2021-2022 Pennsylvania State

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I've also seen completely contradicting information. They claim they don't take any update letters or new information after secondary submission but then there is an anecdote in this thread of someone sending updates/support letter and getting in shortly after.

I've always been cautious to follow their 'rules' because I don't want to give the impression that I think the rules don't apply to me. I would send a kind email or phone call to admissions inquiring about sending a LOI, but that's just my opinion.
When I called, they said after April 30.

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Hey everyone, I just checked my CYMS tool on AMCAS and it says that I am on the alternate list for Penn State. Does anyone know if this is the waitlist or something different?
email the admissions team. That should be enough. That's all I did
Hey y'all, can someone please let me know how to withdraw my acceptance? Thanks so much! Good luck to everyone on the alternate list 🙂 I hope it goes to one of you
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Could an accepted student share the size of the group me page? Thank you in advance!
I feel like they WL half of their incoming class with that number
AAMC requires that all schools accept enough students to fill their seats by March 15th, so Penn State has to have at least sent out 150 acceptances. I'm kind of surprised at how few acceptances they seem to have sent out though, so I would guess there is a good deal of WL movement once people start dropping their Penn State As?
AAMC requires that all schools accept enough students to fill their seats by March 15th, so Penn State has to have at least sent out 150 acceptances. I'm kind of surprised at how few acceptances they seem to have sent out though, so I would guess there is a good deal of WL movement once people start dropping their Penn State As?
Why do you feel they have sent out few acceptances? The Facebook page is almost at 200 and I am sure some don't join. I would assume they have already sent out at least 300 acceptances to be honest.
For any currently admitted students, out of curiosity, how many people are currently on the PSUCOM c/o 2026 GroupMe?
I’m surprised at how little movement there has been. if the group me #s are somewhat accurate and with people withdrawing their As, I would think it would be more active🧐
MD acceptances reported off WL from the past 4 cycles on sdn only. Not strong data but seems like PSU pulls people every 2 weeks after PTE deadline (except COVID cycle last year). I didn't look into June though as I assumed most WL movement stops after 5/31

  • 5/10 (Tuesday)
  • 5/24 (Thursday)
  • 5/15 - 5/17 (Wed - Fri)
  • 5/14 (Thursday)
  • 5/29 (Friday)
  • 5/6 (Thursday)
  • 5/21 (Friday)