2012-2013 Medical College of Georgia Application Thread

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Did anyone get a phonecall earlier today from GHSU about inclement weather?

That went out to all residents, faculty, students, etc. It's about tonight. It also include ASU and all of their events.

You should be fine tomorrow if you are interviewing there.

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I was wondering if any of the Athens students know if there is a list on the MCG website somewhere of where the locations for the clerkships are. I see the site for the "community" hospitals, but I would imagine that August and possibly Athens house nearly all of the clerkships. Is that not true? I kinda want to get an idea of how much travel will be involved. I know Augusta students can get a majority of theirs in Augusta, but I don't know if that's true in Athens. I don't mind going to Ft. Benning/Columbus and Brunswick because I know people there.

I contacted IT. He said that we are showing up in some parts of the "system" but not other parts. He said to give it ~24 hours and then try again. If it doesn't work after that, then we should call back.

I contacted IT today, and I was told my password expired last December. I didn't mention that I didn't have an ID until 6 days ago. I can now access the email and pulse.
I contacted IT today, and I was told my password expired last December. I didn't mention that I didn't have an ID until 6 days ago. I can now access the email and pulse.

Yeah, I don't have the energy to call IT to get it fixed. I figure it'll be a while until I need to check that email or register for classes. Good to know it works though.
When did you get your ID? Because I got the email with all the pre-registration requirements. One of them said that "instructions and net ID will be emailed to you soon"...it has been over a month. Should I call up there and see what's up?
Any other Georgians who are still waiting for the Certiphi background check to be completed? It's been almost 3 weeks! I called last week, and they told me they're waiting on records to be sent from Georgia. So I was wondering if there's been a delay for others as well.
I was wondering if any of the Athens students know if there is a list on the MCG website somewhere of where the locations for the clerkships are. I see the site for the "community" hospitals, but I would imagine that August and possibly Athens house nearly all of the clerkships. Is that not true? I kinda want to get an idea of how much travel will be involved. I know Augusta students can get a majority of theirs in Augusta, but I don't know if that's true in Athens. I don't mind going to Ft. Benning/Columbus and Brunswick because I know people there.


There is a lot of fluctuation going on, in regards to clinical rotations, as the two campuses are growing even further apart than initially advertized. By the time you get there, there will be campuses in...


There are sites all around the state for students who do not pick a campus to attend. I don't think there's a reasonable way for you to predict where you will be unless you come to Augusta and are married.
I was wondering if any of the Athens students know if there is a list on the MCG website somewhere of where the locations for the clerkships are. I see the site for the "community" hospitals, but I would imagine that August and possibly Athens house nearly all of the clerkships. Is that not true? I kinda want to get an idea of how much travel will be involved. I know Augusta students can get a majority of theirs in Augusta, but I don't know if that's true in Athens. I don't mind going to Ft. Benning/Columbus and Brunswick because I know people there.


There are now rotations for almost all of the required clerkships in athens, so if you go to the athens campus, you can stay in athens should you choose. There are certain subspecialties that you can choose to go to Augusta for (like a pediatric subspecialty), but otherwise everything can be done in athens. There are also some clerkships up in Gainesville that you can do. Somewhere on the partnership website should be a map with locations available. If you still can't find it, let me know and I'll try to get it to you.
There are now rotations for almost all of the required clerkships in athens, so if you go to the athens campus, you can stay in athens should you choose. There are certain subspecialties that you can choose to go to Augusta for (like a pediatric subspecialty), but otherwise everything can be done in athens. There are also some clerkships up in Gainesville that you can do. Somewhere on the partnership website should be a map with locations available. If you still can't find it, let me know and I'll try to get it to you.

Thanks. I found a list of sites and rotations for the community hospitals but not Athens or Augusta.
I'm going to Athens, not augusta, but I am married.
When did you get your ID? Because I got the email with all the pre-registration requirements. One of them said that "instructions and net ID will be emailed to you soon"...it has been over a month. Should I call up there and see what's up?

I haven't received the login info either
Any other Georgians who are still waiting for the Certiphi background check to be completed? It's been almost 3 weeks! I called last week, and they told me they're waiting on records to be sent from Georgia. So I was wondering if there's been a delay for others as well.

YES! I started my background check 1/10/13...they said it usually takes 3-5 business days to process but it is still processing for me...do you happen to have anything on your record? I had an alcohol violation & arrest that was dropped by the court but is still probably on my record.
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YES! I started my background check 1/10/13...they said it usually takes 3-5 business days to process but it is still processing for me...do you happen to have anything on your record? I had an alcohol violation & arrest that was dropped by the court but is still probably on my record.

Ok, background check done yesterday.
When did you get your ID? Because I got the email with all the pre-registration requirements. One of them said that "instructions and net ID will be emailed to you soon"...it has been over a month. Should I call up there and see what's up?

