2017-2018 University of Pittsburgh

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anyone who interviewed get to see the city? Or where students live? Im going soon... I heard its up and coming but...
Agreed, Pittsburgh is a cool place. It's very much a city of neighborhoods, which I like in a city. Definitely take some time to wander the university area (where most med students live) and downtown to see how they feel to you.

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Honestly that's how they made it seem for us too. I was at one of the first interview dates and they heavily implied that chances of acceptance were higher because we interviewed early. I thought maybe they were just trying to be nice but if they do rolling type admissions that makes sense...

This really sucks because now I want to fit in, and its going to cost a butt load to change flights/hotels just so I don't do it super late in December...
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Does Pitt value letters of intent post II? And if so, where do I submit mine?
I think we were told on interview days you can send those if you are waitlisted. I think also told us not to send thank you notes.

I definitely don' remember that part, I sent a thank you not to the admissions email. Hopefully that doesn' negatively affect me.
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It may be my military mindset, or just being from a small town but I find it unprofessional not to thank someone for their time. I also find it unprofessional if schools silently reject applicants. Thank God I have seen pitt responds to everyone. It just really bothers me, people have YEARS invested in this not to mention paying the school the secondary fee. To me I think that should be enough to at least warrant some acknowledgement whether positive or negative.
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I definitely don' remember that part, I sent a thank you not to the admissions email. Hopefully that doesn' negatively affect me.
Hey. Don’t worry it won’t. I specifically asked about sending thank you emails. They said it was fine and told me where I should send them. My student interviewer was nice enough to give me their email address and so I emailed a thank you to them directly. They never discouraged follow-up
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Hey. Don’t worry it won’t. I specifically asked about sending thank you emails. They said it was fine and told me where I should send them. My student interviewer was nice enough to give me their email address and so I emailed a thank you to them directly. They never discouraged follow-up
I also sent a thank you note! Not to admissions but to my interviewer and she replied kindly
For those of you who already interviewed here, is the tour a lot of outside walking and if so, is it something that seems feasible to do in my 4" interview heels? XD
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For those of you who already interviewed here, is the tour a lot of outside walking and if so, is it something that seems feasible to do in my 4" interview heels? XD

I would suggest bringing other shoes. They even suggest women wear comfortable shoes and say so before the tour. My fit it had the tour and interview day at 4 miles and 26 floors walked up. They took us all around the campus the multiple teaching hospitals And even the city immediately surrounding Pitt, quite a bit was outside. And Pitt is VERY steep hills. Take that for what you will.
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I would suggest bringing other shoes. They even suggest women wear comfortable shoes and say so before the tour. My fit it had the tour and interview day at 4 miles and 26 floors walked up. They took us all around the campus the multiple teaching hospitals And even the city immediately surrounding Pitt, quite a bit was outside. And Pitt is VERY steep hills. Take that for what you will.
This was extremely helpful and good to know. Thanks so much!! (also four miles whaaaaaaaaaaat)
This was extremely helpful and good to know. Thanks so much!! (also four miles whaaaaaaaaaaat)
almost everyone at my interview day switched shoes. some guys also swapped for tennis shoes. the girls switched to flats. its a very thorough look at pitt's hospitals and campus (at least the parts within walking distance):)
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Huh, I may have misheard then, or confused it with anther school. My apologies

I definitely don' remember that part, I sent a thank you not to the admissions email. Hopefully that doesn' negatively affect me.

Hey. Don’t worry it won’t. I specifically asked about sending thank you emails. They said it was fine and told me where I should send them. My student interviewer was nice enough to give me their email address and so I emailed a thank you to them directly. They never discouraged follow-up

I also sent a thank you note! Not to admissions but to my interviewer and she replied kindly
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This was extremely helpful and good to know. Thanks so much!! (also four miles whaaaaaaaaaaat)

Haha one fact that Pitt is VERY proud about is that they were ranked 12th fittest campus in the nation...so wearing a suit on the tour was a workout in itself.
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Yes, sending thank you emails/notes is appreciated but not expected.
Comfy shoes are a plus, don't want to be holding up the group.
They call the hill leading up to the school cardiac hill for a reason. So if you attend Pitt, you will have the most beautiful calves. Mine now sparkle like the eyes of anime characters, they are just that fit and lovely.
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We come from so many backgrounds, from students that have experienced homelessness to those who are extremely wealthy. We've had people who have made a lot of mistakes and those that took your usual route. We have those neurotic people and quite a few people who know how to get down. We have research fiends and then people like myself who hate research (came here to get out of my comfort zone). We have cool kids and dorks. We are different in every way, which I guess is normal at most schools. But we embrace the differences and actually focus on doing events that others like that we don't to bond as a class. Pitt takes your whole life story into account. I wasn't top of my class GPA-wise, did well on my mcat, had a hella complicated upbringing and I feel they took all that into account.

Man, I love your reply PiggyPug6. You say that you are all different-- but is everyone pretty articulate and responsive, or like you seem to be from your post? I don't want to go to a school where people are only about research, career and competition and are not self reflective or related... I am also interested in medicine and social action. The info on the school seemed like a good fit, and I'm interviewing next week.
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We come from so many backgrounds, from students that have experienced homelessness to those who are extremely wealthy. We've had people who have made a lot of mistakes and those that took your usual route. We have those neurotic people and quite a few people who know how to get down. We have research fiends and then people like myself who hate research (came here to get out of my comfort zone). We have cool kids and dorks. We are different in every way, which I guess is normal at most schools. But we embrace the differences and actually focus on doing events that others like that we don't to bond as a class. Pitt takes your whole life story into account. I wasn't top of my class GPA-wise, did well on my mcat, had a hella complicated upbringing and I feel they took all that into account.
Just got the rejection email. They sent the email 3x. So they really wanted to rub it in lol. Complete mid sept. LM 72-74.
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Rejection this morning LM 68, IS, completed mid-Sept. Oh well.
Not a shocker, but rejected this morning. Complete 9/8. Good luck all!
Rejection this morning LM 69, OOS. Not surprised. Best of luck to everyone else.
Does anyone have a copy of the rejection email sent by pitt?

