2015-2016 Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine Application Thread

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CT invite! Complete 7/16.

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Those of you who got IIs, did the invitation come in the email or did the email simply say to check your portal (which then has the II)?
Those of you who got IIs, did the invitation come in the email or did the email simply say to check your portal (which then has the II)?
The Admissions Committee of the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine has reviewed your application and is pleased to offer you interviews to both the University Track & College Track.

Please view the interview invitation letter posted on your iApply Status page for further details and for interview scheduling."
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Hmm. Thanks. I got a UT rejection email and a CT "status change" email. On the portal, UT has "no messages" and CT has the interview scheduling. I just wanted to make sure that the II is real and not just a glitch before jumping for joy... Anyone in the same boat/didn't get both UT and CT IIs at the same time?
Hmm. Thanks. I got a UT rejection email and a CT "status change" email. On the portal, UT has "no messages" and CT has the interview scheduling. I just wanted to make sure that the II is real and not just a glitch before jumping for joy... Anyone in the same boat/didn't get both UT and CT IIs at the same time?

I never received a rejection email to UT, but I later checked the portal there was a "No Interview Invite" notice for UT. This morning received the same CT "status change" email and lo and behold I saw the II for CT. So definitely think we had a similar experience! Congrats on the II!
Alright, thanks! I hope they won't be like "who is this guy??" when I show up for the interview! Congrats to you too!
Put on hold and was contacted by adcom because I "didn't have any letters of recommendation from your research advisers in my application."
Yikes! I'm actually curious about this one - do they always require ALL of your research advisors to submit letters?
Technically, I've had 5 research mentors. I have letters from 3 of them, but I didn't ask the other 2 because I was in their labs for very short stints and they were a long time ago. Is this going to be a problem? If I need those letters I guess I should ask ASAP..
Yikes! I'm actually curious about this one - do they always require ALL of your research advisors to submit letters?
Technically, I've had 5 research mentors. I have letters from 3 of them, but I didn't ask the other 2 because I was in their labs for very short stints and they were a long time ago. Is this going to be a problem? If I need those letters I guess I should ask ASAP..

CCLCM requires at least one research letter, not necessarily one from every lab you've ever worked in. MissKitty was probably contacted because she didn't have any research LORs in her file.
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CCLCM requires at least one research letter, not necessarily one from every lab you've ever worked in. MissKitty was probably contacted because she didn't have any research LORs in her file.
MissKitty (HE) was contacted because the reviewers didn't see the ones that were in there. :)
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Come on @soccerkd ... it's obvious that Miss is short for Mister. Rookie mistake.
Oh gosh. I realize the capitalization and wording made me sound rude...

Haven't had my coffee yet.

Miss Kitty is the nickname I got when I joined my first gay volleyball league. I couldn't come up with a good drag name so they gave me that because I am fierce. Meow. :cat:
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MissKitty (HE) was contacted because the reviewers didn't see the ones that were in there.
Doh! Got it, I read your post to mean they couldn't identify 1 of your 3 research mentor letters. That's a hoot that they missed all 3! Probably just a clerical error...
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Doh! Got it, I read your post to mean they couldn't identify 1 of your 3 research mentor letters. That's a hoot that they missed all 3! Probably just a clerical error...
Ha. SMH. They probably have so much going on.
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Oh gosh. I realize the capitalization and wording made me sound like a four letter word for a woman.... AUNT... duh...
Haven't had my coffee yet.

Miss Kitty is the nickname I got when I joined my first gay volleyball league. I couldn't come up with a good pornstar name so they gave me that because I am fierce as F***. Meow. :cat:
You might be my new favorite human.
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Miss Kitty is the nickname I got when I joined my first gay volleyball league. I couldn't come up with a good pornstar name so they gave me that because I am fierce as F***. Meow. :cat:
Yes! Other queer folks! Happy to see fellow LGBT applicants
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OK... so if there is one thing about SDN that I am happy about, it's that I am finding that there are a lot of homosexual applicants and my chances of meeting my soulmate in med school is not as bad as I thought!
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You might be my new favorite human.


