2010-2011 New York Medical College Application Thread

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I just got accepted to NYMC today. 3.50 GPA, 35Q MCAT, OOS

I also got accepted to Toledo last Friday and was wondering if anyone had objective advice about this. I'm having a really hard time deciding since both schools have their pros and cons. Toledo is cheaper, but its New York!

OOS from California, probably will look to California for residency
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I just got accepted to NYMC today. 3.50 GPA, 35Q MCAT, OOS

I also got accepted to Toledo last Friday and was wondering if anyone had objective advice about this. I'm having a really hard time deciding since both schools have their pros and cons. Toledo is cheaper, but its New York!

OOS from California, probably will look to California for residency

Congrats on getting in!
It seems like you're getting some good feedback on the NYMC vs. Toledo thread with lots of positive support for NYMC! GL with your decision.
So do ppl think that waitlist movement is about done? I know that there is some movement on July, but aren't the large majority of waitlist offers sent out in June? Just wondering b/c it is getting to that time where those of us waiting need to start thinking about committing to other options.
So do ppl think that waitlist movement is about done? I know that there is some movement on July, but aren't the large majority of waitlist offers sent out in June? Just wondering b/c it is getting to that time where those of us waiting need to start thinking about committing to other options.

I'm wondering the same thing🙁 I want to start submitting secondaries, but am trying to wait to hear from NYMC. I also am sending my deposit to hold my spot at Georgetown's SMP.. not sure what I'm going to do if NYMC accepts me..
I have no idea what the movement is looking like this year, but I know of a few students from my class who were accepted the day before orientation started
I just called the admissions office, the waitlist is still moving, however quickly.

We still have a chance!
I just called the admissions office, the waitlist is still moving, however quickly.

We still have a chance!


I tried today but I wasn't sure how to actually speak to a person. Which option did you choose?

I tried today but I wasn't sure how to actually speak to a person. Which option did you choose?

I think I just called the admissions office straight and asked about how the waitlist is moving. I'm not sure if you can check your file personally because it's not ranked ... so yea ..
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Does anybody know what microscope model we should be getting for histology? A form from the Bursar's office says we can rent them for $300 for two years (and receive $100 afterward if we return them in good condition).

I was thinking about buying one instead and selling it in two years. If I knew the model -- I could compare prices online to the bookstore price (I think it's $250 or thereabouts).

Exciting! Did you receive the form already? I called the school this morning, and all they could say was that they're still working things out with the assignments.

They sent an email with my room, move in date, and who my roomies are.

Edit: not sure if everyone else got it that way too. I'm out of the country so I asked them to email me anything important until I return.
They sent an email with my room, move in date, and who my roomies are.

Edit: not sure if everyone else got it that way too. I'm out of the country so I asked them to email me anything important until I return.

That's what I got too, so I'm assuming it's universal.
For scopes, I would suggest waiting until you get to campus and buy one from the third years. They will sell them for 150-200 dollars and you can resell it when you become a third year. The scope just has to be functional with a 4,10,40x objective. My microscope wasn't in very good condition (apx 25 yrs old) and it was more than enough for histo lab. You also need them for path as well 2nd year.
A new incredible organization: Health Students 4 Donation is being started at schools all around the nation. The lack of viable organ donors, especially in NY, is a crisis and we are trying to resolve it! We are looking for young passionate leaders to get involved at NYMC, so if you are interested please E-mail:

[email protected] for more info.

Attached is a document explaining who we are, what were doing and why you should join!


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