2023-2024 Baylor

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We rotate at Scott & White Memorial Hospital (the main teaching hospital), Mclane's children hospital for pediatrics, and the Olin E. Teague Veterans' Medical Center (the VA). We begin our rotations this October. As such, I do not have much information regarding rotations (just know the locations).
Here's a link to the VA: VA - Olin E. Teague Veterans' Medical Center - Temple VA | TexVet
As for experiences: Scott & White memorial covers 200 square miles, has over 14,000 employes across multiple clinics and the hospital, and sees about 90,000 pathology specimens a year. The community covers multiple patient ages, nationalities, and health conditions.
As for research, we have multiple physicians who are working with us to do research, such as neurosurgery, anesthesiology, pathology, and other specialties.
Scott & White Memorial was recently ranked as the #1 teaching hospital in America by Fortune. Source: Fortune/PINC AI 100 Top Hospitals 2023: Teaching Hospitals
As such, research oppurtunities are plentiful here, as well as seeing pathology in patients.
Hope this helps @doobydodoc
Thank you so much for the info @MCAThiccy!

In terms of research, would you say it's mainly clinical? I've been involved in translational research. I have experience handling datasets using R and Python, as well as a bit of chart review to pull out treatment info but none of my projects so far have been clinical.

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Research here is mainly clinical. For instance, have a classmate who is doing research with patients using ultrasound. Do the patients benefit from the uses of ultrasound, or do they not benefit from the uses of ultrasound with the ER? Clinical research is patient focused and I think that’s really nice. Of course, having experience using R is beneficial when you’re working with the data that you create. Houston research is mainly benchwork, but you can do clinical research there as well. If you choose to do so, you can do benchwork here, too.
Research here is mainly clinical. For instance, have a classmate who is doing research with patients using ultrasound. Do the patients benefit from the uses of ultrasound, or do they not benefit from the uses of ultrasound with the ER? Clinical research is patient focused and I think that’s really nice. Of course, having experience using R is beneficial when you’re working with the data that you create. Houston research is mainly benchwork, but you can do clinical research there as well. If you choose to do so, you can do benchwork here, too.
Arent there a bunch of PhDs there?
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Hi! I was hoping a current student could help answer some of my questions: What does the schedule look like in pre-clinical? Are most lectures in-person/mandatory or recorded? Is it a mix? Also, are lectures typically during certain days/times (morning or afternoon).
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Lectures are done in person but never mandatory. They are recorded and you can watch them at your leisure. Only mandatory component is the PBL session from 10 to noon mon, we’d, and Friday (if the Friday is not an exam day).
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Lectures are done in person but never mandatory. They are recorded and you can watch them at your leisure. Only mandatory component is the PBL session from 10 to noon mon, we’d, and Friday (if the Friday is not an exam day).
Thank you! What is IST on the schedule?
Also, it seems pretty popular to take a research year for competitive specialties, especially at other schools (something I don't want to do haha). Do you think it's easier to get publications before residency apps because of the shortened curriculum/elective time starting pretty early in 3rd year?
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IST means independent study time. With the shortened curriculum, I think it’s easier to spend more time doing research (if you’d like). Instead of learning about amino acids and their letters, you can do research (if you want to look at it like that). To answer your question, yes.
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View attachment 381937 Attached is the 4 year plan as it stands now.
The residency interviews seem kind of misplaced and I suspect it will be redone. The interviews start in October and most finish by mid December. Some of the specialties have to turn in their match list before mid January (?).
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Any issue with submitting letter of intent today, or would it somehow reflect negatively?

Baylor explicitly states on their website that interviewed folks can’t submit app updates, but statement of intent okay — I’ve just summarized why this school is my top choice!
Any issue with submitting letter of intent today, or would it somehow reflect negatively?

Baylor explicitly states on their website that interviewed folks can’t submit app updates, but statement of intent okay — I’ve just summarized why this school is my top choice!
No issue w it but like @MCAThiccy said they rank you on your interview day so it's gonna have no effect prob
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To those who did send a letter of intent, did y’all receive a response that they received it? I submitted a letter of intent in December via the AMP portal and I emailed a copy to the MS Interview email. I didn’t receive a response though 😞
I feel like during open house and interview day, they implied that letter of intent will not help here.
**According to SDN** Last year they accepted a few OOS people on the Monday and Tuesday of the week of match day. Match day was a Friday last year and is this year too, so personally, I have my eyes and hopes on February 12th/13th (plus that whole week in general).
From my understanding, if OOS isn't accepted that week, and if IS do not match, then everyone else is automatically put on the waitlist (which they state is not ranked on BCM website--I believe).
Hope that helps, I'm right there with you hoping and praying for an acceptance!
So, I was wrong about the dates... Baylor Match Day, according to the MSAR, is officially March 1st of this year (a Friday), which was not what I initially had seen on several other websites when I made my previous post... So that makes Feb. 26th the date I have my eyes on for OOS people because it lines up with last year.