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OK... so if there is one thing about SDN that I am happy about, it's that I am finding that there are a lot of homosexual applicants and my chances of meeting my soulmate in med school is not as bad as I thought!

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What is love? Baby don't hurt me. CCLCM don't hurt me. No more.
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Good point.
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A word of caution... Be very careful what you post here.
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A word of caution... Be very careful what you post here.
Meh, nobody has really said anything worrying. I think this has been a fairly pleasant thread!
Meh, nobody has really said anything worrying. I think this has been a fairly pleasant thread!
I know respected physicians who say much worse things than anything I have ever seen on here. We are all human and I would hope that us being funny and KIDDING AROUND would be taken as us having funny personalities and not being brick walls, because there are so many brick walls that get into medical school and it is concerning. Like... how are you going to make patients feel comfortable if you can't even talk to your peers, brah?
*Le Sigh*
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I know respected physicians who say much worse things than anything I have ever seen on here. We are all human and I would hope that us being funny and KIDDING AROUND would be taken as us having funny personalities and not being brick walls, because there are so many brick walls that get into medical school and it is concerning. Like... how are you going to make patients feel comfortable if you can't even talk to your peers, brah?
*Le Sigh*
I don't go to any particular lengths to hide my identity on here...I don't flaunt it, but someone who wanted to figure out who I was, especially someone with access to my application, could surely do so.

Yet, I find myself doubtful that anyone would take the effort to do so unless they saw some particularly egregious breach of propriety. We're just...not worth that amount of effort, for the most part! And hey, adcoms are people too!
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CCLCM requires at least one research letter, not necessarily one from every lab you've ever worked in. MissKitty was probably contacted because she didn't have any research LORs in her file.

Are there current students on the admission committee, or is it composed of only faculty?
Are there current students on the admission committee, or is it composed of only faculty?

Just under half of the adcom is made of students, who are all full voting members. And @adcom101 gives great advice! Don't you agree, @vc7777
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Yet, I find myself doubtful that anyone would take the effort to do so unless they saw some particularly egregious breach of propriety. We're just...not worth that amount of effort, for the most part! And hey, adcoms are people too!
:corny:Go on...I'm listening to your theory...:corny:
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Hi there,

Social threads are fantastic places for getting to know your peers, expressing yourself to the fullest, and venting all the built up steam that the application cycle produces!

This thread is not a social thread. It is an application thread for aspiring professional students that is frequently viewed by professionals and professional students so that both helpful information is available and misinformation is corrected. As such, it is worth noting that this 'professionalism' is an important quality that schools look for in applicants.

This is in no way meant to suggest that levity is frowned upon--on the contrary, it is encouraged! However, please be advised that posting statements that draw attention to perceived immaturity (unprofessional) due to their wildly inappropriate nature (also unprofessional) is a great way to raise questions about your ability to behave yourself (like a grown up!) in the (repeatedly) aforementioned professional environment.

I hope that your application cycles are going well and that you've brought the love of eggplants into your heart.

Aubergine forever,

Brick Wall
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Are there current students on the admission committee, or is it composed of only faculty?
As mentioned by @soccerkd - all the medical students on the admissions committee are full voting members. In fact, some of us have actually been participating longer than some of the faculty. Now - if you'll excuse THIS brick wall - I need to go to admissions committee retreat and give a presentation to new faculty on the admissions committee...
... draw attention to perceived immaturity (unprofessional) due to their wildly inappropriate nature (also unprofessional) is a great way to raise questions about your ability to behave yourself (like a grown up!) in the aforementioned professional environment.

Aubergine forever,

Brick Wall
Well.... then a lot of SDN users should be told this because you guys should see some things that are all over this website that make anything that was ever said on this specific thread seem Rated G.

I also love how you guys are calling yourselves Brick Walls as if I implied everyone in this program is socially inept (totally taken WAY too seriously, unless you are trying to be funny [meow]).

