2014-2015 University of California - San Francisco Application Thread

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Accepted!!!!!!! AHHH!!! They just sent me an email!!!
When did you interview? Do you also have a status change in your applicant portal?

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When did you interview? Do you also have a status change in your applicant portal?

Interviewed in early October! I do have an offer tab in the portal (which I checked after receiving the email)
Just got the official waitlist email (and yes, it actually has UCSF listed as the school, this time). Not sure what was up with the earlier letter, but it's the real deal now.

Just trying to remind myself that there's typically great waitlist movement here, so it's not the kiss of death. Congrats to all who were accepted, though.
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Got the official acceptance email! Interviewed on 10/9. Good luck to everyone else!
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Was just rejected. This hurts really REALLY bad. Congrats to you all.
I'M IN! I'M....


Ooof. So close but so far. While they say their WL gets good action, I'm mentally going to take this as a rejection. Just honoured to have interviewed here. To make myself feel better, I picked out at least two glaring grammatical errors in their waitlist letter.

Super huge congrats to all accepted! That's monumental and this school is a true beaut! My condolences to those with rejections; as Dean Wofsy said, try not to take it as a personal blow. If it's any consolation, you're in some really good company!
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For those who didnt get in, stay strong my friends!
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Also just rejected post interview =\ congrats to everyone accepted and good luck to everyone else!
ACCEPTED! DREAM SCHOOL! :zip: My mood tonight!

Congratulations to everyone and to those waitlisted, half of the people come off! It really does get good action, so do not be discouraged!

Happy holidays everyone!
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Congratulations everyone!!! This school speaks for itself, and I'm really happy to hear about everyone's successes.

Haven't seen any updates on my portal yet. I may be rejected...... or accepted........or wait listed. Interviewed on 10/27 so I am keeping my fingers crossed. I never thought I'd be enjoying this process as much as I am. Best of luck!!!!
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Rejected post-secondary in late Oct/early Nov. Congrats to all you amazing acceptees! :bow:
I don't have a facebook! :confused: What is everyone thinking in regards to housing? I know it might be early on, but let's assume this was your final choice and you are set to go here. Would you dorm? Single apartment? I was looking at the costs of apartments in SF, and my face went from :) to:eyebrow: .

Happy Holidays everyone! I wish you all success in your application process.
I was wondering the same thing. I also wanted to know who actually creates the FB group.

Here is an update. I looked at last year's thread and one of the current students made the group last year.
Has anyone got the admissions packet in the mail?

Since they are changing some of the curriculum, I really wanna know what our curriculum will look like. Anyone know anything about that.
I interviewed back in October and have yet to hear back with an acceptance/rejection/wait-list notice. I could have sworn it was mentioned that people would be notified in batches. If so, I am currently in limbo. Anyone else in the same predicament?
Since they are changing some of the curriculum, I really wanna know what our curriculum will look like. Anyone know anything about that.
There is some information on their website. http://meded.ucsf.edu/bridges

There is a handout there for next year's entering class (might be the same one from interview day). It's intriguing but rather vague:
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Hey everyone - I'm trying to coordinate a trip out here for second look in April! Are there generally student hosts available for the weekend? What's the schedule of activities?
Hey everyone - I'm trying to coordinate a trip out here for second look in April! Are there generally student hosts available for the weekend? What's the schedule of activities?

Hey man,

The online application said that more information will be sent to us in March.
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For those who have interviewed and not yet heard anything, what does it say on your status page? Mine says only that my interview has been scheduled for XX/XX, is that what it says for you as well?
For those who have interviewed and not yet heard anything, what does it say on your status page? Mine says only that my interview has been scheduled for XX/XX, is that what it says for you as well?
When did you submit your secondary?
Any IIs recently? Submitted secondary early Nov, haven't heard anything!

Stone-cold silence for me too, submitted mid Oct. Not expecting much, but this process is so unpredictable you never know.
...I spoke too soon. Rejected just now, secondary submitted 10/14. Figured I didn't have much of a shot, but it never hurts to dream. C'est la vie.
Rejected just now, secondary submitted 10/26. LizzyM score of 65-66. I predict a wave of rejections just came out....
Rejected today . . . I had gotten a secondary in October. LizzyM of 76. I actually sent the dean an update earlier today . . . Wish I had waited.
Rejected today . . . I had gotten a secondary in October. LizzyM of 76. I actually sent the dean an update earlier today . . . Wish I had waited.

Sorry :/ do you mind if I ask you when you submitted the secondary? and pre or post-interview?
Holy smokes!!! I just got an interview invite!! Complete mid NOv.
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Pretty sure I spent all my Christmas money for nothing on this school's secondary, but it didn't hurt to try. :p *waits for rejection*
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Pretty sure I spent all my Christmas money for nothing on this school's secondary, but it didn't hurt to try. :p *waits for rejection*

I'm with you on this one. I just received the secondary 30 minutes ago... will fill out, hope for the best and expect the worst. Lol. But good luck to us both!
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