Could you paste it here, without of course the deans information. Just want to see if it is the same for everyone.
Does anyone have a copy of the rejection email sent by pitt?

Could you paste it here, without of course the deans information. Just want to see if it is the same for everyone.

I am writing to advise you of the status of your application to the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. In these very competitive times, it becomes increasingly difficult for us to choose the best among the outstanding people who submit applications to us. The Admissions Committee of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine has decided not to admit you in this application year.

I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news. My review of your application tells me how hard you have worked toward becoming a physician. I extend my best wishes for your future career.
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II sent today! LizzyM 67, complete first week Sept, OOS but currently living/working in Pittsburgh. Completely shocked after seeing the stats of the people rejected today so I guess ties to the area definitely count...
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rejected, complete late august
We come from so many backgrounds, from students that have experienced homelessness to those who are extremely wealthy. We've had people who have made a lot of mistakes and those that took your usual route. We have those neurotic people and quite a few people who know how to get down. We have research fiends and then people like myself who hate research (came here to get out of my comfort zone). We have cool kids and dorks. We are different in every way, which I guess is normal at most schools. But we embrace the differences and actually focus on doing events that others like that we don't to bond as a class. Pitt takes your whole life story into account. I wasn't top of my class GPA-wise, did well on my mcat, had a hella complicated upbringing and I feel they took all that into account.

Man, I love your reply PiggyPug6. You say that you are all different-- but is everyone pretty articulate and responsive, or like you seem to be from your post? I don't want to go to a school where people are only about research, career and competition and are not self reflective or related... I am also interested in medicine and social action. The info on the school seemed like a good fit, and I'm interviewing next week.

Well thank you. I'd say there are a few uptight people in our class, we are in Med school after all, but for the most part, we love to communicate and help each other out. My classmates offer so many resources, because it's important that we all succeed, that sometimes I can't keep track.
Getting involved in the Pittsburgh community is pretty easy. You don't even have to go through the school. Though the clinics here are a great resource for many and a wonderful learning opportunity. We are certainly about more than just research.
Pitt does try to make us talk about and reflect on issues that may be outside of the realm of what many of us have experienced, which I like. It depends on who else is in your group and how far you're willing to push the conversation, but Pitt does try to give you the space to discuss sensitive and pivotal social issues. We all still have a lot to learn, but I find many of my classmates acknowledge that.
Not sure if that made any sense, but hopefully it's something.
Thanks so much again. Really looking forward to my interview...
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Recently interviewed here and the tour and day made it my top choice. Despite that, I think I really screwed up my faculty interview. Here's to hoping somehow they have pity on me :/
Recently interviewed here and the tour and day made it my top choice. Despite that, I think I really screwed up my faculty interview. Here's to hoping somehow they have pity on me :/
Exactly the same happened to me earlier in October. Don't think about it, all we can do for now is waiting.
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Does anyone feel as though they did exceptionally well during the group portions of the interview? I felt as though it would have been hard to bomb them but also no way to really stand out either

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Does anyone feel as though they did exceptionally well during the group portions of the interview? I felt as though it would have been hard to bomb them but also no way to really stand out either

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that's probably a good thing haha
Does anyone feel as though they did exceptionally well during the group portions of the interview? I felt as though it would have been hard to bomb them but also no way to really stand out either

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There was someone in my group interview who prob wrecked his chances. Not sure if he was aware of it though.
What makes you think you screwed up your faculty interview?

I don't think I had solid answers for some questions, and I just generally don't believe I came across as passionate. Also said some stupid things. It was so casual, I don't know how my interviewer got much of an idea about who I am. It's hard to come up with specifics, it almost feels like I black out during interviews, ha.

I hope Pitt forgives me, as I would most likely matriculate and I think I'd be a good fit!
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Paranoid this was me now

So our scenario was some researcher, Ahmed, at a genome center who finds out his coworker is only reporting data that favors her research hypothesis. He also later finds out she has been doing this for months.

As we're discussing how this is horrible and what not, this one interviewee says maybe we should do nothing, depending on how "important" the research was. Like if it was Nature worthy, ok, but to let it slide if it was some trivial research. At a later point he interrupts another interviewee and suggests finding out if the lying researcher is friends with the PI and if reporting her would get you in trouble, and maybe let it slide so as to prevent yourself from getting in trouble.........I literally can't make this up lol. Our faculty facilitator was the dean of admissions.
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So our scenario was some researcher, Ahmed, at a genome center who finds out his coworker is only reporting data that favors her research hypothesis. He also later finds out she has been doing this for months.

As we're discussing how this is horrible and what not, this one interviewee says maybe we should do nothing, depending on how "important" the research was. Like if it was Nature worthy, ok, but to let it slide if it was some trivial research. At a later point he interrupts another interviewee and suggests finding out if the lying researcher is friends with the PI and if reporting her would get you in trouble, and maybe let it slide so as to prevent yourself from getting in trouble.........I literally can't make this up lol. Our faculty facilitator was the dean of admissions.

That's wild. I didn't have anything that bad in any group discussions I've been in. My Pitt group interview was great, but at another school there were two guys that just kept cutting people off. I figured that's more of what they typically evaluate...whether or not you are able to back off and let other people share in a group discussion and participate yourself.