pre med

  1. E

    DO and PA programs

    Hi Folks, I'm not here to ask pros/cons between DO vs PA (yes, theres tons of post on Med vs PA) So... I am looking to apply to BOTH DO & PA Programs. However, they both use the CAS Application Portal (AACOMAS CAS vs CASPA). I am wondering if programs can find out if I'm applying to the other...
  2. Oxalis

    MD/PhD Chances? What do I do?

    Hello! This is my first thread as I was really hoping to get some advice. I'm in my senior year and looking to apply this Spring to MD/PhD programs. I was originally gearing for an MD program, and I'm still open to it, but I've had some incredible experiences with research (2+ years and tough...
  3. Z

    Advice on what I should do Next

    Hello, I am going to graduate with a really low GPA: a little above a 3.2. I know this is far from competitive and I plan on taking a post bacc. I wanted to describe everything I've done so far. I would then appreciate further advice on what I should do to improve my application as I am going to...
  4. J

    Teaching before medical school?

    Hello SDN. I am a little ahead of schedule as far as my undergraduate course works goes (dual credit stuff in high school) and was considering maybe teaching (junior high or high school) for a year before medical school. Providing my GPAs, MCAT, and other admission criteria are on par with a...
  5. J

    Teaching before medical school?

    Hello SDN. I am a little ahead of schedule as far as my undergraduate course works goes (dual credit stuff in high school) and was considering maybe teaching (junior high or high school) for a year before medical school. Providing my GPAs, MCAT, and other admission criteria are on par with a...
  6. J

    Teaching before medical school?

    Hello SDN. I am a little ahead of schedule as far as my undergraduate course works goes (dual credit stuff in high school) and was considering maybe teaching (junior high or high school) for a year before medical school. Providing my GPAs, MCAT, and other admission criteria are on par with a...
  7. J

    Teaching before medical school?

    Hello SDN. I am a little ahead of schedule as far as my undergraduate course works goes (dual credit stuff in high school) and was considering maybe teaching (junior high or high school) for a year before medical school. Providing my GPAs, MCAT, and other admission criteria are on par with a...
  8. M

    I do not want to take pre reqs, should I really become a doctor?

    Hello everyone! I need advice. I’m currently a pre med student about to start my junior year of college. I came into college wanting to go into medicine, but found I really loved neuroscience/ psychology, so I changed my mind and decided to pursue a career in research. I took a lot of statistics...
  9. SARmedic8401

    Are ADCOMS wary of Paramedics/Military Medics?

    Anyone who's been in the EMS or Military medicine fields are aware of the "Para-God" mentality that sometimes exist, or the military medics who take the nickname "doc" a little too far. How can an applicant convey to ADCOMs that the negative traits associated with these stereotypes are not...
  10. M

    Do I need intro to psychology course for MCAT?

    I have already taken anthropology and an interdisciplinary courses in sociology. Do I need to take an intro to psychology course for the MCAT or can I just self study with the Kaplan book?
  11. G

    Letters of recommendation for rural students

    Any rural or frontier med area students had success in getting your letters? I have already searched the forums and couldn't find anything specific to my situation. I am struggling to obtain letters of recomendation. I have one but need more some schools require 3 some 5. We live in a rural ...
  12. Hunter the Bean

    So many minors/certificates, but none I'm truly interested in...Can someone help me?

    Hello everyone! I just finished off my freshman year at UF, and it was a great experience. I am on a Pre-Med track with as a Biology major and no current minor. I graduated with my Associate's Degree while in high school, and now I am running out of elective credits; therefore, I need to pick...
  13. A

    4.0 gpa 494 mcat With medical experience

    hi guys, this is my first post here. I recently took the mcat on 7/7/18 and did poorly (495, 125/122/125/123). Here are a little about my self. I immigrate to the States w my family when i was 17 years old. I speak fluent vietnamese and english. My current gpa is 3.98 and sgpa is 4.0 (so...
  14. B

    DIY Post-bacc help! UCLA Extension vs. concurrent enrollment?

    I'm a pre-med student who just recently graduated from UC Irvine. I am looking to do a DIY post-bacc in the fall/winter to raise my gpa and was thinking of UCLA extension. However, I have heard that extension courses are known to be "easier" than actual UCLA courses designated for their admitted...
  15. J

    Community College Prerequisite

    Hello SDN. I am about to start my second year of undergraduate. When I started undergrad, I did not know if I wanted to be a doctor or not. It was an idea that I developed about half way through my first semester. I still wasn't entirely sure about it, so I moved back home the second semester...
  16. L

    MD & DO cgpa/sgpa 2.2,3.0 WAMC Pre-med

    Is there still time to redeem myself? Age 23/M Asian Texas Resident Stats: cgpa/sgpa 2.2, 3.0 (I've taken 40 credits so far and all are from a cc and I've only taken 2 UL science classes) Planning to transfer to a 4 year University this fall to major in Psychology and do a DIY post bacc to...
  17. Y

    Quit Medical Technology/Pre med?

    So i thought i wanted to be a doctor, actually my parents wanted me to be. I’m in my 3rd year and i noticed that i don’t excel in my subjects and that i don’t really have passion for my course. Is it too late for me to change my course and take Architecture instead? I have a scholarship so i...
  18. 3

    ScribeAmerica qualifications and concerns

    I had recently applied to become a medical scribe with Scribe America. Anyone else worked with them before or is currently employed with them? How was your experience working for this company as a medical scribe? Also, they require that the applicant take a on-spot typing test at the interview...
  19. M

    Any NC Non-Trads?