Also, I find it completely unfair that questions about my ability to "behave myself" in a professional environment could ever be judged based on an online website in which no one without my application could identify who I am. I see this website as professional yet not as serious as you guys do, and it is fine that you see it in a different way.

To me, SDN is kind of like a work Christmas party. At work you are extremely professional and serious, but then at the Christmas party you are allowed to dance, talk crap, laugh, and do things without being judged on your capability to be professional the next time you are at work. If you do not like me or think I am incapable of being professional because I was twerking at the party, then I apologize, because what I do in my time away from the REAL professional environment does not carry over into my professional line of work.

I do extremely appreciate all of your feedback and constructive criticism, however. I will keep my posts more "when were you complete?" and "Rejected! OOS" oriented from now on.

It is nice to know that admission committee members are alive and kicking in this time of silence. :cat:


Regina George
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:corny:Go on...I'm listening to your theory...:corny:
If you're attempting to imply that you guys do take the effort to figure out who everyone is in the 'Class of' threads in order to hold it over their heads, well...you do you, I guess. It seems to run contrary to the spirit of the institution being presented by the faculty adcoms, but it's good to know.

Hi there,

Social threads are fantastic places for getting to know your peers, expressing yourself to the fullest, and venting all the built up steam that the application cycle produces!

This thread is not a social thread. It is an application thread for aspiring professional students that is frequently viewed by professionals and professional students so that both helpful information is available and misinformation is corrected. As such, it is worth noting that this 'professionalism' is an important quality that schools look for in applicants.
That impression is directly belied by numerous comments by SDN moderators. During the debate surrounding the institution of the Pre-Allo social thread, one of the primary arguments of the mods against forming such a thread was that we already had outlets for social discussion - they directly mentioned not only the Wolf's den, but also the Class and school-specific threads multiple times.

Basically, it sounds as if you guys are treating these threads as a formal, professional environment when they were neither meant to be so nor treated as such by either the mods or the people who use them. You have every right to do so, I suppose, because there are no rules whatsoever on this, but in that context 'gentle warnings' do not come across as "here's some advice" but rather "I am calling school Security on your quiet study group because you have a few extra people in the common room and I can."

I do not feel that lines were crossed prior to you guys posting your advice. I will no longer be participating in this thread, but I'm sure that responding to you has hurt my chances, if things operate the way that is being implied. However, to be frank, if that is the way things work, I want no part in it. Listening to Dr. Mehta in the Acing...Interview talk made me very excited about the prospect of joining a school with the understanding and accepting culture that she portrayed. Reading the last several posts in this thread has gone a long way towards making me question that culture.
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I am on the adcom and I am not a student. I serve to answer questions and offer helpful advice to this arduous application process. I have never implied anyone crossing the line. All I cautioned was to be careful what you post. If there are students in the adcom reading your post, they can take your post the wrong way. We will likely have over 1500 applications to the CT this year and will offer only 250 IIs for 32 seats. So, don't worry about anonymity as we have more important things to do (like trying to decide who the 250 we want to interview!) than trying to find out who is posting here. Good luck to everyone applying.
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I am on the adcom and I am not a student. I serve to answer questions and offer helpful advice to this arduous application process. I have never implied anyone crossing the line. All I cautioned was to be careful what you post. If there are students in the adcom reading your post, they can take your post the wrong way. We will likely have over 1500 applications to the CT this year and will offer only 250 IIs for 32 seats. So, don't worry about anonymity as we have more important things to do (like trying to decide who the 250 we want to interview!) than trying to find out who is posting here. Good luck to everyone applying.