Also (possibly dumb question) does anyone know how the OOS waitlist works before they activate it April 30th? Like, by Match day, have they already sent acceptances to their "first-choice/first wave" of OOS students, and the waitlist is just to replace those who may defer their acceptance offer? Any insights on this? Because the 2021-2022 SDN did not show any acceptances for OOS students the week of Match day, and only one OOS in May afterwards from the waitlist... 2022-2023 had 3 OOS off the waitlist during May that wrote about it at least (I recognize that SDN is not comprehensive, but still possibly clues us into the mystery of it all...). Seems to me that after Match day, the only movement for OOS comes from the waitlist being activated after April 30th/in early May....
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So, I was wrong about the dates... Baylor Match Day, according to the MSAR, is officially March 1st of this year (a Friday), which was not what I initially had seen on several other websites when I made my previous post... So that makes Feb. 26th the date I have my eyes on for OOS people because it lines up with last year.

Also (possibly dumb question) does anyone know how the OOS waitlist works before they activate it April 30th? Like, by Match day, have they already sent acceptances to their "first-choice/first wave" of OOS students, and the waitlist is just to replace those who may defer their acceptance offer? Any insights on this? Because the 2021-2022 SDN did not show any acceptances for OOS students the week of Match day, and only one OOS in May afterwards from the waitlist... 2022-2023 had 3 OOS off the waitlist during May that wrote about it at least (I recognize that SDN is not comprehensive, but still possibly clues us into the mystery of it all...). Seems to me that after Match day, the only movement for OOS comes from the waitlist being activated after April 30th/in early May....
Hey I think you are pulling up some old pages because TMDSAS match day is Feb 16 this year.
After match day Baylor might fill spots created by students withdrawing in favor of other schools at any time until orientation starts. Most of this will be over by June. Spots created by OOS students leaving might be filled with other OOS people from the WL, or by Texans from the WL
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Hey I think you are pulling up some old pages because TMDSAS match day is Feb 16 this year.
After match day Baylor might fill spots created by students withdrawing in favor of other schools at any time until orientation starts. Most of this will be over by June. Spots created by OOS students leaving might be filled with other OOS people from the WL, or by Texans from the WL
Agh, thank you, you're correct--it's right there on their website even though the MSAR still says March 1st... So I wasn't crazy after all.
Dang. So are we expecting some more OOS acceptances this week before Match day? Last year it happened on the Monday of Match day week... Hopefully, Tuesday is the day...
Hi all, I just wanted your guys' opinions really quick. I am a Texas resident and have ranked Baylor #1. I know admissions have said the letters of intent do not make a difference whether or not you are accepted/matched outright or not, but they may or may not help get you off the waitlist (that's at least what I heard during my interview/open house). I have not submitted the LOI and it is currently Wednesday night. Would it be better to submit the LOI tomorrow on Thursday before match so that way they already have it, or wait until after match and only send it if I don't match and once I get an email about getting put on the waitlist? I am not entirely sure how long it takes before they put the waitlist together or if it automatic, but if any of you guys have any recommendations or insight I'd love to know! Thanks so much!
Hi all, I just wanted your guys' opinions really quick. I am a Texas resident and have ranked Baylor #1. I know admissions have said the letters of intent do not make a difference whether or not you are accepted/matched outright or not, but they may or may not help get you off the waitlist (that's at least what I heard during my interview/open house). I have not submitted the LOI and it is currently Wednesday night. Would it be better to submit the LOI tomorrow on Thursday before match so that way they already have it, or wait until after match and only send it if I don't match and once I get an email about getting put on the waitlist? I am not entirely sure how long it takes before they put the waitlist together or if it automatic, but if any of you guys have any recommendations or insight I'd love to know! Thanks so much!
I would wait until after match day. There is a chance you match to the school and won’t need to send it. If you send it now, I fear they might forget about it later. If you send it once you’re notified that you’re on the waitlist, it would be more meaningful and memorable
Hi all, I just wanted your guys' opinions really quick. I am a Texas resident and have ranked Baylor #1. I know admissions have said the letters of intent do not make a difference whether or not you are accepted/matched outright or not, but they may or may not help get you off the waitlist (that's at least what I heard during my interview/open house). I have not submitted the LOI and it is currently Wednesday night. Would it be better to submit the LOI tomorrow on Thursday before match so that way they already have it, or wait until after match and only send it if I don't match and once I get an email about getting put on the waitlist? I am not entirely sure how long it takes before they put the waitlist together or if it automatic, but if any of you guys have any recommendations or insight I'd love to know! Thanks so much!
Send it if you are waitlisted
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Happy match day!! Is there an accepted students group chat?
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didn’t match here. do you get automatically placed on the waitlist? And realistically what are the chances of getting it?
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didn't match, I am wondering whether getting off the waitlist would mean an automatic placement in Temple? did that happen last cycle?
matched!!! baylor class of 2028. see you guys there!!!!!!!!!!!
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didn't match, I am wondering whether getting off the waitlist would mean an automatic placement in Temple? did that happen last cycle?
Actually, this year, the Dean explicitly said they would be changing the system so that anyone off the waitlist will be going to Temple. Any open Houston spots would first go to accepted students in Temple, instead of turning to the waitlist. This did not happen last year, but the Dean said he feels this is more equitable so they will be doing it this year.
Is assignment to a campus-based on specific characteristics of a student, or is it random?
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Do we have to pay the deposit before we can get the link to submit campus preference?
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