Got off the waitlist about 2 hours ago. What happened today:
- Around 11am, I got an email from the admissions office saying a position "may be available" and asked me to call back to discuss.
- I immediately called, confirmed that this is an official offer, and was asked a few questions whether I will attend if no more financial aid is available and was asked to complete the CSS profile. Here I would also like to remind everyone that in case of your being taken off the waitlist, you would need you and your parent's 2020 (not 2021) W2 and 2020 tax return ready.
I know that Penn's waitlist is insanely hard to get off and is a grueling process for everyone, so I would like to be 100% transparent that I am ORM male, I went to Penn for undergrad, and am working for Penn Medicine currently. More detail can be found in
my post over at re-applicants because I was thinking that I would need to apply again this year.