What's the approximate range of chance of matching with the waitlist for UTMB, y'all think? E.g., Obviously the ones at the top of the ranking (say, #1-90 spots probably have a good chance, but what about the middle and bottom of the ranking for the waitlist, i.e., #91-191, #192-250)?
When I looked at the previous matching chance (2021 data Google Sheets?), it seemed like there were a decent amount of people who probably don't take the waitlist offer if accepted (since they probably got something else), it seemed like about ~190 offers were accepted for waitlist IIRC, but of course it could vary year-to-year....
(Edit: 190* I meant. Thus, possibly ~190/250; possibly ~76%? ~Total accepted = ~520, total enrolled = ~230. )
(Assuming IIS for the above question.... The number of OOS was extremely small it seemed like. ~223 enrolled IIS vs. ~7 OOS enrolled. Probably because the OOS individuals were interested in going somewhere else: ~45 OOS initially accepted but only 7 OOS took the offer.)