting the prereqs? I already submitted my secondary, but there's no submit button on the prereq page. I left half the sections blank because I was on the quarter system if that has anything to do with it?
I am so silly... you have to go through and click 'I am not applying any courses to this prerequisite'. Leaving this here in case it helps someone else!
I submitted mine and found a repeated sentence I didn't catch while editing. feeling like an idiot. nothing to be done, right? do you think admissions would care if I emailed to fix it or would that cause more annoyance than good
I submitted mine and found a repeated sentence I didn't catch while editing. feeling like an idiot. nothing to be done, right? do you think admissions would care if I emailed to fix it or would that cause more annoyance than good
I’m in the same boat <3 I emailed them about this and they were very kind!! I think (or at least hope) they realize we’re only human and are evaluating on the competencies!
I’m in the same boat <3 I emailed them about this and they were very kind!! I think (or at least hope) they realize we’re only human and are evaluating on the competencies!
thank you this made me feel so much better! what did they say back to you? did they let you edit it??
Nope, just that a note was added to my admissions file. I’m still stressed but they were nice in my email…
It's won't be a big deal! Admissions committees understand that we're human, as long as there's not dozens of errors all over the place it shouldn't be an issue 🙂
It's won't be a big deal! Admissions committees understand that we're human, as long as there's not dozens of errors all over the place it shouldn't be an issue 🙂
I was a complete rollercoaster of emotions when I found my error… but I appreciate the support 🙂
Need some advice about what they will accept as pre-reqs. Had a rocky start and didn't do great in some intro level classes, but did great in upper levels and research courses. Should I put those as the biology courses?
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For biology lab experience, I have only taken one class so far, so for the second should I put a future class or a lab experience I had for credit? Thanks!
For those who’ve submitted their secondary, did you receive a confirmation email of any kind?
For the gap year secondary -- it only asks what our plans are for the upcoming year, but should we also discuss what we've been doing if we have already taken a gap year?