2023-2024 Boston University

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I guess barely anyone got in because I feel like there were so many more A's on here in December compared to now šŸ˜­
Dont think this is true! BU historically accepts very little students in December and many more in March. I feel as though interviewers are just not calling as much and are allowing students to wait for formal acceptance on Friday.

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A just now, call from interviewer, interview was mid jan
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Boston showing on my CYMS tool as Alternate List just now, haven't received an email or anything from the college.
Iā€™m not holding any other acceptances and I donā€™t see anythingā€¦ does this mean an R?
No i don't think so!!! I think those that hold acceptances are able to see their CYMS tool and basically have early access as a result.
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alt list OOS via CYMS interviewed december
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yeah basically what @scorpionfish said - you only have access to the CYMS once you have an A so not seeing anything doesnā€™t necessarily mean R
I really hope youā€™re right and u still have a chance at an A

Although, my question is, if they released all decisions today, shouldnā€™t I see under CYMS?
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yea it would say accepted
im not saying hypothetically haha im saying literally does anyone who got an A this time around see it in CYMS. since maybe not all decisions update at the same time. Like maybe Alt lists CYMS decisions are sent out separately than As on CYMS
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im not saying hypothetically haha im saying literally does anyone who got an A this time around see it in CYMS. since maybe not all decisions update at the same time. Like maybe Alt lists CYMS decisions are sent out separately than As on CYMS
oh hahaha my b
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im not saying hypothetically haha im saying literally does anyone who got an A this time around see it in CYMS. since maybe not all decisions update at the same time. Like maybe Alt lists CYMS decisions are sent out separately than As on CYMS
This us my only hope tbh because here everyone is only reporting waitlist via CYMS as far as I have seen
I received an A via phone call this morning and I donā€™t see it in my CYMS!
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I received no phone call or anything from BU but I donā€™t see anything from Boston on CYMS. For reference, I have 4 Aā€™s and 2 Alternate lists and theyā€™re all uploaded to CYMS so I have nothing from Boston.

Iā€™m dying to know what this means
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same. I have other As that I see in my portal but nothing from Boston. No call, no email today. I am shaking with nervousness
I received no phone call or anything from BU but I donā€™t see anything from Boston on CYMS. For reference, I have 4 Aā€™s and 2 Alternate lists and theyā€™re all uploaded to CYMS so I have nothing from Boston.

Iā€™m dying to know what this means
same. I have other As that I see in my portal but nothing from Boston. No call, no email today. I am shaking with nervousness

Based off this I think this might mean they only released waistlists today so yall may have a 50/50 shot

All of us without any Aā€™s basically have all 3 outcomes as possibilities tho šŸ˜­

that makes...6 post-ii waitlists now. Most likely going to withdraw from this one though, can't plan life around a WL
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Just to confirm, if I have "alternate list" show up in my AMCAS CYMS tool page, but didn't get an email about it and my application page on their website is the same, I can still assume I'm on the waitlist?
WL tonight. BUs decision making process was gross, and the whole calling people shenanigans just adds insult to injury
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+WL. Does anyone know if BU has a priority, tiered, and/or ranked waitlist structure?
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