2010-2011 Medical College of Georgia Application Thread

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Is it going to happen tomorrow? Hmm... It's been crickets on here lately.

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I hope it does. It comes alive on Fridays!

Crazy to think that it was just a little over two years ago that I was stalking this page to see when letters were getting mailed out. Time cruises in medical school. We declare our departments in 9 months and match in 24 months. Seems like it was just yesterday...

Best of luck guys! If it doesn't work out, make your application stronger and reapply. It took me several bouts to get them to accept me, so you can do it too!
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Crazy to think that it was just a little over two years ago that I was stalking this page to see when letters were getting mailed out. Time cruises in medical school. We declare our departments in 9 months and match in 24 months. Seems like it was just yesterday...

Best of luck guys! If it doesn't work out, make your application stronger and reapply. It took me several bouts to get them to accept me, so you can do it too!

Thank you for your encouraging words. I was just thinking about what I can do if I have to apply next year. I think I can only do what I'm doing right now for one more year (working, volunteering, and shadowing at the hospital I am at now.

Thank you for your encouraging words. I was just thinking about what I can do if I have to apply next year. I think I can only do what I'm doing right now for one more year (working, volunteering, and shadowing at the hospital I am at now.

Contact admissions and they will set up a telephone conference discussing your file: strengths, weaknesses, how the committee felt about it which will give you guidance as to what to change in your app. But I don't think you can do this until you have found out whether your accepted, rejected or WL'd.
Contact admissions and they will set up a telephone conference discussing your file: strengths, weaknesses, how the committee felt about it which will give you guidance as to what to change in your app. But I don't think you can do this until you have found out whether your accepted, rejected or WL'd.

X2. Great advice. This is exactly what I did last year after being waitlisted (regular decision). After discussing my application with Linda, I reapplied early decision. BTW they really like reapplicants (based on what Dr. Young, Linda and my interviewer told me) and early decision applicants (be careful with EDP, you want to have an application that is at least average overall). Anyways, I hope everyone who is still waiting gets accepted this year; I KNOW its a stressful process. But now you know what to do in case things don't work out. Best of luck to everyone still waiting. :xf:
Seems like we're not gonna hear back today. Didn't think we would, but it would've been nice! Next week makes 8 weeks for me, so it'd be nice if I could cap off spring break with an acceptance :xf: Good luck to everyone!

*edit: i meant next week makes 8 weeks, not tomorrow...
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Seems like we're not gonna hear back today. Didn't think we would, but it would've been nice! Tomorrow makes 8 weeks for me, so it'd be nice if I could cap off spring break with an acceptance :xf: Good luck to everyone!

Yeah I've given up hope for today.
Man hopefully people that get accepted will visit this thread if they don't already. My nerves are going to explode. Time for a drinking buddy weekend!
Just got an e-mail letting me know I've been placed on the Alternate list. Interviewed 2/9. So some others should maybe hear something today. Good luck everyone!
Just got an e-mail letting me know I've been placed on the Alternate list. Interviewed 2/9. So some others should maybe hear something today. Good luck everyone!
God you've made me nervous. You went straight to wait-list? I was kept on hold early Feb, but I interviewed in Dec. Now I'm gonna think if they'be ranked the list or not. Strange to get an e-mail on Wed; I thought they sent decisions on fridays.
Another alternate list here - relieved that it wasn't a rejection...
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Interviewed on 1/18 and just received an alternate list email. When are alternate list applicants typically notified about availability in the class?
Were you guys kept on hold and are now on alternate list? What time did you guys receive the email?
I'm not sure if the list is ranked or not.

Alternate list applicants can find out at any time if they're in. But there will be big movement around May 15 I'm sure.
wasn't yesterday the day when all med schools can see what acceptances applicants have?
got an acceptance today. good luck still to those waiting.
got an acceptance today. good luck still to those waiting.

Hold to acceptance? When did you interview and what time did you get the email? congratulations by the way!
Waitlist. Applied EDP and was put on hold. Good luck everyone!
I wonder if they send acceptance emails before alternate list emails
Waitlist...kinda expected, but very very disappointing...the wait continues :(
I wonder historically how many people get accepted off the waitlist?
Hold to acceptance? When did you interview and what time did you get the email? congratulations by the way!

I interviewed on 2/9. I found out about the acceptance today. This was my 3rd time interviewing after being waitlisted both of the last two years.

I can't say much... I empathize with the waitlisted folks... it's really a tough position to be in. I also don't know much about the movement from this list. Last year, we were told 90-100 people or something like that. But, I know that wasn't the case... the class filled up much faster and few people released their acceptances.

