2010-2011 New York Medical College Application Thread

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Oh ok. Sorry. Can you just leave it blank?

haha nope, tried that too. they want a number btwn 1-99.......and their office is closed. hah damn

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oh interesting, they took "0" problem solved.
what do we put for "Credit Hours Earned" for the optional letter section if the letter is a clinical volunteering LOR (non-class), not a class prof. LOR?

I put 0 and it worked.
what do we put for "Credit Hours Earned" for the optional letter section if the letter is a clinical volunteering LOR (non-class), not a class prof. LOR?
I just put 0 there. n/a for course name and number
anyone know how strict they are on the reuqired letter of rec? especially on the non-science faculty one?
anyone know how strict they are on the reuqired letter of rec? especially on the non-science faculty one?
Well you can't submit unless you wrote something there. I think it's a requirement.... unless you have been a non-trad for a long time. Wouldn't hurt to call and ask though.
For the "College Name" field in the letters of recommendation, do they mean the university, or the specific college of the university, e.g. College of Natural Science, College of Music, etc. ?
Finally got this secondary. pretty simple.
For the "College Name" field in the letters of recommendation, do they mean the university, or the specific college of the university, e.g. College of Natural Science, College of Music, etc. ?

That would be the name of your university. And you won't need to fill in any other letters once you put that in. I love it when they make it easy 😀
I've noticed that the less work are required to put into a supplemental.... the more it costs.... lol

But I still haven't gotten this one yet. A few out of stat-ers have gotten it already right?
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I've noticed that the less work are required to put into a supplemental.... the more it costs.... lol

But I still haven't gotten this one yet. A few out of stat-ers have gotten it already right?

Wow... that's pretty true :laugh:!

OOS and I got the secondary 7/28. I'm sure you'll get yours soon, I don't think NYMC screens.
wow... "less work are required"? Sorry english language, I failed you.

lol.... no screen... no essay.... huge fee.

and thanks, I hope I get it soon
wow... "less work are required"? Sorry english language, I failed you.

lol.... no screen... no essay.... huge fee.

and thanks, I hope I get it soon

HAHA wow, I totally missed that... well look on the bright side, at least once you get it, it will take you like 2 min to fill out 🙂.

The slowest part was typing in the credit card number 😛.
Submitted this morning. Good luck all!
laaaame i haven't gotten this secondary yet. I was verified June 2nd, so I'm a bit mystified as to why my supplemental invitation was not in the first, second, or third batches they've sent out 🙁
laaaame i haven't gotten this secondary yet. I was verified June 2nd, so I'm a bit mystified as to why my supplemental invitation was not in the first, second, or third batches they've sent out 🙁

Same here Sun...
I received mine in the second batch. I think it must be totally random. Someone a few posts up suggested that they send those with the highest stats first, but if that was the case I wouldn't have gotten mine until around October 😛

I'm sure everyone's will come soon.
laaaame i haven't gotten this secondary yet. I was verified June 2nd, so I'm a bit mystified as to why my supplemental invitation was not in the first, second, or third batches they've sent out 🙁

DItto! Mine has not arrived and I was verified on the same day you were 🙁 Not a big deal though, this app is pretty easy...no sense in really worrying yet. They don't screen, so we're just late in the batch.
I am a bit confused about the secondary. My school required 5 letters of recommendation for the committee letter. Two of mine were from a volunteer coordinator and my current employer. Should I complete the optional letter section for these 2 letters or leave this blank because they were part of the committee letter?
I am a bit confused about the secondary. My school required 5 letters of recommendation for the committee letter. Two of mine were from a volunteer coordinator and my current employer. Should I complete the optional letter section for these 2 letters or leave this blank because they were part of the committee letter?

If you have a committee letter you do not need to put anything under LORs except the name of the university forwarding the committee letter. Says so right in their instructions (http://www.nymc.edu/Academics/SchoolOfMedicine/Admissions/Instructions.html - under Undergraduate school letters).
Thanks for posting hte link to the directions! However, I'm a bit confused. I have a letter packet of 5 individual, compiled by my department's advisor...How would I list this on NYMC? (I've yet to receive the app, but was curious because the LOR seemed to cause people some confusion)

Edit: I looked through last year's thread...llooks like we list packets as individual letter writers. Just FYI for anyone in my situation.

Edit 2: Just received the app...
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did everyone finish ALL their prerequisites? I still have to take an Eng and Bio Lab. The application says " You have successfully completed these premed requirements, or have them in progress" as one of the criteria. Can we not just have them completed BY matriculation?
Got my secondary 20 minutes ago, filled it out 18 minutes ago. God, I love this school.
The app was literally just the "relatives" and LOR section, right?

No pre-req grid or anything....I don't even remember reading that page of pre-req requirements *oops* haha.
I have a question about entering the rec letters. I am using a committee letter from my school, but my school is also including individual letters written by factuly, PI's, etc. Would I need to list those extra letters in the optional part?
did everyone finish ALL their prerequisites? I still have to take an Eng and Bio Lab. The application says " You have successfully completed these premed requirements, or have them in progress" as one of the criteria. Can we not just have them completed BY matriculation?

