2021-2022 Temple

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Jan 21, 2016
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Thank you to @Lord_Have_MRSA for sharing this year's questions!

2021-2022 Temple Secondary Essay Prompts: (Each 2000 characters max including spaces)
  1. What is the nature of your interest in the Lewis Katz School of Medicine?
  2. How do you plan on contributing to the Lewis Katz School of Medicine Community? LKSOM seeks an engaged student body with a wide variety of backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and interests to enhance the medical school experience for everyone. Please use the space below to describe what makes you unique as an applicant, an obstacle that you had to overcome, or how you will contribute to the LKSOM community.
  3. Tell us about your special interest in the campus you selected.
  4. What are your plans for the current year - June 2021 until June 2022?
  5. The Coronavirus pandemic has affected all of us.*Please use this space to describe to us how you were impacted academically, personally or professionally by COVID-19.
    Please use this space to describe to us how you were impacted academically, personally or professionally by COVID-19.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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Hi, I'm applying this cycle and was wondering if Temple only asks for a dean's certification on their secondary if you've selected yes to the institutional action question on the primary app? I'm a few years out of school, and the process at my undergraduate to get a dean's certification is pretty long and tedious. If they do request it regardless of what you picked, I was just hoping to get some insights from current students so I can decide if I should apply or just toss it out of my school list. Thanks in advance!
Hi, I'm applying this cycle and was wondering if Temple only asks for a dean's certification on their secondary if you've selected yes to the institutional action question on the primary app? I'm a few years out of school, and the process at my undergraduate to get a dean's certification is pretty long and tedious. If they do request it regardless of what you picked, I was just hoping to get some insights from current students so I can decide if I should apply or just toss it out of my school list. Thanks in advance!
Temple does this? Dang, I applied to this school and didn't see. My IA is only for academic probation because I had a bad semester of grades and my GPA fell below 2.0, does anyone know if I still have to get one of these letters even if my IA isn't a conduct or disciplinary violation?
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Apparently. I'll try shooting them an email as well, and update this thread later on.
Update: They said this form needs to be provided if you selected "yes" both on AMCAS for the IA question, as well as their secondary. I'm not sure whether the form includes academic probation, but in MCW's form that I've posted as an attachment, there is a checkbox for academic probation, so I would assume that other schools that request a Dean's letter are structured similarly, just to be safe. They also said it's an auto prompt if you select "yes" on the secondary, so you don't need to do much on your part unless you want to contact the dean and remind them to send the form back to Temple, if they haven't already.

For any future applicants: if you don't have an IA and mark "no" on both the primary AND secondary, then you will not be required to provide a dean's certification in order to complete your app at Temple.


I was able to access the secondary through the same portal i used last year, but have not received an invitation email for this year. If anyone else is a reapplicant i would give it a check.
Does anyone know if Temple requires the Snapshot and Duet portions of the Casper exam this year?
Does anyone know if Temple requires the Snapshot and Duet portions of the Casper exam this year?
They are requiring Duet and CASPer this year!

Also if folks with secondary prompts could post them, that would be appreciated! My application though submitted early June, isn't verified yet.

I didn't do duet either rip.
I did it and can honestly say it was the dumbest thing ever -- worse than the SJT last year. It like made you choose between program traits that weren't necessarily mutually exclusive or weren't at all comparable. My hope is the schools will realize this and not even use it so maybe you'll be fine :shrug:
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I was able to access the secondary through the same portal i used last year, but have not received an invitation email for this year. If anyone else is a reapplicant i would give it a check.
Would you mind posting the secondary questions for this year/are they the same as last year's? Thank you!!
So for the covid question, is it optional? I wasn't personally affected academically/extracurricularly by it in a significant way, so I wouldn't have much to put for it.
How soon after your apps get verified did you all receive an invite to their secondary? I got verified 6/28 so I am trying to gauge if/when I would receive one...
How soon after your apps get verified did you all receive an invite to their secondary? I got verified 6/28 so I am trying to gauge if/when I would receive one...
I was verified on 6/24. Still no secondary
I am pre-writing in hopes of getting a secondary soon. But for those that received one, is the question:

What are your plans for the current year - June 2021 until June 2022?

Only if you are taking a gap year? I feel like it would be but just making sure
Tell us about your special interest in the campus you selected.

