2022-2023 Tulane

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Anyone knows when Tulane reaches back about merit scholarships?
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For those already accepted, any idea how many spots are available if there are any?
No clue but the FB chat has 200 people and last year had 380. Quite a few current students are in the chat selling things. The discord also has about 200 people but again quite a few are current students. It’s definitely not the full 190
A question for those ED applicants: do you have to have your MCAT score by Aug.1 or Sep.1? The website says all other application material by Sep.1 but AMCAS transcript by Aug.1 confused because I'm planning to apply ED this year but my MCAT score won't be back until end of Aug.
Do you guys know whether we are still considered for the general pool should we be rejected from ED?
I heard the class is full. Still a chance you could get off the waitlist if someone turns down an acceptance but I’m emotionally prepping for that reapp 🙃
I heard the class is full. Still a chance you could get off the waitlist if someone turns down an acceptance but I’m emotionally prepping for that reapp 🙃
I turned in AMCAS last night. I’m over the wait. I’m a little confused why they wouldn’t send a courtesy email to let us know instead of just leaving us hanging.
Mike said they will once they are a bit closer to their orientation because people have dropped last minute in the past and they don’t want to send out waitlist rejections just yet.
I honestly didn’t ask. All I know is that the class is currently at 190. You should definitely reach out and ask yourself for clarity.
I know a couple people who got in the past week, I think the movement is slow but it’s slowly happening as some people are still dropping
I was also basically told the class was full. Not sure if they looked over my app and decided to say that after but
Does anyone know if Tulane gives application feedback? Interviewed and WL’d but very interested in reapplying in a future cycle.
Is anyone here an accepted Canadian student or went through the ED process as a Canadian student?