2010-2011 Emory Application Thread

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I'm like 99% sure that the deadline doesn't apply to you. The March 1 thing is definitely for need-based because they have to do some number crunching and stuff. If you just want loans, I'm pretty sure there's a set procedure and set amount of federal loans you can get, so it doesn't take nearly as long to figure out on their end.

FAFSA is really easy though, and there's nothing you can do about the deadline at this point. So I would say just hurry and fill it out, and call them if you feel like it.
I'm pretty sure March 1 was to guarantee your fin aid info was given in early april.

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Agreed. Regarding loans, since the subsidized (Stafford) is need-based, it might be a first-come first-serve type deal, although I'm not sure. I wouldn't think it makes a difference for unsubsidized loans, as long as you're in this month.

I'd bet it's not first come first serve since it's practically government money. Never know with those crazy Republicans though. But yea, this month would be good. Even with it being need based it can't be as complicated to figure out as school money.
I'm pretty sure March 1 was to guarantee your fin aid info was given in early april.

Right, but still, if you're just applying for loans they could probably give you your info next day if they wanted to.
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Yea with Obama's new budget, say good bye to any subsidized loans...

Obama's not the one that called for irresponsible budget cuts in the first place. Subsequently, he had to go with the political flow (did he go with it too much? yes, but there's not much blame to be placed on him).

Also, I'm pretty sure the elimination of subsidized loans isn't being discussed. The talk has been about raising the interest rates.
Sorry if I'm reacting too strongly. I can't stand misinformation in politics. That's how tea parties get started. Also, I know this isn't a forum for political discussion.
Have the big scholarship interviewees been chosen? I don't expect to be one, but it'd be nice to know if it was time to stop hoping haha.

Can we put a moratorium on this question until after the final round of acceptances go out?
Can we put a moratorium on this question until after the final round of acceptances go out?
what's your deal? people will post what they want to post, and there's no harm in trying to find out info. some of us are trying to make decisions between schools right now, and needless to say, money is a HUGE factor. for emory, a scholarship interview invite is something that many of us are really hoping for, just like many people are waiting for acceptances.
what's your deal? People will post what they want to post, and there's no harm in trying to find out info. Some of us are trying to make decisions between schools right now, and needless to say, money is a huge factor. For emory, a scholarship interview invite is something that many of us are really hoping for, just like many people are waiting for acceptances.
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what's your deal? people will post what they want to post, and there's no harm in trying to find out info. some of us are trying to make decisions between schools right now, and needless to say, money is a HUGE factor. for emory, a scholarship interview invite is something that many of us are really hoping for, just like many people are waiting for acceptances.

Robin I totally understand what you are saying, but it does say on Emory's website that the candidates won't be selected until the end of march. So there is probably no need to stress about it for at least another week or two...:)
what's your deal? people will post what they want to post, and there's no harm in trying to find out info. some of us are trying to make decisions between schools right now, and needless to say, money is a HUGE factor. for emory, a scholarship interview invite is something that many of us are really hoping for, just like many people are waiting for acceptances.

Dear Robin,

Here is my deal.

a) The Admissions office made it clear when I interviewed, which was not in time for consideration for the last round of acceptances, that we were still in the running for the Woodruff. Ergo, no decisions on the Woodruff will be made until the entire first round of applicants is selected.

b) I completely understand that money is a big factor in deciding between schools. However, you don't have to pick one until May 15, and I have the utmost confidence that the Woodruff fellows will have been announced by then.

c) The calendar on the Admissions website says the Woodruff fellows will be selected in late March. In past years (according to SDN archives), invites for Woodruff weekend came out very soon before the weekend itself. So if past is prologue, invitations to Woodruff weekend won't come out for another week at least, probably closer to two.

d) If you really can't wait, there are these magical inventions called telephones. I'm sure you can call the office and ask them, and they will likely say... "We don't decide Woodruff fellows until the entire first round of acceptances is sent out."

For those of us who don't yet have an acceptance, or were only eligible in the round that (I hope) went out this week, the continued and fruitless repetition of this question is putting the cart before the horse in a big way, especially when a pretty basic search of the Admissions website and SDN archives could tell you that the answer to your question is almost certainly no. You have been literally asking this question for almost two months now without doing any research. Frankly, it's getting annoying.

Obviously, you're welcome to post what and when you'd like, but if you can wait until the last round of decisions go out before asking this question again, which means you should be waiting maybe a week, there are those of us who would take it as a personal kindness.

To all who are still waiting (whether for acceptances or fellowships), good luck.
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Dear Robin,

Here is my deal.
To all who are still waiting (whether for acceptances or fellowships), good luck.