Bless your heart! Although those are terrifying statistics, you my lovely, are wonderful for calming my nerves about this situation. Good luck with the applications!
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I am on the adcom and I am not a student. I serve to answer questions and offer helpful advice to this arduous application process. I have never implied anyone crossing the line. All I cautioned was to be careful what you post. If there are students in the adcom reading your post, they can take your post the wrong way. We will likely have over 1500 applications to the CT this year and will offer only 250 IIs for 32 seats. So, don't worry about anonymity as we have more important things to do (like trying to decide who the 250 we want to interview!) than trying to find out who is posting here. Good luck to everyone applying.
Thank you! For what it is worth, your initial post was perfectly clear and not, I think, the source of the tension here. I appreciate your warning, as it seems to be sadly accurate.
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I appreciate your warning, as it seems to be sadly accurate.

CCLCM sounds like a dream program, but it gives me pause thinking that the development of this thread represents the culture of the program, especially with its small size and the contribution current students may have in selecting the next class.
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II!!! So excited!!!! Interviewing 10/8
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If you're attempting to imply that you guys do take the effort to figure out who everyone is in the 'Class of' threads in order to hold it over their heads, well...you do you, I guess. It seems to run contrary to the spirit of the institution being presented by the faculty adcoms, but it's good to know.
No - I am echoing what others have posted and putting a finer point on it: a public forum is just that, open to the public. Yes, yes you are all anonymous as you want to be - but does that give you carte blanche? Anonymity does not equate to impunity, agreed? I have been known to jest and joke and have fun as much as any SDNer, believe me. Nobody is "out to get you". As a former mod (like Myuu) I will say please do respect the time and opinions of others on here, and keep things civil.
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No - I am echoing what others have posted and putting a finer point on it: a public forum is just that, open to the public. Yes, yes you are all anonymous as you want to be - but does that give you carte blanche? Anonymity does not equate to impunity, agreed? I have been known to jest and joke and have fun as much as any SDNer, believe me. Nobody is "out to get you". As a former mod (like Myuu) I will say please do respect the time and opinions of others on here, and keep things civil.
I openly stated that I did NOT consider myself to be anonymous, and I never indicated a desire to be uncivil. I simply said that this IS in fact considered a social thread by SDN standards.

You neither echoed anything nor put a fine point on it. Instead, you quoted a sentence of mine where I explicitly say that 'nobody is out to get us but we should avoid being improper' and made it seem as if that statement was amusingly misguided. If you actually agree with that initial stance then I apologize, but that was very unclear from your popcorn post.
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I openly stated that I did NOT consider myself to be anonymous, and I never indicated a desire to be uncivil. I simply said that this IS in fact considered a social thread by SDN standards.
My "keep it civil" comment was a general forum comment and reflex from my mod days - and not directed at anyone. I also am not anonymous, and I agree entirely with your earlier comment: don't do anything egregious, and yes - we adcoms ARE human
...and on that note...
we make mistakes too! We don't fault ANY of you for venting and being frustrated with the process with our admissions or the entire experience. When mistakes are made, we try to correct them quickly. If problems happen with your application, or things are not smooth on your interview day - let us know. If you have questions about the essay prompts - drop us a line.

There was a LOT of mystery and uncertainty in the process "when I was in your shoes". This process is slow, and anything that doesn't seem correct or fair can be very worrisome. HOWEVER...The price of having NO automatic cutoffs for GPA or MCAT or whatever (beyond what is stated as a mandatory requirement) is that we have humans involved and mistakes are inevitable. Each initial applicant review takes at least 30 minutes - if not hours. I know people who have dragged stacks of applications on holiday to the beach to review while their kids play in the ocean - now THAT'S the spirit of our school: we give each and every one of you a fair shake.

Now, it's very easy for any applicant to get caught up in themselves in this process. I mean, why not? You are told to write a personal statement, complete a bevy of essays that all start to blend together and sound the same, sit for a difficult exam, get people to write letters all about you that you can't even see, and THEN when you think they know everything possibly about you: your interviewers asks you to tell them about something not in your application. :S
...me,me,mememememememe..blech. Just remember we are right here with you.

But, man, I don't envy you guys. I wouldn't want to be there again. I get that you want to talk and share, so please do be social among yourselves or with us.

