2010-2011 Emory Application Thread

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Accepted! Interviewed Jan 21 Whew that was a quick turnaround...

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Congrats! When did you get the good news?
anyone know if emory is done with the interviews?
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apparently the mail takes awhile to get to the west coast....just got my letter today, went from very stressed out to very excited
Is there a facebook group for accepted students?
Is it confirmed that there is no regular second look for Emory?

I was really looking forward to getting a more in-depth look.
They aren't done with interviews. Mine is on the 18th. They're probably done sending out invites though.

When do they release decisions? Are you sure they are do with invites?
I've looked for one, but couldn't find it. Usually a group comes out around this time..

Someone should make the facebook group then! I would, but I'm a facebook ******.
I'm not 100% sure. I guess they could have last minute cancellations that they want to fill, but they only interview for 3 more weeks. So judging by the usual amount of time they give you between invite and interview, they're done.


That website says that they send out acceptances monthly. Have I been reading this thread that sporadically or do people seem to freak out about mailings once a week? I interviewed back in the fall and haven't heard anything yet. Hopefully will hear good news soon, but my interviewers and I didn't seem to take to one another so we'll see...
That website says that they send out acceptances monthly. Have I been reading this thread that sporadically or do people seem to freak out about mailings once a week? I interviewed back in the fall and haven't heard anything yet. Hopefully will hear good news soon, but my interviewers and I didn't seem to take to one another so we'll see...

From my reading it seems like the mailings are monthly, but I could see how you might think weekly as people freak out for the 3 weeks after a mailing date, with just one week of calm in between.
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From my reading it seems like the mailings are monthly, but I could see how you might think weekly as people freak out for the 3 weeks after a mailing date, with just one week of calm in between.

In the interview packet, they list the mailing dates. The next one is Feb 22nd and after that is March 8th (last one). Basically, everyone who doesn't hear back after March 8th will be waitlisted or rejected.
In the interview packet, they list the mailing dates. The next one is Feb 22nd and after that is March 8th (last one). Basically, everyone who doesn't hear back after March 8th will be waitlisted or rejected.

That's cool. Aside from the lower chance of acceptance I have because of interviewing later, I'm glad I'll only have to wait ~3 weeks to find out.
Just checking in again. Anyone received an invite to interview for the Woodruff Fellowship yet?
Congrats! When did you get the good news?

Thanks! I got it Feb 4 but it could've been sitting in my mailbox for a while b/c I only check it once a week. I was in the Feb 1 mailing group though.
I'm not 100% sure. I guess they could have last minute cancellations that they want to fill, but they only interview for 3 more weeks. So judging by the usual amount of time they give you between invite and interview, they're done.


True fact. I got an invite today (MSTP) for an interview next week. Unfortunately, I'm abroad, so I just don't think I can do it this last minute. Bummer too, because my best friend is doing his PhD in Atlanta (which besides Emory being an amazing school) made the location really good for me.
Hey guys, I found a facebook group last night. Just search Emory University School of Medicine class of 2015 :D
I was very recently rejected to the MSTP program. My app was forwarded to the MD committee, but now it's so late in the interview season. I really would have liked to go to Emory.
Is anyone else having trouble with the collegeboard site? When I click on the link to create my account or the link to the PROFILE, I get an error message saying "sorry this page is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later." I keep "trying again later" with no luck! :(
Thanks! It seems to be working now. Perhaps it was a glitch last night......
That was the best interview day I've been to! Tons of info, no first/second year tour guides, and the tour of Grady was actually thorough and awesome.
Anyone know when they start sending out invitations to Woodruff Weekend? and also, how many people get invited and how many people win a fellowship?
I don't think they give out more than 5 or 6 Woodruffs, and I think a couple are reserved for MD/PhD people...
I don't think they give out more than 5 or 6 Woodruffs, and I think a couple are reserved for MD/PhD people...

On my interview day, we were told that roughly 10 students would be flown to ATL to interview and that 4 or 5 would be chosen from that pool. I'm fairly sure that, because the MD/PhD program is funded by the NIH, the pool of candidates for the Woodruff are just MD students. However, I could be mistaken.
On my interview day, we were told that roughly 10 students would be flown to ATL to interview and that 4 or 5 would be chosen from that pool. I'm fairly sure that, because the MD/PhD program is funded by the NIH, the pool of candidates for the Woodruff are just MD students. However, I could be mistaken.

12 students vying for 4 scholarships. And they never directly addressed mdphd students, but like you said they don't have to pay for school to begin with, so it wouldn't make much sense to put them in the running. That would mean the school would be refusing nih money and busing their own, and I'm sure they wouldn't do that.

I don't remember when they send out invites.
Ah, I think I am indeed wrong about the MD/PhD thing. I'm getting scholarship stuff from different schools mixed up.
Ah, I think I am indeed wrong about the MD/PhD thing. I'm getting scholarship stuff from different schools mixed up.

I wish I had that problem :laugh:

Another round of acceptance letters sent out tomorrow.. fingers crossed
I wish I had the problem :laugh:

Haha, me too. Oh, the fruits of combing through med school websites looking for ways to finance the next 4 years...

Hope to hear some news from Emory soon...
So i interviewed back in Oct and havent heard anything...its obviously a rejection or waitlist at this point, but any idea when I should get the news?
So i interviewed back in Oct and havent heard anything...its obviously a rejection or waitlist at this point, but any idea when I should get the news?

I don't think it's necessarily a rejection or waitlist. Maybe they just keep pushing your application back, but will eventually accept you. The last two acceptance mailing dates are February 22 and March 8. Rejection and waitlists are notified after that by a week or two.
To those about to receive acceptances:



Could you please post where you are in the country so we know when the mail has already passed our respective regions? Thank you!
I just called addmission office, they told me that they did send out accepting letter around Feb 22. Why no one hear anything yet? or the person got the letter did not post here. I am so curious. Please post if anyone receive it.
I just called addmission office, they told me that they did send out accepting letter around Feb 22. Why no one hear anything yet? or the person got the letter did not post here. I am so curious. Please post if anyone receive it.

They only sent out 1 letter??
Accepted today in the MidAtlantic region! Good luck to all those still waiting :)
Accepted in California

Interviewed back in October.
Anyone know where we should be sending our financial aid forms (e.g. tax returns)?

The address on the green "How to apply for financial aid" sheet in our acceptance packet says "300 B. Jones Center" but the financial aid website says to send it to "200 Dowman Drive Suite 300". :(
Anyone know where we should be sending our financial aid forms (e.g. tax returns)?

The address on the green "How to apply for financial aid" sheet in our acceptance packet says "300 B. Jones Center" but the financial aid website says to send it to "200 Dowman Drive Suite 300". :(

Those are the same. 200 Dowman Dr is the address for the B Jones Center
Awesome thanks! I ended up typing the addresses into google maps and figured out they were both the same.
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