29R, 29S, Masters in Public Health, years of research/volunteer work... who knows what they look for, right?

Best of luck everyone really... best of luck.
I wonder historically how many people get accepted off the waitlist?

I also went from a hold to the alternate list. Stupid question alternate list is the waitlist in the case right? Also, I was wondering the same thing as Fullset about the movement of the alternate list..does anyone know how fast the list moves and how many people get in off the list. Unfortunately, MCG doesn't tell you where you are on the alternate list like other schools do, but as someone else said earlier...the wait continues...:(
I interviewed on 2/9. I found out about the acceptance today. This was my 3rd time interviewing after being waitlisted both of the last two years.

Ah I think I know who you were that day. Super congrats, glad you finally got in. It's definitely deserved! :thumbup:
I interviewed on 2/9. I found out about the acceptance today. This was my 3rd time interviewing after being waitlisted both of the last two years.

I can't say much... I empathize with the waitlisted folks... it's really a tough position to be in. I also don't know much about the movement from this list. Last year, we were told 90-100 people or something like that. But, I know that wasn't the case... the class filled up much faster and few people released their acceptances.

29R, 29S, Masters in Public Health, years of research/volunteer work... who knows what they look for, right?

Best of luck everyone really... best of luck.

Nice work Bain! I can completely relate. Feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions over the next few months.
My friend and I both heard today and both got waitlisted. Don't know how I feel about it...hopefully there will be good news eventually.
I went from Hold to Alternate List too....Interviewed in Dec....
Got in today :) and so did my roommate! Good luck everyone :luck:
Waitlisted at 2:53, OOS

Definitely wasn't expecting this email today. Well...at least it's not a rejection and the waitlist wasn't entirely unexpected. Congrats to everyone who got in!!
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How bad does it look if I apply EDP this summer with the same mcat score (28L) without any intention of taking it again? I know it's a not good score, but I'd have to take it by June, and I don't think I'd be prepared for it by then.
How bad does it look if I apply EDP this summer with the same mcat score (28L) without any intention of taking it again? I know it's a not good score, but I'd have to take it by June, and I don't think I'd be prepared for it by then.

What's your GPA? Is that your first score? Either way, it's worth retaking it if you don't get accepted by 5/30. EDP decisions are not made until mid september, which leaves you a little more time than you said to take the test.
I have a cGPA 3.87/sGPA 3.82 cell bio/genetics major. 28L (11 bio, 9 physics, 8 verbal) was my second score (27M the first time). The website says I have to have the MCAT taken by June 16th.

I guess I also have to check if they'll take me IS this time since OOS can't do EDP...
How bad does it look if I apply EDP this summer with the same mcat score (28L) without any intention of taking it again? I know it's a not good score, but I'd have to take it by June, and I don't think I'd be prepared for it by then.

Sorry for being brutally honestly, but it looks like your lazy. The secret to reapplication success is strengthening EVERYTHING about your application. Even if you have adequate shadowing, do more. Even if your gpa is good, make it better. Unless you cannot get a higher score and have retaken it several times, I would retake it. Im sure you have heard stories of people who did nothing to their app and got accepted the second time around but this is the minority, not the majority.
Sorry for being brutally honestly, but it looks like your lazy. The secret to reapplication success is strengthening EVERYTHING about your application. Even if you have adequate shadowing, do more. Even if your gpa is good, make it better. Unless you cannot get a higher score and have retaken it several times, I would retake it. Im sure you have heard stories of people who did nothing to their app and got accepted the second time around but this is the minority, not the majority.

I haven't been preparing for it for the last few months and I'd only have 3 months to prepare. I could barely squeeze out the 27 when I tried preparing for much longer. I just didn't want to risk retaking it again by June and getting lower. I've already planned to retake it at some point (I was thinking next February). I just didn't know how bad it would look if I didn't retake it by June.

