2012-2013 Albany Medical College Application Thread

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I also got the email today, for those of us that got the email, when were you UC'd

I was UC 4/17

I wonder if they are going through the UC by rank or by chronology

UC'd 3/26

Received the Alternate List email today...not sure if this corroborates your chronology hypothesis.

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Got the email today as well. Selected to not be put on the alternate list. Already received acceptance from my top choice school. So I hope that selecting this would be akin to withdrawing my name from consideration... could anybody shed some light on this?

and @nabilesmail: In the email, they say "...we have created an 'alternate list' of applicants to draw from to fill any vacancies that may occur in our class. Based on your average committee vote, we would like to include your name on this list." So I'm guessing the alternate list is ranked by our adcom score.

Oh definitely, but people also called and they said they email out alternatives in batches, I wonder if they have been going through it by rank
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Its crazy how little UC movement there was this year, like only 3-4 acceptances on Sdn since may 15
Oh definitely, but people also called and they said they email out alternatives in batches, I wonder if they have been going through it by rank

yes, yes realized that's what you meant after I posted that, and that's basically what I meant too. haha. If that makes any sense at all! sorry. still early over here for me (west coast person). But yeah, the context suggests that they're sending these out purely by ranking.

Good luck to everyone still in consideration.
Ahh haha.

Also, actually, I was UC'D end of May, my interview was 4/17 :p
Also for those of you who haven't received an email yet- I thought this might be helpful. In my Email it tells me I have until June 17th to tell them if I want to remain on the alternate list. That might help estimate the time between the batches of the alternate emails,.,
Also for those of you who haven't received an email yet- I thought this might be helpful. In my Email it tells me I have until June 17th to tell them if I want to remain on the alternate list. That might help estimate the time between the batches of the alternate emails,.,

That does help. Thank you for sharing! Does it say anything else of importance?
Also for those of you who haven't received an email yet- I thought this might be helpful. In my Email it tells me I have until June 17th to tell them if I want to remain on the alternate list. That might help estimate the time between the batches of the alternate emails,.,

Makes sense!
Also for those of you who haven't received an email yet- I thought this might be helpful. In my Email it tells me I have until June 17th to tell them if I want to remain on the alternate list. That might help estimate the time between the batches of the alternate emails,.,

A waitlist for the waitlist, lol. I'm not holding my breath.
That does help. Thank you for sharing! Does it say anything else of importance?

Here's the letter:

Dear BluthCo:

I would like to provide you with an admission season update and specifically tell you about the status of your application to the Albany Medical College Class of 2017.

We completed interviewing applicants for admission during the third week of April. We interviewed over 900 applicants of which 140 will ultimately enroll. Offers of immediate acceptance were sent throughout the season and, as of today, our class is full.

It is expected that during the summer months there will be some changes in our incoming class roster as medical schools across the country continue to issue acceptances. Thus, we have created an "alternate list" of applicants to draw from to fill any vacancies that may occur in our class. Based on your average committee vote, we would like to include your name on this list.

Kindly let us know whether or not you are interested in being listed as an alternate by completing and submitting our "Alternate Response Form" no later than June 17th, 2013.

We sincerely hope that you remain interested in attending the Albany Medical College should the opportunity arise. We will fill any openings up until our class matriculates on August 5, 2013.

As always, if you have any questions, you are welcome to call our office at (518)262-5521.
Here's the letter:

Dear BluthCo:

I would like to provide you with an admission season update and specifically tell you about the status of your application to the Albany Medical College Class of 2017.

We completed interviewing applicants for admission during the third week of April. We interviewed over 900 applicants of which 140 will ultimately enroll. Offers of immediate acceptance were sent throughout the season and, as of today, our class is full.

It is expected that during the summer months there will be some changes in our incoming class roster as medical schools across the country continue to issue acceptances. Thus, we have created an "alternate list" of applicants to draw from to fill any vacancies that may occur in our class. Based on your average committee vote, we would like to include your name on this list.

Kindly let us know whether or not you are interested in being listed as an alternate by completing and submitting our "Alternate Response Form" no later than June 17th, 2013.

We sincerely hope that you remain interested in attending the Albany Medical College should the opportunity arise. We will fill any openings up until our class matriculates on August 5, 2013.

As always, if you have any questions, you are welcome to call our office at (518)262-5521.

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Is everyone who received an email today planning on remaining on the alternate list?
I am, it's my only shot of getting into medical school :/

Same here - my one and only. But more than likely I'll have submitted my primary again before anything happens. I interviewed on 3/22 so does the batches thing still hold? Does anyone know if schools would tell applicants they have a really really slim chance even though they're wait-listed? If I'm far down the list then I would want to push back my thesis so I can focus on retaking the MCAT...otherwise I would have to have everything done by August "just in case" I get in - which would make one hell of a month and a half.
It seems like many people got placed on the Alt. List, 10+ people posted on studoc is a pretty big amount (if you relate that to all the people that probably didn't post, or don't go on sdn)
It seems like many people got placed on the Alt. List, 10+ people posted on studoc is a pretty big amount (if you relate that to all the people that probably didn't post, or don't go on sdn)
They've probably still got 300+ to choose from at this point, so I wouldn't be surprised if the alternate list is 100 people strong.
They've probably still got 300+ to choose from at this point, so I wouldn't be surprised if the alternate list is 100 people strong.
just spoke to the admissions office, as others have said, they will not release the number on the list but said it is "about half" of those who had been "under consideration"
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just spoke to the admissions office, as others have said, they will not release the number on the list but said it is "about half" of those who had been "under consideration"

Counting only those who received the AL list yesterday, or including receivers of the next batch of email?
just spoke to the admissions office, as others have said, they will not release the number on the list but said it is "about half" of those who had been "under consideration"
Wow, then it's like nothing changed at all. I mean wasn't the original UC list comprised of everyone who didn't receive an immediate acceptance after interview, so 900-140=760. Obviously a few dropped out due to receiving acceptances elsewhere, but that UC # was still probably huge. My odds of getting accepted feel like the odds of winning the lottery at this point.
Wow, then it's like nothing changed at all. I mean wasn't the original UC list comprised of everyone who didn't receive an immediate acceptance after interview, so 900-140=760. Obviously a few dropped out due to receiving acceptances elsewhere, but that UC # was still probably huge. My odds of getting accepted feel like the odds of winning the lottery at this point.

