2008-2009 Dartmouth Medical Secondary Application Thread

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You can email them, and then send a hard copy trying to be respectful. Also, I think that you should put a P.S. stating that I should be given your spot off of the waitlist;)

HAHAH dude what if I actually did this. Since I am no longer interested in the program I could just add a little PS note at the bottom saying "PS: I would like to recommend funkydrmonkey (a poster on the Student Doctor Network internet forum) as a fine candidate to take my place. He accepts PMs"

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HAHAH dude what if I actually did this. Since I am no longer interested in the program I could just add a little PS note at the bottom saying "PS: I would like to recommend funkydrmonkey (a poster on the Student Doctor Network internet forum) as a fine candidate to take my place. He accepts PMs"

That would be awesome, and I would :biglove: you forever:D
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YESSS ITS MAY 15! Hope that the following days/weeks/months bring lots of good news for everyone on the waitlist!:luck:
It is sad that there are so many XXXXX SOM vs DMS, but many of them are picking the other schools, meaning that hopefully more spots for us:D

Güd luck:luck: and lets see some movement!
It is sad that there are so many XXXXX SOM vs DMS, but many of them are picking the other schools, meaning that hopefully more spots for us:D

Güd luck:luck: and lets see some movement!

haha my feelings exactly about those threads...makes me want to make a bunch of different accounts and get my friends to also make accounts to help sabotage the threads and make dartmouth sound like the worst choice ever:smuggrin:

But today could be a lucky day...LET'S GO WAITLIST MOVEMENT!!!:luck:
was just told by andy that they are just at class size. there were a few openings (sounded like 2-4) that he already filled. there wont be huge movements. you are looking at 10 spots max.
was just told by andy that they are just at class size. there were a few openings (sounded like 2-4) that he already filled. there wont be huge movements. you are looking at 10 spots max.

sadness...:( :cry:
has anyone else called??

how many ppl are on the waitinglist in the past?

any movements?
Neither of those dates actually. To anyone waiting on pins and needles. Don't. Just chill out.
I recently received an email from Andrew asking me to please call him. When I called he asked how interested I was in attending DMS, I stated that I was very interested in DMS, then he offered me a spot in the class of 2013! We spoke about my particular interest, he was very sincere, I said I would need some time to see the offer and talk to my girlfriend and my family before I made a decision. He asked that I have a final decision in about a week.

There is movement off the waitlist, and I hope some of you hear from Andrew soon.

Good Luck!
I just withdrew from DMS. Dartmouth is an amazing school and I hope one of you is accepted soon.
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