I decided a while back that if I didn't get in this round, I'd skip a cycle and use that time to strengthen my application (and retake the MCAT). Not having school to worry about would give me more time to adequately prepare. But then I decided maybe I could try EDP for the 2011 cycle just for MCG and see if maybe I could get in then. I don't intend to apply anywhere else in the 2011 cycle.
I got the phone call from Dr. Young this morning. Finally accepted! I also interviewed 3 years in a row and was wait listed the last 2 years. Interestingly enough the prior 2 years I applied EDP and this year I applied regular decision. I interviewed on Jan 26th with a 30 MCAT and 3.3 GPA. Good luck to all of you still waiting. If you don't get in this year, improve your app and reapply. Dr. Young told me the committee looks favorably on perseverance. I obviously was disappointed last year and the year before, but I would not trade what I've learned in the past 2 years for an acceptance in previous years. I highly recommend working in a physician's office for those of you that may need to reapply. Again good luck to all.:thumbup:
I got the phone call from Dr. Young this morning. Finally accepted! I also interviewed 3 years in a row and was wait listed the last 2 years. Interestingly enough the prior 2 years I applied EDP and this year I applied regular decision. I interviewed on Jan 26th with a 30 MCAT and 3.3 GPA. Good luck to all of you still waiting. If you don't get in this year, improve your app and reapply. Dr. Young told me the committee looks favorably on perseverance. I obviously was disappointed last year and the year before, but I would not trade what I've learned in the past 2 years for an acceptance in previous years. I highly recommend working in a physician's office for those of you that may need to reapply. Again good luck to all.:thumbup:


I can't really tell you what to do since I don't know anything about your application other than your GPA and MCAT score. However, I can tell you what I did:

I applied last year for entering class of 2010 with a 28M on the MCAT (regular decision); ~3.5 overall GPA, ~3.7 Sci GPA; the rest of application (research, volunteer, shadowing, etc.) was average to above average. I applied late (complete in December) and interviewed in Feb. I was waitlisted in March. I spoke to Linda after I was waitlisted: She said the committee really liked my application; I should apply earlier; add a physician's letter to my application, retake MCAT if I think I can do better. I asked her whether I would be competitive with the same MCAT score? She said she can't really answer the question without looking at the applicant pool in the new application cycle. Anyways, I decided to apply EDP (entering class of 2011) and got a recommendation letter from a doctor. I got an interview offer and was accepted back in September.

Based on my experience MCG likes (not in any order):

1) Reapplicants (perseverance)
2) Apply early (EDP)
3) Physician's letter (they say it is not required but might as well say they really really like one)

I hope you get accepted this year but as you know from many other posts on this thread many people get accepted after 2,3,4 application cycles. Good luck:)

I haven't been preparing for it for the last few months and I'd only have 3 months to prepare. I could barely squeeze out the 27 when I tried preparing for much longer. I just didn't want to risk retaking it again by June and getting lower. I've already planned to retake it at some point (I was thinking next February). I just didn't know how bad it would look if I didn't retake it by June.

I decided a while back that if I didn't get in this round, I'd skip a cycle and use that time to strengthen my application (and retake the MCAT). Not having school to worry about would give me more time to adequately prepare. But then I decided maybe I could try EDP for the 2011 cycle just for MCG and see if maybe I could get in then. I don't intend to apply anywhere else in the 2011 cycle.
Nice work Bain! I can completely relate. Feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions over the next few months.

Thanks! I surely will... now I just have to make the decision to go. A lot has changed, as you can probably relate, between my first application cycle and now. But I really appreciate the open hand.
How bad does it look if I apply EDP this summer with the same mcat score (28L) without any intention of taking it again? I know it's a not good score, but I'd have to take it by June, and I don't think I'd be prepared for it by then.

exquisite... I have to say, I sympathize with you. I really do as you're in a really trying place surely with the thought of taking the mcat again. It is do-able though, trust me.

I applied with a 29S for 3 years after getting a 21 during my junior year in college. I was interviewed/waitlisted at Florida State year one and interviewed/waitlisted the next two years at MCG. Yes, that means my mcat expired and I was forced to take it again for the third time.

In those three years, I did everything I could to improve my application with publications, research, volunteering, and graduate school. But, really, the mcat was essential. I almost didn't take it again and had decided not to pursue medicine any longer.

It is just a test and it isn't exactly the make or break part of a quality application. I scored another 29; not improving, but not getting any worse either as I continued publishing and shadowing. To prepare, all I did was review mcat material and take the old tests over and over again (especially the verbal).

It's just a test and the type of perseverance that you'd be demonstrating, as mentioned, is an incredibly humbling and unique quality to an medical school applicant. You have time... I'd say go for it... at least to know that you gave it everything you had.
Mine expired as well. I had to retake a 30 after being away from undergrad for 4 years. Ended up with a 31 and got into MCG via EDP after 3 years of waitlists.

Exq, your GPa is stellar. You're OOS status is one thing that killed you, but your MCAT is still a lot lower than your GPA would predict.
For those of you that just got accepted, today is Match day. that means in 4 years from today you will be matching into your residency!
Ah I think I know who you were that day. Super congrats, glad you finally got in. It's definitely deserved! :thumbup:

No... I deserve nothing. But thanks so much for the words and I wish the best of luck for you as well.
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