I might give it a little longer. I got my Net ID a week ago, but it didn't work until two days ago. FYI I was accepted ED and received the pre-registration email mid January. There's really not much you can do with it until closer to July/August.
Does anyone know the next time that the admissions committee is meeting?
Has anyone who interviewed 2 months ago heard anything? I don't know if I should have heard something yet.
Has anyone who interviewed 2 months ago heard anything? I don't know if I should have heard something yet.

I interviewed almost 3 months ago and haven't heard anything. Judging from the size of the FB group, there are still many spots waiting to be filled. The group has 83 members as opposed to the class of 2015 group which has like 280 or so members. I doubt they'll send another wave of acceptances until the beginning of March.
Has anyone who interviewed 2 months ago heard anything? I don't know if I should have heard something yet.

I interviewed almost 3 months ago and haven't heard anything. Judging from the size of the FB group, there are still many spots waiting to be filled. The group has 83 members as opposed to the class of 2015 group which has like 280 or so members. I doubt they'll send another wave of acceptances until the beginning of March.

Don't give up hope. I interviewed at the beginning of the cycle but didn't hear back until like mid-December... long after others.

Also... I wouldn't judge by the fbook group... I probably won't even join even if by the off chance I do decide to go to MCG.
Does anyone know the next time that the admissions committee is meeting?

Just called admissions. The committee met last night, so she said some acceptances will possibly go out today or some time next week. The next committee meeting will also be either next week or the week after.

Has anyone who interviewed 2 months ago heard anything? I don't know if I should have heard something yet.

I asked her this, but she didn't really answer what's going on with my file...She just went back to when acceptance decisions will be released..

I also asked her if she knew how many seats had already been taken yet, but apparently that information hasn't been released yet..
Got the net ID and password email today. It says we're supposed to change the password through outlook first, but anyone know how we log on to outlook in the first place? I thought I'd try outlook.com, but it's not working on there..
Just called admissions. The committee met last night, so she said some acceptances will possibly go out today or some time next week. The next committee meeting will also be either next week or the week after.

I asked her this, but she didn't really answer what's going on with my file...She just went back to when acceptance decisions will be released..

I also asked her if she knew how many seats had already been taken yet, but apparently that information hasn't been released yet..

At this rate I will be half way through M1 at another school by the time I get my acceptance email lol. They said they have had an 18% increase in apps this year and already accepted a third of the class from early decision...guess that's what we get for being indecisive HA!
At this rate I will be half way through M1 at another school by the time I get my acceptance email lol. They said they have had an 18% increase in apps this year and already accepted a third of the class from early decision...guess that's what we get for being indecisive HA!

Haha, hopefully you'll hear back soon :xf: Maybe call admissions on Monday and find out when they meet/plan to send out acceptances next?

Also, does anyone know if lab time is scheduled into lecture time (8-12) or is held separately in the afternoons?
Haha, hopefully you'll hear back soon :xf: Maybe call admissions on Monday and find out when they meet/plan to send out acceptances next?

Also, does anyone know if lab time is scheduled into lecture time (8-12) or is held separately in the afternoons?

Labs are always between 8-12, they take out lecture time.
Anyone else going to second look tomorrow? I really want to, but don't have a host so will probably pass.
for those who received their net ID info but have been unable to log into anything, try this as your pw:

the first letter of your last name (capitalized) followed by your full SSN and then an exclamation point (!). So, for example, if my SSN was 123456789, my initial login would be "H123456789!" Go to password.georgiahealth.edu to change your password.

I had trouble logging into my email, so I emailed admissions, and this is the solution they gave me.
Haha, hopefully you'll hear back soon :xf: Maybe call admissions on Monday and find out when they meet/plan to send out acceptances next?

I have 3 acceptances so I'm not holding my breath, but thanks anyway.
I'm getting more and more excited about starting at MCG in August!

Where are the "cool" areas of Augusta/near MCG? I've started to look for apartments.
for those who received their net ID info but have been unable to log into anything, try this as your pw:

the first letter of your last name (capitalized) followed by your full SSN and then an exclamation point (!). So, for example, if my SSN was 123456789, my initial login would be "H123456789!" Go to password.georgiahealth.edu to change your password.

I had trouble logging into my email, so I emailed admissions, and this is the solution they gave me.

This worked for me, thanks.
Does anyone have an idea of when it starts to get really difficult finding an apartment around MCG? I've looked at a couple of places but probably won't start a lease until closer to late spring/summer. I'll probably be matriculating to MCG, but just in case I get into one of my top choice schools, I don't want to have wasted a couple hundred dollars..
Anyone know when the next round of campus assignments is?
I spoke with Mrs.DeVaughn yesterday at a pre-health fair my school held and she said that the adcom will be meeting every Tuesday and Thursday in March to make final decisions, and that hopefully all final decisions will be made by the first week of April.
Is MCG still offering free download of microsoft office to accepted students? Does anyone know where to go for the download?
Is MCG still offering free download of microsoft office to accepted students? Does anyone know where to go for the download?

discounted through the library
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