2024-2025 UC Riverside

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Just got the "We haven't forgotten about you" email. I thought for sure it was a rejection when I saw the sender.
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interviewing tomorrow here! UCR is my top school. any tips/advice for the interview? I grew up in LA, but never really lived in the IE. feeling kinda nervous
good luck! Just take today to really practice MMI questions and use the time before every question to really map out your answer
I wanted to send a second update letter, but in their FAQ it says only one is permitted.

I still have the option to upload one so I'm wondering whether I should do this OR update the update letter (edit on the portal) OR just leave it alone.

Any advice?! Thank you!
I hope we get some more decisions soon.. looks like they have been releasing decisions on the monday or tuesday of the 3rd week of each month. This week is technically the 3rd week but barely so I wonder when they'll do the next batch this week or next
I hope we get some more decisions soon.. looks like they have been releasing decisions on the monday or tuesday of the 3rd week of each month. This week is technically the 3rd week but barely so I wonder when they'll do the next batch this week or next
last cycle’s threads looked like 23rd/29th for feb and silence in march :,(
For those who are considering the PRIME Program and applied to it along with the secondary application, did you attend the PRIME Mixer (in person event) last November? If not, have you received anything regarding virtual events about PRIME? I heard that they were going to send an update in January but it’s already February and I haven’t seen anything in my email.
Does anyone think we still have a shot of getting an interview? Only thing I’ve gotten is the ‘under consideration’ email on 1/30. I’m sure we’re all really nervous with March approaching. Gl to everyone waiting & congrats to those accepted!
For accepted students, were you able to select UCR for the plan to enroll feature on AMCAS?