2021-2022 Miami

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The Real PG
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10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
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Thank you to @lohengramm for sharing this year's questions!

2021-2022 Miami Secondary Essay Prompts:
APPLICANT NARRATIVES: (All narrative responses should be less than 500 words each).
1. What have you done during the recent COVID-19 pandemic that will better prepare you to be a medical student and future physician?

2. Why have you selected the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine for your medical education? Please be as specific as possible.

3. Please provide a chronological list with dates AND a brief description of your clinical experiences/shadowing.

4. Please provide a chronological list with dates of your community service/volunteering.

5. Please discuss a situation where you had to use your leadership skills.

6. Please briefly discuss your research experience.

7. Please provide a chronological list with dates of your employment.

8. What have you done to help identify, address and correct an issue of systemic discrimination?

9. [OPTIONAL] Provide a description of any activities involving the FINE ARTS (dance, drama, music, art, photography, etc.
[OPTIONAL] Provide a description of any activities involving SPORTS (organized team sports, recreational activities that you play, watch or follow)

10. [OPTIONAL] Describe your most meaningful involvement in STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS.

11. [OPTIONAL] Provide a description of your most memorable TRAVEL experience.

12. [OPTIONAL] Provide a description of your HOBBIES and what you do for fun and relaxation.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview Feedback:

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applying with a 512 (130,126,128,128) and a 3.82 cgpa, 3.87 sgpa. Above avg. EC and good P.S.. Do you think I have a shot at an interview with my stats? I dont know if this matters but I go to a top 5 public school and am a ORM.
applying with a 512 (130,126,128,128) and a 3.82 cgpa, 3.87 sgpa. Above avg. EC and good P.S.. Do you think I have a shot at an interview with my stats? I dont know if this matters but I go to a top 5 public school and am a ORM.
My friend was a CA applicant and had a 3.7 and a lower MCAT. She was accepted here but ultimately goes to one of the private schools in my state now instead since she went to this school for undergrad as well.
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applying with a 512 (130,126,128,128) and a 3.82 cgpa, 3.87 sgpa. Above avg. EC and good P.S.. Do you think I have a shot at an interview with my stats? I dont know if this matters but I go to a top 5 public school and am a ORM.
From what I have seen and heard, I believe this school isn't quite as stats-focused as some others. They also have (at least in previous years) a pretty lengthy and in-depth secondary which seems to support the idea that they place strong focus on ECs and essay responses and not just your numbers.
Wow, can’t believe it’s about to be 2 years since I submitted my AMCAS application!

Just got done with MS1 year at UMiami; as usual, PM or comment if anyone has any questions about the program or the city of Miami in general.
Wow, can’t believe it’s about to be 2 years since I submitted my AMCAS application!

Just got done with MS1 year at UMiami; as usual, PM or comment if anyone has any questions about the program or the city of Miami in general.
Hey! UMiami is my dream school! I would love to PM you, but it says I can't see your profile. Do you have to allow me to PM you?
Hey! UMiami is my dream school! I would love to PM you, but it says I can't see your profile. Do you have to allow me to PM you?
Try hovering over my name and selecting "Start a Conversation" on the pop-up box. If it doesn't work I can PM you

UMiami is my dream school and my little sister currently goes there for undergrad. I got a 513 (130,128,127,128) on the MCAT and I have a 3.82 cGPA and 3.75 sGPA. I have research experience at a national primate center, I go to a prestigious university, and I believe that my PS is good. I am spending so much time working on the UMiami secondary application and I think I am going to do every optional essay.

Can someone who currently goes maybe let me know the chances they believe I have? I also just need help in general. This school is my #1 and it would be an absolute dream of mine to go here.

