2022-2023 Alabama

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Im dying - still no call, still on hold, sent post thank you emails to interviewers, the admissions office and emphasized my focus on USA
USA? did you mean UAB?

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I haven't gotten an acceptance or rejection yet. The last communication was directly after the interview day, and I sent thank you notes to my interviewer.
Same! I have not heard since my interview either. Honestly I am devastated and really hope there are still calls going out today.
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I just got an II yesterday. How was the interview and MMI? How many interviewees were there? I’m really nervous. Any help would be appreciated.
When were you complete?
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I just got an II yesterday. How was the interview and MMI? How many interviewees were there? I’m really nervous. Any help would be appreciated.
There's one one-on-one interview and there are 8 or 9 MMI stations with one of them being a rest station
Does anyone who applied to the MSTP know when I should possibly be hearing back? I interviewed November 16-17. Is it possible that I might be hearing back on December 1st or does the MSTP run on a different schedule than the MD program?
Has anyone been interviewed and/or accepted into the Primary Care Track?
Looks like it as someone got a call. Maybe they decided to get off twitter
Would be wierd to get off twitter mid-cycle after consistently tweeting every announcement over the last couple years. Only scenario I found on their twitter similar to this: they met on Thursday and then did not tweet until Friday afternoon about calls starting to go out. Maybe that is the plan? And the person who go an A on here got it early. idk