Good deal. I appreciate the clarification and understand where you're coming from. Best of luck to everyone up for the last round of acceptances, and best of luck to those accepted to then be invited to interview for the Woodruff! ;)
Good deal. I appreciate the clarification and understand where you're coming from. Best of luck to everyone up for the last round of acceptances, and best of luck to those accepted to then be invited to interview for the Woodruff! ;)

And Robin, best of luck to you when interview invitations come out for the Woodruff! :)
Dear Robin,

Here is my deal.

a) The Admissions office made it clear when I interviewed, which was not in time for consideration for the last round of acceptances, that we were still in the running for the Woodruff. Ergo, no decisions on the Woodruff will be made until the entire first round of applicants is selected.

b) I completely understand that money is a big factor in deciding between schools. However, you don't have to pick one until May 15, and I have the utmost confidence that the Woodruff fellows will have been announced by then.

c) The calendar on the Admissions website says the Woodruff fellows will be selected in late March. In past years (according to SDN archives), invites for Woodruff weekend came out very soon before the weekend itself. So if past is prologue, invitations to Woodruff weekend won't come out for another week at least, probably closer to two.

d) If you really can't wait, there are these magical inventions called telephones. I'm sure you can call the office and ask them, and they will likely say... "We don't decide Woodruff fellows until the entire first round of acceptances is sent out."

For those of us who don't yet have an acceptance, or were only eligible in the round that (I hope) went out this week, the continued and fruitless repetition of this question is putting the cart before the horse in a big way, especially when a pretty basic search of the Admissions website and SDN archives could tell you that the answer to your question is almost certainly no. You have been literally asking this question for almost two months now without doing any research. Frankly, it's getting annoying.

Obviously, you're welcome to post what and when you'd like, but if you can wait until the last round of decisions go out before asking this question again, which means you should be waiting maybe a week, there are those of us who would take it as a personal kindness.

To all who are still waiting (whether for acceptances or fellowships), good luck.

I do not understand why people cannot ask legitimate questions about scholarships. I did not get acceptances to some other schools yet, but it doesn't mean that I will get offended if people talk about scholarships. This is a forum for all applicants of Emory Med, whether they are accepted, waitlisted, rejected, or still waiting. We are all trying to be doctors, this whole idea that people need to be sensitive to the applicants who have not received acceptances yet is a bit immature.

Anyways, you are incorrect when it comes to your assumption that Woodruff finalists will not be accepted for another couple weeks. I talked to Emory Admissions, they told me that Woodruff Weekend "finalists" will likely be chosen starting this week. They told me that they just wrapped up their last round of acceptances, so the time is now, not in a couple weeks. The inquiries about Woodruff are totally legit.

People have every right to inquire because if someone gets an invite, that is paramount information for other people who are holding out hope for a scholarship.
Pinkynotbrain said the same thing ThatDude said: Woodruff finalists will not be selected until after the class is selected. And it likely could very well be 1 week, 1.5 weeks, 2 weeks before they actually notify whether or not you are a Woodruff finalist even if they do select the finalists next week (difference between select and notify is subtle, but it is a difference). I think its ridiculous you guys are arguing about a couple of weeks versus a week essentially.

In any event, the thing that annoys me and probably what got to pinkynotbrain isn't necessarily people asking about the Woodruff stuff but 1) asking about things that were told to you on interview day in clear detail, and 2) asking about the woodruff scholarship for what seems like multiple times for the past 2 months even though the timeline was laid out to us at the interview and also on the Emory website.

And lastly, like Pinkynotbrain said, he could use the telephone if he was so concerned about whether or not the Woodruff Finalists were selected yet.

Anyways, you are incorrect when it comes to your assumption that Woodruff finalists will not be accepted for another couple weeks. I talked to Emory Admissions, they told me that Woodruff Weekend "finalists" will likely be chosen starting this week. They told me that they just wrapped up their last round of acceptances, so the time is now, not in a couple weeks. The inquiries about Woodruff are totally legit.

People have every right to inquire because if someone gets an invite, that is paramount information for other people who are holding out hope for a scholarship.
I talked to Emory Admissions, they told me that Woodruff Weekend "finalists" will likely be chosen starting this week. They told me that they just wrapped up their last round of acceptances, so the time is now, not in a couple weeks. The inquiries about Woodruff are totally legit.

Thanks for the information!! Then the wait for a more considerate time to start speculating will be very short. Also, as Donut pointed out, the selection process may begin now, but I'd be very surprised if invitations to Woodruff Weekend came out this week, rather than next.

...this whole idea that people need to be sensitive to the applicants who have not received acceptances yet is a bit immature.