Good luck to everyone else applying this cycle!
When it says "all applicant narratives should be less than 500 words." Does this mean TOTAL you should only be writing 500 words, or less than 500 words for each essay?
Did anyone receive a UM secondary yet? I was verifying on the first day but have not gotten anything.
When it says "all applicant narratives should be less than 500 words." Does this mean TOTAL you should only be writing 500 words, or less than 500 words for each essay?
Most likely means less than 500 words for each essay lol I doubt it would be total 500 words since there are so many questions
Hey everyone, MS3 here at Miami and happy to help anyone who has questions etc. For background I was born and raised down here, did undergrad here (neuro major) and took a gap year before starting. Any questions about the new curriculum should prob go to @Icebird because I didn’t go through it but for anything else Miller or Miami related feel free to PM me!
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What kind of screen does Miami have?
"UM Miller wiill send Secondary Applications to nearly every applicant who has applied to the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. The Admissions Committee reserves the right to not send a Secondary Application to applicants who have an extremely low GPA or MCAT score, or have an unacceptable criminal or institution actions. The University of Miami values diversity and accomplishments applicants have had prior to medical school. For this reason, we do not eliminate applicants solely on failing to have a specific academic metric. If an applicant has low academic metrics, the entire AMCAS application will be reviewed to determine if a Secondary Application will be sent."

This is from their website.
I swear to God if they keep that "what have you done to help identify, address and correct an issue of systematic discrimination" secondary from last year someone is going to get hurt.
Hi y'all, MD/MPH MS4 checking in to say hello! Happy to do my best to answer any questions about my experience but at this point i'm an old fart who knows basically nothing about the new curriculum so those kind of questions are definitely better directed towards some of the others with more recent knowledge haha
is this the same as the acknowledgment email? I got that, but with nothing on it about a secondary

The email should include some sentence like "you will receive an email about whether or not you'll be receiving a secondary soon"
IS received.
APPLICANT NARRATIVES: (All narrative responses should be less than 500 words each).
What have you done during the recent COVID-19 pandemic that will better prepare you to be a medical student and future physician?

Why have you selected the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine for your medical education? Please be as specific as possible.

Please provide a chronological list with dates AND a brief description of your clinical experiences/shadowing.

Please provide a chronological list with dates of your community service/volunteering.

Please discuss a situation where you had to use your leadership skills.

Please briefly discuss your research experience.

Please provide a chronological list with dates of your employment.

What have you done to help identify, address and correct an issue of systemic discrimination?

[OPTIONAL] Provide a description of any activities involving the FINE ARTS (dance, drama, music, art, photography, etc.
[OPTIONAL] Provide a description of any activities involving SPORTS (organized team sports, recreational activities that you play, watch or follow)

[OPTIONAL] Describe your most meaningful involvement in STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS.

[OPTIONAL] Provide a description of your most memorable TRAVEL experience.

[OPTIONAL] Provide a description of your HOBBIES and what you do for fun and relaxation.
the instructions say that we can select MD-PhD, but that is not the case. anyone know why?
Gonna go ahead and try to head this one off here since it caused much consternation last year (Disclaimer, not on adcom and have no inside knowledge beyond being a fairly involved student here for 3 years). Resharing this from last year's thread regarding the systemic discrimination question. Hopefully some of you may find it helpful.

- They know that none of you will have solved racism
- Big protests are not the only way to make change, and small actions can mean a lot
- Have you ever witnessed an incident of discrimination (racial, gender, sexual orientation, language, financial status, something else...)? Were you able to intervene or help in anyway? If so how? if not, did you learn anything you would do next time?
- Has a friend ever come to you to discuss their experience with discrimination? were you able to support them somehow?
- Have you ever challenged a family member or friend who was saying something ****ty?
- Have you ever realized that YOU were contributing to a systemic problem, and taken steps to correct that?
- How have you educated yourself or others about injustices in society?
are we no longer allowed to apply to both the regular MD program AND MD/MPH at the same time?
Do you have to submit the secondary to be able to upload a photo? I do not see a link to do so when clicking into the initial application.
Anyone know what they mean by citizenship number? I was born outside of the states but am a citizen. Can I put my SSN down?