That assumes there have been no rejections since interviews began.

Anyone know whether or not that assumption is true?
The class is full?! The facebook only has like 95 people on it...whcih means like 40 people in my class don't have a facebook :scared::scared::scared::scared:
So just got an email that I was placed from under consideration list to alternate list now. They said that the class is full right now. But seats might open up in next couple of weeks. I honestly have no idea and hope anymore :(
Wow 1/2 of the UC list on Alt list?

thats like a 300 person waitlist
Its crazy how little UC movement there was this year, like only 3-4 acceptances on Sdn since may 15

Ya, it seems like there has been hardly any movement at all. But I would imagine that only a small portion of applicants get on SDN/update everyone on their status. I wouldn't be surprised if only 2 or 3 out of 10 applicants frequent SDN
Yeah but compared to last year, there were much more people posting of acceptances before the waitlist time.
Yeah but compared to last year, there were much more people posting of acceptances before the waitlist time.

Everyone needs to realize that more and more people are applying to medical school each year. As such, less are holding multiple acceptances, which means less movement on waitlist/UC list, and slower movement. There can literally be movement on the alternate list the first week of class. Happened to my sister's friend. Medical school is more competitive each year.
Yeah but a decent amount of medical schools also opened up this cycle, maybe not even to accomodate all the new apps, but I wonder how much of a change there was
Everyone needs to realize that more and more people are applying to medical school each year. As such, less are holding multiple acceptances, which means less movement on waitlist/UC list, and slower movement. There can literally be movement on the alternate list the first week of class. Happened to my sister's friend. Medical school is more competitive each year.

Do you think the lack of waitlist movement is ubiquitous across most med schools, or is Albany slower this year because of the changes to admissions?
Do you think the lack of waitlist movement is ubiquitous across most med schools, or is Albany slower this year because of the changes to admissions?

I have definitely seen slower movement across all medical schools. I am waitlisted at a few schools and EVERYONE keeps talking about how much slower it is this year than last year. When I looked back to last years thread, same thing. Every year movement is slower and slower. At one school, there hasn't been a single person who said that they came off of the waitlist on SDN. That doesn't mean that there hasn't been anybody off of the waitlist, but my guess would be maybe 10.
I had a question for those of you who filled out the alternate response form. Is there any place on the admissions site where there is a confirmation that it has been submitted? Whenever I access the site and the response form section it still allows me to fill it out as if I hadn't before. I've been trying to get a hold of admissions, but I keep getting their voicemail. They didn't return my calls or e-mails on other occasions, so I have no faith they'll do so now.
I had a question for those of you who filled out the alternate response form. Is there any place on the admissions site where there is a confirmation that it has been submitted? Whenever I access the site and the response form section it still allows me to fill it out as if I hadn't before. I've been trying to get a hold of admissions, but I keep getting their voicemail. They didn't return my calls or e-mails on other occasions, so I have no faith they'll do so now.
It did the same for me. It let me fill it out twice but the second time I logged in to check it was already at yes. The very first time it was at nothing I thought and I had to pick yes. Also the message on the acreen after you submit yes said it was confirmed so I'm just going by that...I bet they keep it open sp that f u decide later to pull yourself u can then switch it to no. Like if you hear from another school etc
Withdrew from the alternate list. Good luck to everyone still waiting!
Thanks. I filled it out once, but it was already on "Yes" when I accessed it a second time, and it has my contact numbers already preloaded on the form.
So, if half of those UC are placed on waiting list, does it count only those who received waiting list email already or including future batch receivers? Does any one know? When I called the office, and they told me all the batches of waiting list will be sent within next couple weeks. Thanks in advance
I'm assuming the total number would be 1/2 the UC as more than that would be too much
Dang sounds like its going to be a fairly large list. I don't understand the point of wait-lists unless you're in the top 10. It's just more torture..."we want you but can't take you"... I feel like I've moved forward but there's still that lingering "what if?"...I'm probably going to call in and find out if they are willing to shed some light on my status so I can truly move on. Anyone else working on a new round of applications in the meantime? Ugh...I'm trying to avoid resubmitting apps (because of $$$) but I know I'm just going to have to take the hit soon.
Yeah, I'm reapplying as well, just waiting for my transcript to get in before I submit, Apply early!
I think tomorrow they might release new alts. Its been 1 week since last time! Maybe some acceptances too?
Dang sounds like its going to be a fairly large list. I don't understand the point of wait-lists unless you're in the top 10. It's just more torture..."we want you but can't take you"... I feel like I've moved forward but there's still that lingering "what if?"...I'm probably going to call in and find out if they are willing to shed some light on my status so I can truly move on. Anyone else working on a new round of applications in the meantime? Ugh...I'm trying to avoid resubmitting apps (because of $$$) but I know I'm just going to have to take the hit soon.
Just withdrew my alternate status, so at least that's one less person on the list!
Good luck
I think tomorrow they might release new alts. Its been 1 week since last time! Maybe some acceptances too?

Agreed. Especially since those who received the email already had to notify the school of their decision by today. Hoping tomorrow brings positive news for more of us. Very nervous!
I haven't received anything yet either. Has anybody received any letters since the first batch went out?
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