Anyone know where on the website I can find which campuses exist?
Tell us about your special interest in the campus you selected.

Anyone know where on the website I can find which campuses exist?

I used this page but it was still kind of hard to find the differences between them
Tell us about your special interest in the campus you selected.

Anyone know where on the website I can find which campuses exist?
It’s the Philly Campus and then St. Luke’s. Look up St. Luke’s/Temple in google and it’ll take you to their page. Those are the only two campuses.

St. Luke’s is in Bethlehem, PA which is a lot smaller than Philly. I talked about the size difference for my preferred campus.
Temple M4 here....feel free to ask questions. Here are some FAQs I've gotten over the years:

1. Are preclinical classes truly P/F?
- Classes are pass fail but there are internal rankings. Not sure what else they use them since not even AOA is determined from preclinicals. On your deans letter for residency application, they don't say your class rank but they do use some kind of vague descriptor words that represent like "top 25%" or "middle 25%". I'm not sure if programs know what the words actually represent but, regardless, the way that Temple does P/F makes school a lot less stressful. For M3/M4, we work on the F/P/HP/Honors system. HP is pretty standard for everyone to get. Above and beyond gets honors, and to get a pass you kind of have to do something that pissed someone off.

2. What does Temple look for in an applicant?
- Temple cares about students who want to serve the underserved, volunteer their time to help people, acknowledge that inequities exist and want to do something about it. These are things that are emphasized thoroughout the curriculum. They evaluate students very holistically.....grades matter of course but if you app shows your dedicated to helping others it will go a long way. I do not suggest reaching out to admissions as I don't think it will help.

3. Research opportunities at Temple?
- Although research isn't super emphasized, there are endless research possibilities. Literally anyone in my class could reach out to any of the research departments and get involved from M1 if the wanted. I'm not personally a big research person but, I have friends who are going into fields like optho, neurosurgery, urology who got into research very early on and had no problem finding it. The main building of Temple (MERB) is 11 floors high and like 8 of those floors are dedicated to research.

4. Campuses
- Temple has 2 curriculum campuses...one at the medical education and research building (MERB) across from Temple hospital in Philly and the other located in Bethlehem PA. When choosing which program is good for you, you need to assess what you find important to you. My opinion, if community service is something youre really interested in, no question that the Philly campus is where you want to be. I don't know much about the opportunities in Bethlehem but, I know it's not Philly so there can't possibly be as many opportunities. In philly, you can literally do whatever community service your heart desires. Its really great. Other differences between the St. Lukes program in Bethlehem and the main campus in philly is the size of the program. St. Lukes is only 30 students and students do rotations at the same hospital for 3rd and 4th year. At the main campus, students travel all over (mostly Philly area) for 3rd an 4th. Finding a St. Lukes student is probably best to get more info.

5. Are there clubs/opportunities to get involved in leadership?
- SO many clubs, for every specialty, even fun non medical related things. If you have an idea for a club that doesnt exist yet, you can start it very easily.

6. Do I need a car?
- M1/M2 you do not need a car since everything is on the main campus. M3, my friends without cars struggled if they had an away rotation without housing very close to the site. Plan accordingly. This is not a surprise so if you get an away or two and need a car, budget for a rental or set up plans to borrow someones car. I don't understand how my classmates would get mad at admin for not accommodating them...they knew a car might be necessary!

Hope this helps everyone, good luck with the cycle. Feel free to PM with any specific questions. Curriculum I don't know much about since they changed it since I was in M1/M2 but I'm sure someone in the classes below me will be on the site at some point. All I know is that they switched from a 2 pass system (system physiology year 1, system pathology year 2) to a 1 pass system (entire system both physiology and pathology in one long block)
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I am confused I thought nobbody had received secondaries yet?
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I am confused I thought nobbody had received secondaries yet?
Hmmm maybe I assumed someone was correct when they said it was same as last year’s.
I’ll take it down until I see verification from someone who gets it in the email.
Just FYI, I'm a re-applicant so I logged into my portal and tried to access the secondary for this year - got an Access Denied message. On the page there was confirmation that they received my primary so I guess they're waiting to release the secondaries.
Just FYI, I'm a re-applicant so I logged into my portal and tried to access the secondary for this year - got an Access Denied message. On the page there was confirmation that they received my primary so I guess they're waiting to release the secondaries.
That's weird, I was able to access this year's as a reapplicant