Why not? As a matter of courtesy, I think it's nice to support your future classmates. I'm also not asking for a total ban on Woodruff talk ever!!!

I understand that for folks who have been in for a while, there's been little in the way of constant stress about Emory... until the Woodruff. Those of us who are still waiting to hear about accept/reject/waitlist, however, don't have to worry about Woodruff yet, as we have no idea whether we're even in the pool. I'm not saying your position is any easier to be in, and I really do sympathize and want to be sensitive to the stress you are under about the scholarship as well.

If you really feel particularly stressed about the scholarship, have you considered writing an update or something which might be added to your file? I'm sure it will be taken into account when Woodruff considerations begin. There are also other forms of scholarship available, often from cities/counties but also from interest groups, churches, etc., that might take some of the pressure off. If the finances of medical school are truly concerning, I'd contact the Emory FinAid office, and they might have some guidance on other things you can do to make life a little easier if a full-ride doesn't come through. :)

To all waiting, for whatever, good luck!!!
Who said anyone is stressed out? I am personally not stressed about Woodruff, just curious as to when they will tell us, as many others are.
Called addmission office this afternoon. they sent out last batch accepting letters this passed monday. Seems no one posted. Can you post it if u receive one? Thanks a lot!
Called addmission office this afternoon. they sent out last batch accepting letters this passed monday. Seems no one posted. Can you post it if u receive one? Thanks a lot!

Thank you for checking. I couldn't build up the courage to call myself. Mb some people will hear something tomorrow then??
Thank you for checking. I couldn't build up the courage to call myself. Mb some people will hear something tomorrow then??

Yeah I live in Atlanta and have yet to get this important piece of mail. I'm hoping to get it today. Nervous? No. Anxious? Yes.
No mail from Emory today. Maybe they just did not accept many people this final round...
No mail from Emory today. Maybe they just did not accept many people this final round...

I was in the very last batch of interviewees and if I remember correctly they said to expect letters around mid-march. So im guessing everything is snail-mail. In the next few days, im sure we will hear a bunch of people being like "accepted this morning :D gd luck everyone" blah
Woodruff finalists have been announced. If you have not received a phone call from Dr. Ira Schwartz, then you are not a finalist.
Woodruff finalists have been announced. If you have not received a phone call from Dr. Ira Schwartz, then you are not a finalist.

congrats, I misinterpreted your statement
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You're a finalist for the least tactful award! Congratulations!

Psh, winner of the no fake sympathy award. It's not like he's making fun of people for not being accepted.
Woodruff finalists have been announced. If you have not received a phone call from Dr. Ira Schwartz, then you are not a finalist.

Do you mind telling us how you know this? Did you receive a call, or did you get this info from the admissions office?
Bummer... Was filling out the PROFILE (or whatever that second financial aid form was) necessary for being considered for the Woodruff?
No. That isn't need-based aid.

Right- I knew that but the handbook listed it right after some scholarships where only a financial aid application was needed- hence, my confusion. But thanks for the answer.

If Chuan is correct, it sounds like another spot just opened up at Emory...
Did not mean to not be tactful. I am, in fact, a finalist, and the reason I decided to post it is that I know how agonizing it is to not know what is going on, and to be in a state of constant suspense (see Columbia thread). Sorry if that offended anyone.
Did not mean to not be tactful. I am, in fact, a finalist, and the reason I decided to post it is that I know how agonizing it is to not know what is going on, and to be in a state of constant suspense (see Columbia thread). Sorry if that offended anyone.

Congrats- what day did you get the call?
Not to be the bearer of bad news, but judging by last year's Emory thread this goose is pretty much cooked for those who haven't been accepted at this point.


The last wave of acceptances seemed to have been relatively absent from last years thread, so perhaps its smaller than other waves.

Lots of people got waitlisted, very very few got in. Its not a very good waitlist to be on from what I can gather.

Oh well :( Not much to do besides accept the disappointment at this point :/
Does anyone receive the email from finicial office about ' Fwd: 2011-12 Financial Aid Missing Information'?

Just wondering if it is a good sign for accepting.
Does anyone receive the email from finicial office about ' Fwd: 2011-12 Financial Aid Missing Information'?

Just wondering if it is a good sign for accepting.

It's not. It's automated.
Accepted by mail today in the Northeast!

Good job! When did u interview? I wonder i the avg scores of later admitted students are much higher than the average. Marigold, any chance u could shed some light?
Hey guys, I'm down in Atlanta looking at houses for rent for my boyfriend and I for next year. Any idea where the best areas to live are? We have a few favorites in the Decatur area but I was hoping to find out where most of the current students in houses live.
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