    Hello all, Are there any non-trads here in NC? How were you able to balance full-time work and complete pre-med requirements? I work as a clinical research coordinator by day (can be anywhere between 7am-5pm M-F). I only have time to take courses in the evening, but that seems almost impossible...
  20. D

    . Deleted

  21. P

    pre med course requirements

    hey y'all -- I've been looking at different med school pre reqs (required and recommended) and am wondering if a semester of statistics is really necessary for the majority of med schools?? my schedule is already at over 20 hours including a stats class, so should I take it or would not taking...
  22. G


    hi everyone, I am not taking classes this summer and will start my junior year this fall. I want to do some shadowing this summer, but I am having problems with actually finding doctors who want to do it. I’ve called several neurosurgeons, multiple private family medicine practices, and a...
  23. E

    Going through Med school with small children

    Hi! I have a PhD in engineering and am currently completing my pre-med requisites. The only thing that scares me about med school is time away from my two young kids. Any experiences from Dads/Moms going through medical school with kids in pre-school/elementary? Thanks!
  24. Mickey.Mouse

    Should I do a second Bachelor's or a Master's?

    Hey everyone, I graduated with BS/MS in 2016 with a combined GPA of 3.05. Took my MCAT in 2017 with little to no preparation and scored a 488. It's a horrible score, I know. It seems like everything is going wrong for me and that there's no chance to being admitted to medical school. For the...
  25. sasukeuchiha33

    Volunteering in clinic vs hospital?

    Hey everyone! So I just finished up my first year of college and started clinical volunteering last month. I have already amassed about 20 hours, which I know isn’t really that much, but if I do around 20 hours every month over the next 2 years that will leave me with well over 400 hours in the...
  26. S


    Hello! This is my first post ever. So, I was wondering what are some awesome extracurriculars to apply to medical school with? I know all of you might say something like "do something that you enjoy", but I enjoy a lot of things. I just want to know what accepted medical students have done...
  27. 3

    Gen. Chem II for Summer?

    Should I take General Chemistry II over the summer? I’m at a community college and plan on taking it here during the summer which is 1 month and 7 days long. Or should I take it for an entire semester instead so it won’t be too fast-paced?
  28. 3

    Business math for Pre-Med?

    I plan on taking math 1324 (TX), Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences. Is this a good math course for getting into medical school and will it satisfy the math pre-req? Or is business calc more desirable? I know some people who got into med school who never took calc in college and I plan...
  29. 3

    Sociology Major for Pre-Med?

    Is sociology a good major for getting into a medical school in the US? I understand you can major in whatevery you want as long as you take the pre-reqs but statistically some majors have low chances of getting into medical school, such as health care studies, which has low acceptance rates and...
  30. theITcrowd

    Paying back loans/saving for retirement as an older student

    Hi all, Did some searching and was unable to find anything particularly specific to my question, so here goes. I'm currently 27 (almost 28) and am finally in a position work-wise where I can potentially take pre-med courses part-time at my local college/CC and/or online while still working...
  31. Jonesam91

    Post Bacc Pre Health vs Post Bacc Pre Med

    Forgive me if the title of this thread seems confusing, but I have a few questions. I am a URM (Black Woman, 26) and I finally decided to pursue my original dream of becoming a physician. I graduate in June with my Bachelors in Health Science (finally), but it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to...
  32. I

    Very LOW gpa. Please help! (:

    Hello, I was wondering if I can get your advice on something. I have a very low GPA (2.5) I am about to complete my 3rd year. My GPA is low due to some personal and family problems, and the dean of my school did not believe that it should have impacted my grades as much as it did. Thus, I am...
  33. I

    What are my chances into getting into med school?

    Hello, I was wondering if I should transfer schools or stay in the university I’m going to start this next fall. I’ll be entering Kean University for their Pre-Med program and most of the courses offered there aren’t offered in many other schools. I’m trying to get into my dream medical...
  34. O


    Hi i am in highschool abouta be a senior and i am currently taking college classes and i am signed up for intro to bio. Should i take it? I really want to get alot if courses of the way for med school and for my basics done in a quicker cheaper way. I have 25 hours right now. In the summer i...
  35. Z

    Cofounded a startup, need advice

    So I cofounded a tech startup with two other people that is now appraised at 7.5 million dollars - the problem is, I no longer find the work we're doing fulfilling (and I have a few issues with the people I started it with) and I would rather pivot and focus on other projects. If I leave now...
  36. Future_Doc1997

    What are my chances?

    So this may be kind of long... I’m not the smartest, but I am a hard worker. Averaging B’s in most of my classes needed to take (i do have a few C’s) However one horrible semester brought my GPA down tremendously & it’s been hard trying to bring it back up (currently at a 2.58) I’m taking...
  37. D

    Advice/Input, am I doomed for getting into Med School?

    Hello everyone, I am currently finishing up my sophomore year in CUNY Brooklyn College I intend on going to medical school to become a pediatrician, I have always been in love with the medical field and coming from a big family were there was always little ones running around I always loved...
  38. O

    Dual credit pre med classes

  39. wut?

    Why is this considered a bad grade

    Why are B-'s so bad? Why are they so frowned upon when technically its a 80-82?
  40. A

    sGPA calculation

    If I'm not mistaken the cGPA is only for undergrad, but does sGPA carry into grad programs/post-baccs? I'll be taking physics, biochem, and orgo lab as a post-bacc and wasn't sure if these courses would be counted towards my sGPA.