I think itll count as "in progress"....
I was reading last year's NYMC thread regarding the whole Touro fiasco and, at first, it definitely made me second-guess my decision to apply here; however, I've decided that NYMC still seems like a good school and hopefully I will come across as even more enthusiastic about NYMC on the supplemental now that I have conquered those doubts.

P.S. no secondary for me yet

Just curious... what was the "whole Touro fiasco?"

OOS-- secondary just received.
I have a question about entering the rec letters. I am using a committee letter from my school, but my school is also including individual letters written by factuly, PI's, etc. Would I need to list those extra letters in the optional part?

If the whole packet is listed in AMCAS as one committee letter, then don't list individual writers - just the school packet.
are the credit hours earned supposed to be semester credit hours? my school had quarters...
I have a question about entering the rec letters. I am using a committee letter from my school, but my school is also including individual letters written by factuly, PI's, etc. Would I need to list those extra letters in the optional part?

No, all you have to do is fill in the name of your university where the committee letter/ packet is coming from. The instructions say:

"If your college has a Premedical Advisory Committee, a Letter of Evaluation from the Committee is preferred and will fulfill all undergraduate requirements. A committee letter does not require the names of individual letter writers."

Easy for us!
I have a question about entering the rec letters. I am using a committee letter from my school, but my school is also including individual letters written by factuly, PI's, etc. Would I need to list those extra letters in the optional part?

from the link I posted earlier (emphasis added)

If your college has a Premedical Advisory Committee, a Letter of Evaluation from the Committee is preferred and will fulfill all undergraduate requirements. A committee letter does not require the names of individual letter writers.

so in other words, no.

Although you could if you want. But don't come crying to me if they sit around with your application for a week waiting for individual letters that aren't coming because they just took your committee letter and shoved it in your file without noticing that it actually included the other letters you told them you would be sending.

Or maybe they will notice. But do you really want to take that chance in order to provide them with information they didn't even ask for? I didn't think so.
If the whole packet is listed in AMCAS as one committee letter, then don't list individual writers - just the school packet.

Does anyone know how strict NYMC is in regards to having the science letters be from a "biology, chemistry, physics, bio-medical engineering or bio-engineering" course? I have two science letters from science faculty in (i.e. the neurology field)...but will these count?
Does anyone know how strict NYMC is in regards to having the science letters be from a "biology, chemistry, physics, bio-medical engineering or bio-engineering" course? I have two science letters from science faculty in (i.e. the neurology field)...but will these count?

IMHO neurology would be considered biology.
So, my school doesn't send out a committee letter - it's just a letter packet. Do I have to input all the individual letters still?
Received and Submitted:xf:! I guess they were sending out a batch thursday.
however, my amcas has yet to be verified...😕
So, my school doesn't send out a committee letter - it's just a letter packet. Do I have to input all the individual letters still?

I'm thinking not since they will only be downloading one "letter" from AMCAS which contains all of the letters together. But the instructions aren't exactly clear on that so you might try contacting the admissions office if you're worried.
Received as I was reading this thread wondering where mine was =p

Submitted. Quick and easy ...
I'm thinking not since they will only be downloading one "letter" from AMCAS which contains all of the letters together. But the instructions aren't exactly clear on that so you might try contacting the admissions office if you're worried.

Hmm... I listed the letters (I have a letter packet) and submitted it. I had this same problem with another secondary, contacted the school and they told me to just list them since it's not a committee letter. I guess I assumed it would be the same way.

Maybe I'll contact them just in case...
I received and completed the secondary this afternoon. Seems like I might be a fluke since I haven't gotten an AMCAS verification email yet, but I'm not complaining. OOS resident.
I too have a committee packet. I called the admissions office to inquire about this but it was closed. The time is 12:39PM Pacific. w t f...
from the link I posted earlier (emphasis added)

so in other words, no.

Although you could if you want. But don't come crying to me if they sit around with your application for a week waiting for individual letters that aren't coming because they just took your committee letter and shoved it in your file without noticing that it actually included the other letters you told them you would be sending.

Or maybe they will notice. But do you really want to take that chance in order to provide them with information they didn't even ask for? I didn't think so.

You don't have to list each writer. I listed a letter from the packet that was from my graduate school and they picked up on the committee packet containing more than one letter just fine.
I too have a committee packet. I called the admissions office to inquire about this but it was closed. The time is 12:39PM Pacific. w t f...

How weird!! Well if you get a hold of them, mind posting their response? 🙂
under the LOR section, do credit hours refer to semester credit hours?

also, am i safe to assume that i can submit more LORs than the 3 required and 2 optional you are supposed to record?

that seemed really easy... I just had to enter my committee letter and pay? What'd I miss?
I called about the letter packet, and they told me that I had to enter each one.... They're going to get more in the packet, but idk... sounds like people got other instructions
My school does not have a premed advisory committee. We do have a letter packet service that just gathers letters and sends them as one file. What should we do for this? They're closed right now.

What are credit hours again? The grade points your earned in the class like an A is 2.70 according to AMCAS? or how many semester units the class is worth?
Crap - I just entered my letter packet info instead of entering in each letter. I wanted to get this application finished. Hopefully they are okay with this. I just didn't want them waiting around for letters that were already in my packet.
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