CCLCM sounds like a dream program, but it gives me pause thinking that the development of this thread represents the culture of the program, especially with its small size and the contribution current students may have in selecting the next class.
If you like CCLCM it is exactly because it is what we, the students, have helped create through stewardship and our culture of "paying it forward". We participate in the development of our future classes and always will. Case in point: my "littlest buddy" in the new first year class was slated to give the first weekly journal club presentation this summer, so I volunteered to come to school and sat and listened to him rehearse, and gave him feedback confidentially the night before. Now, the rest of this summer he's been on Easy Street since he just has to listen to other people present. About an hour ago I found out (indirectly) that instead he has quietly spent every Thursday evening since then doing the exact same thing for his other classmates. THAT, my dear friends, has made me prouder than a peacock. THAT's CCLCM.

So I beg to differ: What I see is an active and diverse student body, taking the time to participate on this thread. I know 9 of the classes (2011 thru 2020) on some level and we are the most chill student body I know of, honestly. At the same time, we care very deeply about our school.
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My "keep it civil" comment was a general forum comment and reflex from my mod days - and not directed at anyone. I also am not anonymous, and I agree entirely with your earlier comment: don't do anything egregious, and yes - we adcoms ARE human
...and on that note...
we make mistakes too! We don't fault ANY of you for venting and being frustrated with the process with our admissions or the entire experience. When mistakes are made, we try to correct them quickly. If problems happen with your application, or things are not smooth on your interview day - let us know. If you have questions about the essay prompts - drop us a line.

There was a LOT of mystery and uncertainty in the process "when I was in your shoes". This process is slow, and anything that doesn't seem correct or fair can be very worrisome. HOWEVER...The price of having NO automatic cutoffs for GPA or MCAT or whatever (beyond what is stated as a mandatory requirement) is that we have humans involved and mistakes are inevitable. Each initial applicant review takes at least 30 minutes - if not hours. I know people who have dragged stacks of applications on holiday to the beach to review while their kids play in the ocean - now THAT'S the spirit of our school: we give each and every one of you a fair shake.

Now, it's very easy for any applicant to get caught up in themselves in this process. I mean, why not? You are told to write a personal statement, complete a bevy of essays that all start to blend together and sound the same, sit for a difficult exam, get people to write letters all about you that you can't even see, and THEN when you think they know everything possibly about you: your interviewers asks you to tell them about something not in your application. :S
...me,me,mememememememe..blech. Just remember we are right here with you.

But, man, I don't envy you guys. I wouldn't want to be there again. I get that you want to talk and share, so please do be social among yourselves or with us.

If you like CCLCM it is exactly because it is what we, the students, have helped create through stewardship and our culture of "paying it forward". We participate in the development of our future classes and always will. Case in point: my "littlest buddy" in the new first year class was slated to give the first weekly journal club presentation this summer, so I volunteered to come to school and sat and listened to him rehearse, and gave him feedback confidentially the night before. Now, the rest of this summer he's been on Easy Street since he just has to listen to other people present. About an hour ago I found out (indirectly) that instead he has quietly spent every Thursday evening since then doing the exact same thing for his other classmates. THAT, my dear friends, has made me prouder than a peacock. THAT's CCLCM.

So I beg to differ: What I see is an active and diverse student body, taking the time to participate on this thread. I know 9 of the classes (2011 thru 2020) on some level and we are the most chill student body I know of, honestly. At the same time, we care very deeply about our school.
Now this is awesome! What you describe reminds me very much of what I loved so much about my undergrad institution. I'm not worried at all about the pace or communication in the cycle...it's still insanely early! So I still hold out hope that I will be fortunate enough to become part of such a dedicated, cohesive student body! And thank you guys for the efforts you do put in for admissions...writing that many essays was painful enough, I'm not sure I could remain sane while reading that many responses to 'em! :laugh:
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Got an II here on 8/28, but didn't receive an email notification about. Big surprise when I randomly decided to check the portal!
Rejected last week via status update. Not entirely surprised based on my career choices. Best of luck everyone!